HomeDailyWednesday: Nehemiah Takes Action (444 B.C.)    


Wednesday: Nehemiah Takes Action (444 B.C.) — 11 Comments

  1. The lesson authors ask the question: "Why is it so important to know that what you are doing is God’s will? " and follows with another question: "How do I know if what I am doing is God’s will?"

    The issue for most of us is that God does not always speak in a voice that stops you in your tracks. His voice comes to us in the form of suggestions by friends, reading a key idea, a thought in the middle of the night, and the affirmation of our community of believers.

    I sat in a meeting where someone tried to convince us that he had a direct call from God on a particular idea and that collectively we should follow what he was suggesting. The problem was that no one else agreed. This person was clearly using his so called knowledge of God's will purely as a weapon to bully us in to doing things his way.

    God does not bully, but in the maze of life where we cannot see the future, he provides a light and promises to be with us. It is no use demanding guidance from God if we are not willing to listen.

  2. Nehemiah prepares the building of the wall in the midst of opposition
    Sanballat: used scorn and intimidation to prevent the work from starting
    Charles Swindoll points out that there were many of them together doing the sarcastic, mocking criticism – and observes “critics run with critics.” One measure of a leader is to be able to measure criticism; to not allow one to be run down by the critical, while still be sensitive to God’s voice even in the midst of criticism.
    Nehemiah’s response was a great example. He didn’t debate, he didn’t form a committee, he didn’t even deal with the two enemies directly. Instead, he took it to God in prayer.
    For Nehemiah, prayer was a first resource, not a last resort.
    Nehemiah’s prayer gave God a reason to show mercy and to come against his enemies. Nehemiah recognized that this was God’s cause, not his own.

    If God is for us who can be against us.

  3. Today's Lesson portrays a very powerful lesson that no matter the situation God always has a way to help us overcome our fears. Despite the Opposition Nehemiah and the people did their part and Believed that God will do the rest for them.
    Here we see that Believing in God is a Vital part of our daily walk with our savior and having faith with courage to stand against all the Negative vibes that is coming our way everyday.


  4. Guidance from the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit guides everyone different ways. This can be in our physical, spiritual, social, or mental life. The way he might direct someone over an issue might be different to another, in the same situation.
    We might be praying for a specific situation or a job, the job we don’t care about, the Lord might give us. We then refuse it. When one is in connection with God it appears like there’s something in him that directs him.
    I will ask the Lord to remind me to take something with me when I am going out. At intervals I will be reminded to get the thing. Sometimes I procrastinate until I might forget it, but I was reminded to begin with.

  5. How do I know if what I am doing is God's will?
    I need to ask Him. I need to look for Him always! There is nothing that I do that He does not know. It is an every day task, search and act, do what is supposed to be done, work hard doing good and face what is ahead with trust. God knows the future, so we must place our present on His hand! This way our future will be succesfull!

  6. “They prepared to the best of their abilities”. “And had sword’s in one hand and added bricks and mortar with the other hand.” Where or how do we draw the line between raising a sword in self defense, and totally relying on God for protection.

    • Seems as though the instruction was to be ready with swords and spears to defend yourself, your family, and Gods work. The total reliance was in the form of, “be not afraid I will keep you from harm.” Nehemiah 4:13-14.

    • Our job is to be ready for whatever God calls us to do. If it’s fight then we need to be ready to do so. If it’s build, we need to be ready with tools in hand. To sit on the proverbial couch and say that God will take care of everything is being presumptuous. Faith comes in to play by listening to what God asks you to do and then acting on that instruction. Believing that He will provide for, defend and complete His will through you.

  7. Yes, this is a continuing question - who decides what is God's will?
    Is it the majority by voting?
    If there are 9 wolves and 1 lamb and they vote what is for dinner?

  8. This is where dependence on God comes in. Even if you go with the majority and it is not His will ... sometimes He will frustrate the process. We should remember that the Lord "allows" bad things to happen. Honest and faithful will die, lose their jobs, be imprisoned, incorrect decisions will be made, etc


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