Wednesday: Compassion for the Poor
A person’s character is measured less by wisdom or even religious commitments than by readiness to help the poor and the needy. It is not what you have that measures your character. Who you are to your neighbor is the measure of character. The Samaritan who saves his neighbor is closer to the kingdom of God than the spiritual priest (Luke 10:26–37). The book of Proverbs emphasizes and explains this priority.
For God’s sake: The first reason to make this a priority lies in God Himself, who prefers human compassion for the poor over our religious zeal (Prov. 19:17, Prov. 21:13). Your sensitivity to the poor and your concrete deeds on their behalf will count more with God than will any of your pious acts. In fact, God is personally invested in that work, so much so that, when we give to the poor, it is as if we are giving to God Himself (Matt. 25:35–40).
Read Matthew 25:35–40. What does this tell us about how Jesus identifies so closely with those in need? How should this truth impact how we relate to such people?
For the sake of the poor: The second reason lies within the poor person, whom God has created as much as the rich person has been (Prov. 22:2). The equality between humans, based on the fact that God has created them all, makes the poor as worthy of attention as the rich person. We should love our neighbors for who they are: beings made in the image of God.
At the same time, think about how much good it does you to help those in need. Our basic natures are selfish; by default we tend to look out for ourselves over and above others. By giving of ourselves, we learn to die to self and to better reflect Christ’s character, and what is of more value to us than that?
In what ways do you get a greater sense of personal satisfaction from helping others in need than only doing things for yourself?

i am always ready to help those in need or ask for help any way i can. What worries me is those who choose to take advantage of my generosity and those who ridicule my believes for doing so for some alternative reason e.g looking for self gain.
God blesses/likes a cheerful giver. Thank you so much for ever been so ready to help..may the Lord continue to bless you too. Need not worry about those people (those who take advantage of your generosity/ridicule you for your belief) as they will be answerable to HIM as long as you are happy and satisfied at the end of the day.
SSLesson Feb 17 (quoted above): "A person’s character is measured less by wisdom or even religious commitments than by readiness to help the poor and the needy".
I believe that the Word of God requires that we differentiate effectively.
Job 12:13 KJV "With him is wisdom and strength, he hath counsel and understanding."
Proverbs 9:10 KJV "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding"; Proverbs 8:14 KJV "Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength".
If indeed wisdom comes from God, as clearly stated, we cannot dichotomize wisdom from "readiness to help the poor and needy". Similarly, we cannot dichotomize "pure religion and undefiled is to visit the fatherless...." (Isa. 58) from willing service to those who hurt. These are compatible forms.
The wisdom of God is expressed in caring for all needs for all people.
God's Pure religion is to serve all those who hurt, among all people.
It follows that the wisdom of this world, and a religiosity of self-serving are clearly not of God and therefore not compatible with service to God's children. This means that a Church that does not serve God's children is a self-serving, ungodly entity that neither represents God's wisdom nor God's religion. In our language, God says: "get your sabbaths and your sacrifices and your fasting out of my face" for they do not represent a Creator Who is Wisdom, Who is Love, Who truly cares and plans and executes wisely. This is an excellent basis for examining self, the local Church, the Conferences, the Unions and the General Conference of SDA.
In practical terms? God will fix my air conditioning system, with wisdom, skill, and love, and will charge the same fee for all, equally, but subsidize from His Debit card as necessary; for His services are based on His heart and His wisdom, and scaled on a continuum of responsiveness and given resources.
God did not create all things equal. A man and a frog are not equal. Everything is given its level of existence, each equally vital in operations of balanced existence (the head, eyes, feet, hands, heart, etc), and so equally credited according to its needs. Meaning the zebra will be as well-fed as the pygmy, the orphan will be as well fed as the wealthy, etc. Equality between man and man and between man and woman is a moot discussion, given the variations of size, capacity, gray matter function, etc., and the variations of resources, accessibility, opportunity, etc. Equality is given in respect, love, value, appreciation, fulfillment, etc.
There is always the need for variation in compensation according to the principles of love and justice; which is the challenge of every human being to ask, receive, and be the empowered expression of the love and the wisdom of God. God is equality.
Jarvis, I knew a family that was generous, as you describe yourself to be. And, yes, people took advantage of them. But the generous family was happy and outgoing. I doubt that those who took advantage of them were as happy.
There's nothing that says that you can't investigate to make sure that those who present themselves as needy are as needy as they claim to be. But it may require more time and stress than it is worth.
