Wednesday: If the Lord Creates a New Thing
Many instances of direct divine punishment upon evil, as well as blessing for faithfulness, are recorded in Scripture long after all the characters in the book of Job were dead.
What great promise is given here for obedience? Deut. 6:24-25.
The Old Testament is filled with promise after promise of the blessings and prosperity that God would directly bring to His people were they to obey Him. So, we can see here examples of what these men had said to Job regarding God’s blessing the faithfulness of those who seek to obey Him and His commandments and to live a godly and upright life.
Of course, the Old Testament is also filled with warning after warning about direct divine punishment that would come for disobedience. In much of the Old Testament, especially after the covenant with Israel at Sinai, God is warning the Israelites about what their disobedience would bring upon them. “‘But if you do not obey the LORD, and if you rebel against [His] commands, [His] hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors’” (1 Sam. 12:15, NIV).
Read Numbers 16:1–33. What does this incident teach about the reality of divine retributive punishment?
Given the nature of how the rebels were destroyed, this incident cannot be chalked up to the idea of “sin bringing its own punishment.” These people faced divine and direct retribution from God for their sin and rebellion. In this case we see supernatural manifestations of God’s power; it seemed that the very laws of nature themselves were changed. “‘But if the LORD creates a new thing, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them up with all that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the pit, then you will understand that these men have rejected the LORD.’” (Num. 16:30, NKJV).
The verb “creates” here is from the same root used for “created” in Genesis 1:1. The Lord wanted everyone to know that it was He Himself who immediately and directly brought this punishment upon the rebels.

Oh how dangerous to speak frivolous words regarding the anointed of God, rejecting his servants is regretting the O Most high God himself. May his grace overshadow us as we even nominate Leaders in the church on his behalf so that we reverence them as appointed of the Lord. Lord help our speech
It appears the Friends of Job presented the truth in their discourse with Job and we should read their messages carefully in spite of the context. We should try as much as possible not judge them since as they were concerned they were sincere and they justified their statements based on the teachings of God they were exposed to at that time.
When God determines that it is right to reveal His character thru direct retributive punishment, surely it happens. This is so in order to benefit those on the receiving end as well as the obedient ones and the undecided. Our God is One of second chances.
It's amayzing what sin does to the human heart and mind. As sin is illogical, so does one who chooses to sin become likewise.
Wages of sin is death. Sin brought suffering, but the death of Christ brought redemption. God is not the cause of all suffering. This is where friends to Job missed the point.
Of course our own course of action in our lives will bring a reward that is rightful if we obey not the way of the Lord, it might not be as instant as it happened to Korah, Dathan and Abiran, but surely at the end of the age visitation will come.
I know everyone will see, yea God punishes too, and I agree. However there are certain steps that occur, before he punishes people. In addition, he punishes the wicked, not the ones who are obedient to him.
Therefore, when we see someone going through trials, we should think two things, one they are not living right, orrrr, THE DEVIL IS BUSY TODAY! With that being said, we are not the ones to decide which one it is, we can't pass judgement. Therefore all we can do is pray for that person who is in a situation, and have faith that God will do what is best.
Great point. Jesus was still concern for Judas, even after it was to late
God has supernatural power and manifestations. The earth opened up & buried the rebels for their sinning & disobedience against God. The very laws of nature were changed for this to happen,a punishment. The Lord created a new thing because he is God and he is to be obeyed & glorified.God did not have to bring such a retributive judgment but a lesson had to be learnt so that men might obey. This retributive judgment is still for us today.
The grace of God is upon us as the wrath of God is no longer displayed in the form of floods, being sent to exile to Babylon and opening of earth to kill the rebels, instead He forgives us our sins if we repent and continue to protect and bless us abundantly though we do not deserve. How wonderful it is to know that we who are in Christ,are a new creation (new thing), the old is pass.
God does not change. He always acted from love, forgiving the sins of those who chose to repent and trust Him. Deuteronomy 4:37;7:13;23:5; Psalm 42:8, Jere 9:24 Jere 31:3. Even His judgments were from love - either as a warning to those He disciplined or as a warning so that others would not be lost in the same way.
He still acts the same - forgiving the sins of those who choose to repent and trust Him. He still judges from love - either as a warning that we need to turn around and repent or as a warning so that others will not be lost.
He has always blessed "more than we deserve" and still does.
Yet He has warned that a day is coming when the door of mercy will be closed and those who have not chosen to avail themselves of His offer of salvation will be destroyed by fire in the last judgment, just like the unrepentant in the days of Noah were destroyed by a flood of water.
It would probably help to understand that the Jehovah/Yaweh of the Old Testament became incarnate in humanity as Jesus Christ. Thus what we see in Jesus Christ is the character of God in the flesh.
Disobedence to God's commandments bears punishment but obeying Lord"s command lead us in good way, so Jobss friend has no idea about the great controversy that is between good and evil so, we all those who know as we are in conflict for our enemy let ask our great heavenly father to strengthen our faith ,so we will overcome this conflict by his own will.
Wednesday's lesson: the lesson's author did not quote 1 Corinthians 10:10, but I believe that verse applies. Who is the destroyer? Not God!