Tuesday: The War on Earth
Read Revelation 12:13-14. Having been barred from heaven, Satan continues his attack on the church during the prophetic 1,260 days/years. How was God involved with the church during that period?
“The casting down of Satan as an accuser of the brethren in Heaven was accomplished by the great work of Christ in giving up his life. Notwithstanding Satan’s persistent opposition, the plan of redemption was being carried out. … Satan, knowing that the empire he had usurped would in the end be wrested from him, determined to spare no pains to destroy as many as possible of the creatures whom God had created in his image. He hated man because Christ had manifested for him such forgiving love and pity, and he now prepared to practice upon him every species of deception by which he might be lost; he pursued his course with more energy because of his own hopeless condition”. – Ellen G. White, The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, pages 194, 195.
No question, Satan continues his activities on earth by pouring his fury against the great object of Christ’s love on earth – the church. However, the church finds divine protection in the desolate, wilderness places of the earth during the prophetic period of 1,260 days/years.
The period of Satan’s persecution is mentioned twice in Revelation 12 in terms of 1,260 days/years (Rev. 12:6) and “a time and times and half a time” (Rev. 12:14, NKJV). Both time periods refer to the duration of the little horn’s persecuting activity mentioned in Daniel 7:23-25. In the Bible, prophetic days symbolize years. The time in history that fits this prophetic period is A.D. 538-1798, during which time the Roman Catholic church, as a church-state power, dominated the Western world until 1798, when Napolean’s General Berthier brought Rome’s oppressive power to an end, at least temporarily.
During this long period of persecution, the dragon spews flooding waters out of his mouth in order to destroy the woman. Waters represent peoples and nations (Rev. 17:15). Armies and nations were sent by Rome against God’s faithful people during this time. Near the end of this prophetic period, a friendly earth swallows the waters and saves the woman, providing a safe haven for her. This provision points to the refuge that America, with its religious freedom, supplied (Rev. 12:16).
Think of how long the persecution here lasted: 1,260 years. What should this great duration tell us about how limited we are in understanding why things, such as the return of Christ, seem to be taking so long, at least from our perspective? |

Political Christianity was steeped in persecution. The period from about 300AD to roughly 1800AD is filled with suffering and death. They were not all that particular about who they persecuted. The Spanish Inquisition was directed against Jews and Muslims in particular. The Waldensians in northern Italy were also subject to an intense period of war and persecution. In some parts of Europe, Catholics persecuted other Catholics depending on which Bishop they were loyal to. Wars were fought even on the basis that one group of Catholics did not particularly like another group of Catholics.
Even when the Reformation started to reduce the power and influence of the Holy Roman Empire, the Calvinists, the Lutherans, The Church of England and the Presbyterian church all used persecution as a method of control. (Some of the persecution by protestant churches was particularly bad)
I am not entirely sure about the exact dates that are often used to define when this period began and ended. Constantine's declaration of Christianity as the state religion initially resulted in a period of religious tolerance (albeit short-lived). The capture of the Pope by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798 was followed by the Concordat in 1806 returning some confiscated lands and power to the church with the state providing the salaries of the bishops.
Having said that though, the period is characterized by persecution perpetrated by Christians on other Christians. The fact that their behavior repudiated the principles set out so plainly by Jesus, is clear evidence of the success that Satan has had in perverting the Gospel. It is perhaps a warning to us about the need to ensure that we have a relationship with Jesus that transcends the forces of political persuasion.
The dragon has 7 heads, but which of the 7 heads of the 7-headed beast 'poured out its water' - through persecutions to the church of God? What do the 7 heads even mean? We have powerful hints in Rev 13:2. The symbols are similar to those that Daniel saw on the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-persia, Greece and Pagan Rome. But these are only 4 secular kingdoms. And they are historical. But one thing that is clear is that Rome had 3 stages of existence, to take up the representation of the rest of the heads. After Pagan Rome, there arose divided Roman kingdom (vs 1), papal Rome and 'resurrected papal Rome. But this particular one is described a syncretism between church and state.
Which head was mortally wounded? Historically, we know that general Berthier dealt a massive blow to Papal Rome in 1798 and took the Pope captive, the civil sword which papacy had used in the dark ages was the same used to inflict its wounds. (Rev 13:10). So it is head number 6, representing papal Rome.
Summarized from Great Controversy.
A sign of God's true church.
God's true church was to remain in hiding until the end of the 1260 years and that " wilderness " period ended in 1798.