On the other hand, if you do not have time to investigate, ask the Lord to impress you and let you know what to give to whom. Then just trust Him with the results. Material goods do not make us happy. But knowing that we are in the center of God's will gives a deep sense of peace and joy. May it be so for you. 🙂
Sometimes people think that to help the needy you should have much. But God tells us to share the little we have. By doing so we can change the world.
That is so true. I have found that when sharing the little I have, God multiplies it, the person gets something and I still end up with something too and most of the time there is even a little extra as well.
Prov 21:13Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.
This scripture brings the scenario home. To imagine yourself calling out for help yet you are not heard is frustrating. It's as if in those dreams where you shout yo lungs out but cannot be heard. You end up in a panicky mode. You trust/assume that everyone out there wud be willing to help you, except they can't hear you. If only you could shout louder.
Now to face reality that at times if not most times, we deliberately ignore the cries of those in need (wen if it were us, we wud never expect the reason for not receiving to be "being ignored") is so sad.
We must sure not be the reason for others' frustration. May God show us that in every provision to us no matter how little, we can find room to help others. This lesson is timely. God help us!
It is not enough to say we give our tithes and offerings to define us giving to the poor. While money is one way of helping those in need, Jesus describes many other ways we can help, i.e. our time, and material essentials that we may have in abundance, such as clothing and food items. buying specific items of need can show a great deal of thoughtfulness instead of giving money alone.
The followers of Christ must show by their works how they fulfill their responsibility to the poor and needy; not by lofty words concerning poverty, but by ordinary deeds that ease their suffering and pain. In other words, our duty to the poor goes beyond what we say to embrace what we do. In fact, “true worship consists in working together with Christ. Prayers, exhortations, and talk are cheap fruits, which are frequently tied on; but fruits that are manifested in good works, in caring for the needy, the fatherless, and widows are genuine, and grow naturally upon a good tree.” EGW, The Signs of the Times (February 17, 1887).
I hv learn alot from this network and l want to thank our Father in heaven for the planners of this prgram, God bless u. Again, kindly allow me to also bless your contributors, William, Tyler, Hugh and all of u out there. I posted my first comment just last week, though I hv been studying with u all along. I completed low sch. so kindly excuse every error. I hv two testimonies and a prayer request in connection to our study for today. By the grace of God I am a guardian to a lady who lost both parents when she was around 13yrs. By the grace of God she has completed high sch and starting working last month we thank God.
Another boy was denied by the father. By the grace of God he too went to high sch. and now with the British army. I say all his to the glory of God. Now pray for my new found frds 10 and 13yrs.Their mum is dead the father is in prison. They stays with the auntie with out schooling. They need our concern.
Hayford, Thank you for your concern.May the almighty God fill your baskets for the needy bountifully.May the grace of the lord be with always.
I pray that God will show all of us what He wants to do with our time and resources. For instance, I have contacted the nursing home and Goodwill in my community to see if I can volunteer my services to them once a week. I strongly believe that at God is leading me to do this. I want to be used by God on my job and in my community. I have shared my desire to volunteer at these places with my husband so that I am not doing something without his approval. I know that God wants me to keep the harmony He has blessed us with at home in our marriage. I can freely volunteer my time before going to working knowing that I have God's approval and my husband. Keep yourself available to God so that He can use you each day.
While Jesus certainly addressed the needs of those in want I believe Mat 25:35-40 might have been more on a spiritual level than physical. It is the last parable in a series that starts out with the parable of the ten virgins that is about acquiring the Holy Spirit and its relation to salvation. The second is the parable of the talents and how we relate to the gifts we are given (the Holy Spirit is the greatest). The last is how we relate to those that have less than what we have.
We can easily apply what Jesus said in the last part of the chapter to physical needs but to me it seems to be broader than that. Every one of the things Jesus said about being hungry, thirsty, being a stranger, being naked, sick and in prison are dealt with in scripture in spiritual terms. For instance, Jesus is the bread of life and the river of living water. He is the good shepherd that goes out to find the one lost sheep. We also understand that we are all naked spiritually and in need of the robe of righteousness. We are also sick with sin and because of it we are in the prison of slavery to it passions.
We are not all the same part of the body doing the same thing but we all can relate to those that have less than what we have been given, whatever that may be.
You make an excellent point, Tyler - one we always need to keep in mind.
What point is it to feed people physically if we withhold spiritual food from them?
I am disturbed when well-meaning Seventh-day Adventists put on health programs at considerable cost to themselves and scrupulously avoid any spiritual content lest they offend, saying they "don't want to shove religion down people's throats."
