Tuesday: Law of Freedom
Read James 1:25. What does he say about the role of the law?
James echoes the Psalms in calling God’s law perfect
(Ps. 19:7) and a way of freedom (Ps. 119:45). But notice that the law in James cannot save us and certainly cannot cleanse us. It shows us God’s ideal, but it cannot make us follow that ideal any more than seeing a world-class athlete perform amazing feats could enable us to do the same. To follow that ideal, we need the power of Christ in our lives.
Read Romans 8:2, 4 and 2 Corinthians 3:17-18. What makes the difference between the law as an instrument of death or as something that shows the way to freedom and life?
Even Paul affirms that not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified
(Rom. 2:13, NKJV). As he says, we can become doers only through the work of the Spirit writing the law on our hearts. Only when we obey it from the heart can the law be a law of freedom.
Thus, the problem is not with the law but with us. We forget who we really are: sinners in constant need of a Savior. Outside of Christ we hear only the law’s condemnation. But in Christ we become new men and women (2 Cor. 5:17) who are set free in Jesus (John 8:36). We hear Him speaking the law to us, that we should
(John 15:12, NKJV). Through Christ, we experience the freedom of God’s sons and daughters who are saved by grace and who will not want to slip back into the condemnation and bondage we had as transgressors. In Christ, not only are we forgiven our sins, we now have a new life, one in which we are able to render obedience to the law. We do so, however, not in order to be saved but out of the freedom that comes from knowing that we already are saved and therefore no longer stand condemned by the law.love one another, as I have loved you
Think about what it would be like, having the natures we do, to try to keep the law well enough to be saved by it. How would this make the law a means of bondage? How has Jesus freed us from that bondage while, at the same time, commanding us to keep the law?

James 1:25
I have two points in this text: 1) what is the Law, and 2) free from what?
James seems to use “the Word” and “the Law” interchangeably. He talks about the Word of truth, the implanted Word, doers of the Word, hearers of the Word and seamlessly carries on by saying ‘look into Law, not hear only but do’.
What or who is the Word? John 1:1 tells us that Jesus is the Word, the Bible is the Word, the gospel message is the Word. What is the central message of the Bible? It is the revelation of the true character of the LORD.
What is the Law? Only the 10 commandments or all the instructions? Or can we say that the Law is the LORD’s character in action?
The LORD’s character is justice and mercy combined Ex 34:4-7, Rom 3:26
In my opinion we do the LORD an extreme disservice when we try and separate “the Law” from the LORD’s character and try and prop it up and call it a mirror that can shows us our problems but can’t do anything for us.
In my opinion it is a package deal: we draw closer to the LORD and His character reveals our lack and His love forgives us and His power changes us to be like Him.
Law of liberty – free from what?
Many think it means we are free from the Law. But how can that be, when the Law is Jesus character.
How can the law of liberty make one free from itself?
If we check the texts below it is clear that we are saved from sin, made free from the law of sin and death, but that is not the end of it, we are no longer slaves of sin but we are slaves of righteousness.
We were in bondage to Satan and we have been set free to serve Jesus in love.
He saves men, not in sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show their love by obedience.
Through an appreciation of the character of Christ, through communion with God, sin will become hateful to us.
Rom 8:2 But the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Rom 6:18 Then being made free from sin, you became the slaves of righteousness.
2Co 3:17 And the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Joh 8:34 Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Whoever practices sin is the slave of sin.
Joh 8:36 Therefore if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.
To me the law itself is freedom. Very often Christians look at the law as stated and think that it is restrictive until they consider the alternative. The law only tells us what we can't do; all the rest are things that are open for us to engage in.
If the law were stated in positive terms that would not be true because it would only state the few things that we could do and with only ten commandments that wouldn't give us but a few choices. I am glad that God saw fit to state those commandments the way He did - truly it is the law of liberty.
10 commandments. 28 fundamentals. When will we reach 650+?
Usually when law is spelt w/capital (Law) it refers to only the 10 Commandments written by the finger of God, in stone. (It gets confusing b/c not all bible versions follow the same punctuation rules.) Prayer and further study will help one determine which law the verse refers to. However, I think that in this lesson's case its refering to only the 10 written by God's finger.
The Law is designed to set us free from sin and death. Unfortunately, as lesson demonstrates, the Law could not set us free b/c humans are weak and unable to live perfectly within its regulation. (Especially when it not only considers outside appearance but also considers the thoughts and heart.) Christ is the bridge that completes man's gap.
I believe that Christ did put the 10 Commandments into a more positive light in the New Testament. In doing so, he reduced the 10 to 2 in Matthew 22:36-40:
37 Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and most important command. 39 And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.’ 40 All of the law and the writings of the prophets take their meaning from these two commands.” (Easy-to-Read version)
These are not new as Christ was quoting the Old Testament when He answered: Duet. 6:5 and Lev 19:18.
