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Tuesday: Time of the Judgment — 6 Comments

    • I hope not to confuse you more or oversimplify the judgment process Timothy. The way I understand the judgment of the righteous (pre-judgment) is that it has begun according to the prophetic timeline of Daniel 8:13-14.

      The date we start counting the 2300 days mentioned (in prophecy each day a year) is in Daniel 9:25. It started when the order and the rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem ACTUALLY BEGAN (457 BC). Counting 2300 years from that year (457 BC) the time ended in 1844.

      In lesson 1 this quarter, there is a sanctuary in Heaven, the "real" sanctuary, not made with the hands of man. According to Daniel 8:14 that sanctuary is in the process of being "cleansed" as the earthly sanctuary was cleansed on the day of atonement.

      Lesson 5 talks about how sins were purged from the Israelite camp on that yearly day of atonement. The Israelites who were the children of God, confessed their sins and made sacrifices daily all during the year. At the end of the day of atonement all evidence of sin was separated from the camp.

      Christ died once for all, and in the Heavenly sanctuary, Christ entered the most holy place in Heaven in 1844 to cleanse it. Like in the earthly sanctuary, except not with the blood of lambs or goats, but with His own blood He's covering His people, separating them from those who profess His name, but aren't in reality His children. He is the lamb, He is the high priest, God is the righteous Judge.

      According to Daniel 7:9-10 There are onlookers in Heaven to this judgment.

      “As I looked,“thrones were set in place,and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.

      As God's people, our sins, confessed and repented of are expunged from the records of heaven. God gave us a "copy" of this process by giving the Israelites the earthly sanctuary. Christ is taking away our sins; covering us with His righteousness as we have surrendered to Him. He removes anyone and everything that defiles while taking away all traces of His children's sins.

      • Timothy, Nanci is correct and she presented her answer very clearly, There is a judgment in heaven that started in 1844. Your next question is, Is it secret or public?

        It's not secret and it should not be secret. The world should know this message. In Rev. 14, it is part of the everlasting gospel that we are to bring to the world. It is very important that the world should know this judgment because once Christ comes out of the sanctuary, salvation will be no more. Besides, the unfallen angels are involved in this judgment so it is not done secretly by God alone.

        Yes, we might not be present in the trial court in heaven during the whole course of investigation but we have an Advocate Jesus Christ who is defending and standing for us. Just stay connected to Him and for sure vindication will be decided in favor of us in the end.

  1. Being sure comes as I believe and accept God's promises and then allow Him to do what He promised in my life. It's not what I can "try hard" to do, or the multitude of sacrifices made so that compared to others I appear "holy" (to myself and at times others). If exerting effort to love, be obedient and righteous were effective I could boast of my efforts and the blood of Christ wouldn't have been necessary.

    My effort is in total, consistent, daily surrender, and even that God will give me strength to do because I really can't do it alone. I must trust God's work to will and do of His good pleasure in me.

    Hebrews 13:20-22 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

    Titus 2:11-14 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

  2. The topic of pre-advent Judgement is one of the doctrines in our church which are strange to other believers who misinterpret the scripture and believe that God knows those to be saved.This topic should be thought extensively because most believers are easily confused to accept heresies.Any materials to read that expound on this topic.

    • Hi Samson,
      I agree with you that the subject of pre-advent judgement has been misinterpreted. It occurred in 1844 when the pioneers of Adventism misinterpreted the prophecy. However, mathematics was tool that unlocked the mystery of understanding Daniel’s most profound prophecy of 2300 days. Christ the Mathematician wants us to use the maths technique to understand His work. Careful study of the Word of God clearly reveals that the prophetic duration started in 457B.C when a decree to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem was issued. Counting those days (the prophetic each day for one year) from 457 B.C. the time duration ended in 1844. This is the time Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, entered the most holy place of heavenly sanctuary to do His work of judging each individual case (pre-advent judgement) and to cleanse the sanctuary. The cleansing work is done by Christ Who, with His blood, blots out the forgiven sin.
      After 1844, the science of mathematics could not be used to determine when the pre-advent judgement will end. Jesus only gave us the signs of the end time and cautioned us to be alert.


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