It seems to me that such an attitude is indicative of a problem. They do not understand the Good News of the gospel and the joy there is in following Jesus because they see Adventism as a set of rules, rather than a rewarding relationship with Jesus. If they had a correct understanding of the Gospel, surely they would not withhold from others what is even more precious than physical health.
I always put myself in their place because I've been there in the true sense of the word so I can relate as to what it means to be poor physically and spiritually and I thank God that by His grace He has blessed in a mighty way
we visited a brother and found him very sick. we encouraged him to hold on to the hope of healing in the Lord Jesus Christ. we prayed with his family and left. Then later helped with some money.
He recently told me that at the time of our visit, he had the last coin to pay for his medication and wait to die for lack of food or/ and medication. Now he is better and thanks God for our generosity.
He says God sent us to save him and his family.
Thank you for sharing that. 🙂 So how did that make you feel?
I believe God built into our very being an intrinsic reward for "doing good." When we know we have done something good, it actually releases chemicals in our brains to make us feel good - the same kind of chemicals used by the devil to enslave people with the promise of making them feel good.
God offers us the real deal. The devil can only try to counterfeit the good things God gives us.
Mooto, you are richly blessed with the gift of God in your heart and hands; and you modeled for all of us what God gives us to make us the total package: the heart of Jesus Christ.
Two revealing principles:
- He placed you there in the time of need.
- He placed in your heart and hands what it takes to fill the need
Thank you for sharing the good results, for him and for you.
May our Father continue to bless you as you live the ministry of love and wisdom of God.
In fact the truth gospel/prayer is among to help the poor, sickness, needs, victms crimes. To help,it doesn?nt matter how u have we have to spreed the love of God. Remember the richcman went to Jesus an and askwhat may I do in order to inhert the erternal life? Jesus answered go and sell all thngs provide to the poorand tneed one. that richest man wJesuhe richest man went to Jesus
Indeed true giving is when you have da best you love most not what uve no uses in your daily life.Alas the remnant church today is not on top in responding to needy in da community.As Adventists we have allowed our freinds the catholics in employing charity works as Dorcus did.Its high time we realise our failure ad begin providing a significant Charity works like our freinds engenge in meeting the poors needs before biptising them.This lesson has come at rightful time let's learn to change christ is coming soonst.A touched wth our failiures as a church.Lord of mercy.
It is so crucial to recognize the difference between showing compassion and having compassion.
It is easy to "Show" compassion. To show compassion one need only to give a $10.00 bill to a poor person or give a street person an old coat that no longer fits you. But there is a difference between this "attitude" and the attitude of "Having" compassion.- A state of being.
When one HAS compassion, he demonstrates it perhaps by taking the shoes off his own feet and puts them on the cold bare feet of another. Or when he takes the already warm coat from his own shoulders and places it on the shivering back of the man or woman on the street. Or a thousand other examples.
This is a demonstration of Agape (26, Young's) God generated love, spontaneous - from the heart regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
My entire life I gave God my tithe and offerings, for Him to know only Himself for it was for His service. When I became unemployed I continued to pay tithe on my unemployment check, He took care of me. When I cried to the church for help, the local church board as well as the church conference it was humiliating It is much easier to give than to ask for help. I was not given any help by my church family. God thru the government kept me fed and clothed and a roof over my head. No help came from my local church family when I asked for it or from the church conference when I asked them as well. I have since left the church so that I would not confuse the church's closed ears as being God's closed ears. I still trust Him and He is still taking care of me. Don't close your ears when you hear someone crying for help, especially someone from your family.
I am sorry to hear your story Anita and will pray to see each other in heaven. A similar experience had my father in law when after an audience with the Conference president or the Union president I'm not sure because both are in the same town here in United States, the 'brother' president prayed for him and gave him a paper with an address from a close city. When he went there it was a Catholic Church that was giving out cans with food. What my father in law needed was a hand of help from his brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord help all of us take the counsel He gives in Revelation 3:14-20.
Dear Anita, I am so sorry that none in your church saw their responsibility to help you.
When we think about "the church," we always need to remember that we are the church. When other members in the same church family do not demonstrate the spirit of Christ, it is because they are not connected to Him, and that is very sad.
That said, I believe one of the problems is that in most places of the world there is a state welfare system so that the churches do not have a system in place to provide significant help to those in need. If there were no such state provisions and in places where there are no such provisions, it would require at least a tithe (on top of the regular tithes and offerings) to maintain any kind of fund to help those who fall on hard times. Otherwise, the churches literally have nothing to give other than the extra cash some may have on hand. An alternative would be to have the unemployed stay in homes with church members.
