Wednesday: Reason
Read 2 Corinthians 10:5-6; Proverbs 1:7; and Proverbs 9:10. Why is obedience to Christ in our thoughts so important? Why is the fear of the Lord the beginning of wisdom?
God has given us the ability to think and to reason. Every human activity and every theological argument assumes our ability to think and to draw conclusions. We do not endorse an unreasonable faith.
In the wake of the 18th-century Age of Enlightenment, however, human reason assumed a new and dominant role, especially in Western society, that goes far beyond our ability to think and to arrive at correct conclusions.
In contrast to the idea that all our knowledge is based on sensory experience, another view regards human reason as the chief source of knowledge. This view, called rationalism, is the idea that truth is not sensory but intellectual and is derived from reason. In other words, certain truths exist, and our reason alone can directly grasp them. This makes human reason the test and norm for truth. Reason became the new authority before which everything else had to bow, including the authority of the church and, more dramatically, even the authority of the Bible as God’s Word. Everything that was not self-evident to human reason was discarded and its legitimacy questioned. This attitude affected large parts of Scripture. All miracles and supernatural acts of God, such as the bodily resurrection of Jesus, the virgin birth, or the six-day Creation, to name but a few, were no longer considered true and trustworthy.
The truth is, we should remember the fact that even our reasoning power is affected by sin and needs to be brought under the reign of Christ. Human beings are darkened in their understanding and alienated from God (Eph. 4:18). We need to be enlightened by God’s Word. Furthermore, the fact that God is our Creator indicates that, biblically speaking, our human reason is not created as something that functions independently or autonomously of God. Rather, “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10; compare with Prov. 1:7). It is only when we accept God’s revelation, embodied in the Written Word of God, as supreme in our lives, and are willing to follow what is written in the Bible, that we can reason correctly.
Centuries ago, American President Thomas Jefferson made his own version of the New Testament by cutting out anything that, in his view, went against reason. Gone were almost all of the miracles of Jesus, including His resurrection. What should this alone teach us about the limits of human reason for understanding truth? |

As I have been both a scientist and a Christian for most of my professional life, the tension between faith and reason is something that is both constant and very real. I cannot lose one without doing immeasurable damage to the other. Faith and reason have to work together and if we cannot resolve the tension, then we have to live with it.
It is all too easy when surrounded by Christians to make cutting remarks about rationalists and say how they have been deceived by Satan and so on. But in another environment, such remarks sound self-serving and demeaning.
What have I learned over my years of interaction with thinking secular folk?
1. Whatever your personal beliefs are, you must show respect for the beliefs of others. They will respect your beliefs if you respect others. At one of the conferences I attended in my research capacity, I sat at a breakfast table with the Pro-vice Chancellor of the Australian National University. He was a computer scientist and unusual in that he had a background in the classics. He held us spellbound as we had this conversation with him about the philosophy of computer science, peppered with illustrations from Greek, Egyptian, and Biblical examples. He was highly respected in our research group because he showed by example that he respected others.
2. Trying to argue faith over reason does not work. If you want to win souls show that your faith affects the way you interact with other people. Do not try to use rational arguments to prove your faith. You cannot discredit rational argument in one sentence and then use rational argument in the next sentence to defend your faith. Its a non-sequitur!
3. Don't be presumptive in your faith. Only last night I saw a news item on the pushback protest against social distancing requirements in a United States city. A woman surrounded by crowds of people was holding up a Bible and saying that she was a Bible believer and her God was sufficient to protect her against the COVID-19 virus as she went about her daily life. I remarked to Carmel at the time that she would probably be better off staying at home and giving God a chance to look after her rather than ignoring good common sense. Presumption is not faith.
4. I have learned that unchurched folk hurt, just like the rest of us. My PhD supervisor went through a divorce during the time he was supervising my research, and often our research meetings were times when he could unload the burden he was carrying. It was not a case of moralising about marriage and family, but simply providing a listening ear as he unburdened himself. That sort of ministry is more valuable than any argument for faith.
God bless you young man! I'm always waiting every night to read your post!
I would hold up the Bible, premoting trust in God, and:
for prevention, I would use
500mg Quercetin/day.
1g Scutellaria baicalensis.
3g Vitamin C (spread across the day).
NAC 600mg 1x/day.
Good sleep and if required 5mg Melatonin before sleep.
Selenium 200mcg daily.
Zinc 80mg per day.
Vitamin D 7000IU per day.
I remember our lesson about repairing Jeruslem wall a couple of quarters back. They were instructed to have masonry tools in one hand and a sword in the other.
Maurice, I also can say that my professional life deals with science all the time, and I am probably a Christian too (or try to be). I remember one thing that really got me thinking when I had to study to present a small lecturer about dating methods at one of the master's classes (Cell Biology). The greater theme was the origin of life. From there, I continue to ask myself why in the heart of basic science there are so many assumptions/premises which demand a great deal of BELIEVES! In all science, when a man cannot solve a problem it is commom to create a premise in order to explain the hypothesis! Thus, I'd say that an atheist scientist has to have as much faith as a Christian, in order to solve the problems that have no solution found yet! NO HUMAN SCIENTIST HAS EVER PROVED THE ORIGIN OF LIFE, THAT'S WHY WE STILL HAVE THEORIES AROUND, NOT LAWS! Other than that, we continue to show only part of science to kids at school, covering human "limitations" while leaving that only to those who really want to see them... as social beings, it is so easy to go by others than dig just a little deeper and find our own reasons!
Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf.
JOHN 9:39
Jesus said, “For judgment, I have come into this world so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is difficult to understand the Bible when that understanding is limited to objective data. One has to entertain the notion of the supernatural, which cannot be explained by science, in order to appreciate and believe in the Bible.
In Genesis chapter 3 satan comes to the garden begins to reason with Adam and Eve about the forbidden fruit. Without the aid of God, human reasoning fails, Satan appealed to the emotion which blinded the discernment to know right and wrong. Eve was trapped in her emotions. Today, satan claims you are nothing more than an evolved animal thus continue to degrade human identity. If it was not the Spirit of God to create enmity in our thinking, we would have been a lost cause. Praise God for his intervention in our lives. Even though, satan has been leading the people in a destructive path; God’s call is going out to the ends of the earth to come let us reason together. Satan does not mind us being treated like an animal who cannot reason or have us imagine we are god, therefore, we are supreme in our reasoning we don’t need to give our worship to Creator God.
The Psalmist describes our God.
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalms 139:13-14
Newbegin, I found your comment that "Eve was trapped in her emotions" interesting please explain why you believe that.
I have come to a different understanding, firstly Eve reasoned with Satan about the facts, what had God said or not said, then
she reasoned that "the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasing to the eyes" which means it was like the other trees that God had made - "Gen 2:9 The LORD God caused every tree that is both beautiful and suitable for food to spring up out of the ground" This one was not better, it was just the same so it couldn't be harmful!
Then lastly the final reason to eat of this tree was because it "was desirable for making one wise". She wanted knowledge or was it power?
Satan had said "you'll become like God, knowing good and evil." and she believed him. Was Satan telling the truth or was he twisting the facts? They were already "like God" as they had been created in His image, however if he was implying they would have the same power in the universe (like he wanted to have) then he was wrong. What about "knowing good and evil"? That was true - up to then everything in the world was good and very good, and they did come to know/experience evil but if they had known what it was like they would have not desired it.
Hopefully from their experience we can learn to trust God and not Satan and his tricky arguments/reasoning.
Trapped person in emotion process information based on feeling cannot use the power of reasoning to discern right and wrong.
Once trapped, she continued to justify her action. Not once she mentioned or saw that the tree was not good for food.
So true Newbegin, we should not go by feelings alone. yes, emotions definitely cloud our minds, that is why too much of a good thing like music and group excitement can disengage our minds. You make a good point that we are often justifying ourselves not actually reasoning.
Was the fruit of the literally not good for food or just prohibited because God said don't eat it?
I agree that if Eve was "trapped in emotion" she would not be able to think clearly, but am still not sure why you believe that was the case?
Newbegin - I read your comment and agree. We can now proclaim the wonders of our creation and salvation and sing a new song.
My further comments are focusing on 'singing this new song'. Having surrendered to live by man's ways of reason, we have joined the chorus of the redeemed. We are able now to participate in singing the new song together with God's creation.
Is not our new life in Christ a homecoming to the family of God? The family of God includes all of His creation. Now redeemed, together with all His creation, we worship Him and sing this new song.
Science will never discover/understand the 'reason' why or how those that are redeemed are able to sing the new song.
Physicists keep looking for the 'God particle' trying to peel back the layers of creation to find its beginning and source. Scientists will find it when they are BORN AGAIN.
Rev.5:1-10 - All believers are singing a new song because we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. v. 10: And has made us unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign on the earth. This is God's 'reason', and by His mercies He has give to us salvation.
Col.3 -
Please, read it in its entirety!
It speaks of the transformation that takes place when the lost give up to depend on/using reason and therefor can be made new in Christ.
The message are the notes composed by our Creator for us to engage joyfully and happily, to learn to sing this new melody.
He teaches us the nuances like a choir director leads his choir; practicing to become proficient.
But these notes are written onto the heart of the redeemed man. They will create the new melody from which spring the praises of and for the one that composed the melody.
Now we are rejoicing because we can sing this new song. v. 14: And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
Psalms 95 through Psalm 101 invites us to come together to 'let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
To say it again - we are able to to sing this new song because we were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Using reason has given way to being able to sing the praises of God with all of our heart and mind and soul!
There is no more 'reasoning' with Him except when asking for His mercies.
The notion of the "God particle" is a journalistic term and one that most physicists do not like. While many of them are atheists they reject the idea that their search has anything to do with spirituality. They are astute enough in their own minds to separate the measurable from the non-measuarble. Those Physicists who believe in God see our increased understanding of particle physics as a view into the creativity of God.
Maurice - I did not intend to imply that physicists look at the universe - the visible and invisible - with/from a spiritual point of view.