This means the church would not exist officially as an organization between AD 538-1798.
There are many loving, genuine christians in churches that were officially in existence before 1798. But none of these churches can be God's end-time church.
Roman Catholic
Orthodox churches 1054
Lutheran 1517
Swiss Reformed 1523
Mennonites 1525
Anglican 1534
Calvinism 1536
Presbyterian 1560
Baptist 1605
Dutch reformed 1628
Amish 1693
Methodist 1639
Quakers 1647
Moravian 1729
Congregations 1744
Swedenborg 1747
Which is God's true church?
We shall get more signs to identify God's true church After 1798 in tomorrow's lesson. Don't miss!
You mean the 'the remnant of the church in Revelation 12:1-5 rather than God's true church'. God's true church were the people down the ages including the Waldensians that went into hiding and throughout the Reformers.
If the Church went into hiding it means that it existed before.How do we accord the Adventist church?
I am not entirely sure what you mean by "accord the Adventist Church", Beverley, but I think you probably mean where does the Adventist Church sit in respect to "True" church.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is an organization. The "True Church" are those people who love Jesus and who are fully committed to him. Is there a difference? Yes! Jesus saves people, not church organizations. That does not mean that the Church organization is not important. It is an organization that can support us and help us to share the Gospel. It is not a club of the privileged but an organization that helps us serve. Are there people outside the Adventist Church that belong to the "True Church"? Yes, of course, there are. Are there people inside the Adventist Church that are not members of the "True Church"? Unfortunately, there are.
The "True Church" can be anywhere. It is "invisible", not limited to walls or "Operating Agreement". Church is also the meaning of a temple, and "our bodies are like temples to the Holy Spirit"(1 Corinthians 6:19-20). A church can be a place where people worship God too! A true church is connected to true worship! And what is true worship? Romans 12:1-3 says,"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." Here Paul refers to "living sacrifice" as doing God's will. A true religion is also found in James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Which means doing good to those in need and abstaining from evil...
Thank you Mr Ashton.
"To the law and the Testimony," is how any church is proven true. However, it is individuals that are saved "by grace through faith", faith in God's Word, and His "exceeding great and precious promises". Many who say "Lord, Lord!" will be found wanting in that day when Jesus comes for His faithful servants.
What went into hiding was all who would not bow to the abomination of desolation, which had departed from Christ by casting truth to the ground and trampled upon it and upon all who exercised faith in it. Truth is the only accord.
Church...G1577, Strong ἐκκλησία
From a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2564; a calling out, that is, (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): - assembly, church...
“How was God involved with the church during that period”(1260 years under the powerful “abomination of desolation”)?
We are given the answer to this question in the letters to the 7 churches, the 7 seals, and the trumpets.
The length of time(1260 years) was not dictated by God, but He foresaw the time it would take for men to respond to the Spirit of God as they discovered the Truth in His Word, and slowly began to throw off the darkness of superstition and falsehood. The gospel was centuries in being restored to it's pure understanding as the reformers of every age held forth the Word in the face of extreme opposition. Satan will not give up without a fierce battle over every soul.
How is this battle going today in our hearts?
The long time involved is not the Lords doing, but ours. We find it difficult to throw off works of darkness, superstitions, unbelief, and the love of unrighteous pleasure. Only repentance for sin and sanctification by the Word and Spirit will bring this conflict to a final close when the Servants of God are finally sealed(Rev 7:1-3). The present delay is due to unbelief and insubordination(if you believe Ellen and scripture).
It is important to see the Garden imagery in Rev 12 concerning the dragon and woman. Note, the term dragon changes to serpent (verse 14 & 15 and switches back to dragon in 16. This directs our minds to the first deception that took place with the woman and the serpent in the Garden. We lose sight of the woman who fled to the wilderness, and the focus comes to the remnant. A remnant can signal an apostasy and it seems so here. By the time we get to chapter 17 we see the woman in the wilderness in an entirely different outfit. The apostate church, if you will.
The remnant becomes the focus of Satan's wrath and he has drawn up two allies in this cause to destroy the remnant. This theme carries us all the way into chapter 19 where once again the woman now called a bride has made herself ready. Revelations message is that a falling away will happen in God's Church, but the remnant remain faithful to the end.
I need comments to every lesson for my understanding as outlined above.I find this site very interesting and educative in Gods work. Please have the sweet sabbath and may the good Lord bless you.