There are situations in which we need to take our lessons from the early apostolic church when members held all things in common, and I believe that time will come again.
Always we need to remember that the church is not God. We are the church. Rather than abandoning a church because it was not there for you when you needed help, I would encourage you to go back and make a difference so that the next person in need is treated differently. It is still better to give than to receive, as you will experience as you seek to make a difference. (See Acts 20:35)
It is always sad to hear of situations like yours Anita. What I have learner over the years is that in almost every church family there are that 'faithful few' who will go out of their way to help a church family member in need. They may not sit on the board or even work at the Conference. As mentioned earlier not everyone who is in a church is connected to Christ or led by the Spirit and that is a reality. There are some in my church family who sacrifice their last, even when the ones they were helping left the church, the help didn't stop. Keep faithful, don't let the unfaithful few cause you to lose out on your salvation. Like Emil, I pray that we see each other in heaven.
Anita, do you know what it is like to stir a hornets nest or an ants hill? You run for your life. When you have to run, you have to run. You certainly cannot live in the hornets' nest. Not a single person can blame you for hitting the "outa here" button after your experience.
It gets even more complicated. You said you gave GOD your tithe and offerings. When you ran into difficulty, you went to the CHURCH for help. Well the truth is, you gave the CHURCH your tithe and offerings. When you ran into difficulty, your went to the CHURCH for help. Here is what God said: You give to GOD your tithe and offerings (as you said). When you run into difficulty, you go to GOD for help. HE rewards your obedience, in HIS wisdom, working with you to determine your preparation for HIS KINGDOM, not membership in the Church.
Your decisions are always in relationship to God, whether in the giving or in the receiving. This means we still have to accept: "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord." You did not say how God worked for good for you in this experience to make you a more determined child of God, whether in Jerusalem or Bethel, or in Babylon, Persia or Egypt, as captive, prisoner or slave. "Nothing can separate us from the love of God, not principalities or powers, not giving or withholding Church or Conference".
This means that you have to sometimes be the "7000 in Israel who have not bowed your head to Baal" when the even Pastor is thinking that all Israel has gone after Baal. Do not underestimate who are children of God in the Church you ran away from. It might be few in number, but it is God's 7000 Kingdom bound children. Stay with the faithful, and know that although the Church institution has a very sick and disobedient structure that we as a Church are not able to see, that God is calling for His faithful to ask for eyesalve and clothing of righteousness. God wants to to be part of the faithful few.
I can tell you more about the disobedience of the structure, but that is not the primary issue in your life. You gave your life to God, and you stay with God, so God has a praying, studying, loving caring active few that holds His standard real high. Go home.
God bless.
While some preachers say: "Before you met Jesus you had two pair of shoes. Now you have four!", the Scripture is very clear about the real meaning of being Christian: "Before you met Jesus you had two pair of shoes. Now you have one!"
To love Jesus is to give to Him and to the others!
We must have compassion to the less privileged. I have been assisting a street person by buying him meals twice a week. Recently, i went out of town and when i came back, ''my friend was ejected from his preferred place of abode''. I tried asking from the nearest hotel where i used to purchase him food but they were not aware of his whereabouts! This pained me and just asked God to use one of His many vessels to help this former friend of mine!As followers of Christ, we must fulfill our responsibilities by sharing both the spiritual and physical food. Our deeds must easen their suffering and pain. To our regular contributors- Tyle, Inge,Taylor and Hugh, God bless you for this Ministry.
The tallents which were given too the them who used it too houner GOD in order for them too get a bennifit out of it they had too use what they were blessed with by there master, so just too sit with all the material things and not even use it for your own good lest too say for the benivite of those in need, at the end of time it just might be taken away from you.having only the one or having your last might make you dought GOD abillity too restore and fill up your coffers .but there are so many stories in the Bible that were GOD intervened after many has given there very last portion andthey didnt only received earhtly blessings but also eternal blessings so I fermly believe we the remnant of GOD must be doers of the Holy Word amen.
In my personal experience,the church is you and me,and we are one indivisible body....when my only one son whom I loved died through a electrification(high power voltage),I endured the criticism,not only from my fellow church members but even from my closest uncle,who thought the boy died because of some `sacrifice to gods`,whom he knows better!He discouraged the entire society from any help I could get,because really he has a command both to the church and the community...I stood firm in the Lord till all went well.I do pray for him daily n always.