I believe Christ then summed even the two up into a positive command that only restricts us as we disagree or find it difficult to do (when we close our hearts to the Holy Spirit's leading.)
John 13:34 So I give you a new command: Love each other deeply and fully. Remember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. (VOICE)
One could argue that this was directed for us to love those in such a way who are in the fold b/c Christ was talking to His disciples but when we really contemplate God's love for us, does that hold up? He loves all His creation (He is the ONLY creator.) We are to emmulate Him and His love for all people and if we do so, no law (rule) is necessary, (i.e. FREEDOM.) Once God's followers show this kind of love (as they did during the apostles presence,) those who are observing will desire the same treatment and will chose Christ instead of the world; thereby, becoming part of the fold to love as Christ loves us.
Yours is a very solid comment with relevant texts and an apt quotation.
Worldly freedom means very little or no government and the absence of restraint. This is often expressed under the power of sin or the dictates of self.
Christian freedom is the ability or power to live above sin under God's government, effectively to walk in the way of righteousness.
Thank God for Jesus. His life and death give us freedom from the condemnation of the law.
We'd be truly lost if we were expected to keep the law WITHOUT His help.
Thank God I can do all thing through Christ who strengthen me. I realized without I being fully committed my life to the Lord I would not able to do his will.
The story of Peter walking on the water is a true illustration of us trying to overcome outside of Jesus. The moment he took his eyes off Jesus ,he started to sink. The same thing can happen to us. Our sinful nature makes sinning easier than living a righteous life. Taking our eyes off Jesus for one moment makes it easier for us to fall under the condemnation of the law.
This is why Jesus desires relationship not just religion. Relationship entailed obeying the law as the natural impulse of love for God and this gives liberty and happiness. Religion, on the other hand, involves just keeping the letter of the law out of fear of condemnation. This is when the law feels like a yoke around our necks.
Relationship is not a one day thing, it is a process and I always agree with the text that says by beholding we become changed. I said it before and I am saying it again, if we turn our eyes upon Jesus the things of this world will become strangely dim. However, if we take our eyes off Jesus He will become strangely dim and the things of this world more enticing making sinning easier. Thus, the law of liberty will become the law of sin and death.
God's law, is His advertisement with a guarantee. It really tells us Who He is. Only the Spirit knows what it takes to make us into God's image. When we decide to trust His word, and surrender to Him, He will free us from sin to do His good pleasure "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth." John 16:13.
We can't make ourselves free from sin or it's consequences, no matter how long we look at the law or think we understand it (Romans 10:3-4). Like Jesus taught, it's much deeper than we can understand.
Freedom is in beholding, accepting and surrendering to His Spirit. If we allow Jesus, He will set us free. When He sets us free, we're free indeed (John 8:36). We follow Him and obey Him no matter what.
My understanding in this part talks about the quality of being a good Christian, If we keep closer to God by doing good and how to be good to others, we are transform into His character then we are free from sin. We have the fear to do bad because we are influence by His words.Thank you God for sending your son Jesus to give us a good example unto us.
Thank you Jesus, the law cannot save me - its Your death on the cruel cross of calvary that saves. Without your death on the cross, the law only condemns!
Through Christ I am free from the condemnation of the law and become a child of God saved by grace. Thank you Jesus.
Psalm 19 say it all the law of God is perfect. We are sinners save by grace. Thanks to God for sending His son to died for us. Thank God for writing the ten commandments with His own hands.
Let us continue to walk in Jesus foot steps.
Freedom can only be found in a solid relationship with Christ.
Christ lived the law in humanity. we can too if we take hold of Him, imatating His righteousness, by the Strong for strength. Lets not rely on someone else to tell us what to do. Let us take the initive, and allow Christ to teach us our duty.
The law of sin and death is the same law as the law of liberty. The difference is one's perception of the law. The unsaved finds it restricting and condemning. The saved finds it a roadmap to freedom.
If one unsaved tries to live w/n the law it becomes a list of failures that continually weighs the person down w/guilt. Eventually the weight will break the unsaved person or they'll have to give up the goal through apathy to continue to live in general.
If one saved tries to live w/n the law, the list of failures is continually given to God to cleanse the saved and to work His good will in us. The only thing God requires of us it to DO our best to live up to His standards. Its His job to cleanse and change and save. The saved can continually live w/o the guilt (as long as they've repented.) There is no weight to depress and break the saved.
The more earnest the saved are in developing the relationship w/God, to more perfectly follow His law (i.e. reflect Christ's image), the more freedom the saved will have.
1. The more we trust Him, the more He is in control -- no matter what happens to us in this first earth. We will worry less, fret less, defend less, etc. . . (Ohhh the freedom of not having to be responsible for control!!!)
2. There are NO laws against the character of God (Galatians 5:22-23). No laws --> no restrictions --> complete free will = freedom