The redeemed call it God's creation; the scientists are still trying to discover and understand the source and the 'how it all began' of the universe and everything that is in it; again, visible and invisible, but made more and more visible through the use of technology developed to help them peel away more and more layers to come closer to the core or beginning of God's creation.
My point is that anyone, scientists included, will find better answers once they are born again. This will include the understanding and acceptance that some things will not be understood by the mind of man.
Especially the incredible influence and trans-formative power that God's Love has on the visible and the invisible.
Remember - He will make a new heaven and a new earth wherein there is no sorrow (sin).
No worries Brigitte. I just wanted to ensure that our readers understood that the "God Particle" term is not one that physicists use themselves (Higgs is quite embarrassed by it). Rather it is a journalistic term used by others.
It is unfortunate that in the field of science dealing with origins and what is "out there" beyond our world, we have a clear example of the reasoning that we must shun. To remove the Word of God from our scientific study is to put out the Lamp which must then leave us in total darkness with our very limited "observations".
Science will never find anything more than what has been revealed by God concerning origins and the marvels of the universe beyond our proper observation.(eg: every step closer to Jupiter has proven the former observations/conclusions to be incorrect, according to those involved. If this is the case with a "near" object, what about those we only have faint glimpses of from our extremely distant and narrow perspective, especially when conjecturing about origins?)
In the same manner, we may observe something that is now considered tradition through reasoning that has not subjected itself to the study of God's will concerning it. We need this Lamp for all that we would wish to understand and observe concerning our relation to God and Truth. Reasoning alone will only mislead the soul into greater darkness as we turn from the True Light. We cannot "in all [our] ways acknowledge Him"(Prov 3:6) if we turn from the revealing of His will in favor of Reason. Haven't we historical evidence of this folly?!
Important correction in the first paragraph!!
What I wanted to say is - 'having given up to live by man's way using reason, we have joined the chorus of the redeemed.
Yes, I agree there must be a proper yet delicate balance between faith and reason, especially for the professed Christian.
If faith is properly understood and reason properly employed, one would not produce a contradiction. In my opinion, when contradiction or competing claims is the outcome, it may mean faith is given priority over reason or vice versa. There are a plethora of subsets to this argument that has produced many "isms."
The LORD created us with thinking minds because He wanted to interact with us and for us to choose Him.
"God never asks us to believe, without giving sufficient evidence upon which to base our faith. His existence, His character, the truthfulness of His word, are all established by testimony that appeals to our reason; and this testimony is abundant. Yet God has never removed the possibility of doubt. Our faith must rest upon evidence, not demonstration. Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity; while those who really desire to know the truth will find plenty of evidence on which to rest their faith." SC 105.2
Rev 4:11 (KJV) Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Isa 1:18 "Please come, and let's reason together," implores the LORD. "Even though your sins are like scarlet, they'll be white like snow. Though they're like crimson, they'll become like wool.
Rom 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.
Heb 11:6 Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently search for him.
According to 2 Corinthians 10:5–6, the key to demonstrate error is to be obedient, thus sometimes people around an obedient person may get discomfort! Hopefuly, people may also feel stimulated to obey too.
Also, according to Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10, we start to be wise when we respect God, and this respect can give us "a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation"!
Our reason is totally different that God's. We are limited by time and space, not Him. We are limited by our own degenerative genetic destiny to cell death. But God offers us something unlimited, and better yet, sweet! His LOVE overcomes all reasoning and is able to give us eternity. I have to thank God for the troubles I go through, because they keep me hidden under His protection. Without God's mercy for me to claim, what answers would I get from this messy world? What sort of solution or enlightment can the human knowledge bring to this world's tragedy but to recognize the power of God an His sovereignty over the whole Universe?
While God invites reasoning (Isa 1:18), there is a human reasoning that will prove to be unreasonable in the light of God's word. While one might reason that a certain course is good to follow, the Bible warns it could lead to death(Prov 16:25).
How does one overcome the deception of faulty human reasoning? 2 Cor 10:5,6 shows us how, which is one of the ways we are to "deny [our]self...and follow [Jesus]"(Matt 16:24). Learning and obeying His teachings will make one wise(Matt 7:24, 1 Cor 1:30) while exposing to us the fallacy of our own reasoning.
As for reasoning with others, until we have surrendered fully to the wisdom of God's word, our witness will lack the wisdom from above. If we cling to human reason by refusing to follow the will of the Lord in only one thing, it will weaken our witness for truth, and prove our devotion to be insincere. We cannot follow the Lamb on a part-time basis. The apostle tells us that our entire surrender is our "reasonable service"(Rom 12:1,2).
“It is idle to talk always of the alternative of reason and faith. Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all. If you are merely a skeptic, you must sooner or later ask yourself the question, "Why should ANYTHING go right; even observation and deduction? Why should not good logic be as misleading as bad logic? They are both movements in the brain of a bewildered ape?" The young skeptic says, "I have a right to think for myself." But the old skeptic, the complete skeptic, says, "I have no right to think for myself. I have no right to think at all.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
Search me O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts. Ps 139:23
Maurice thanks for your imput.
John 9:1-41 A man born literally/physically blind, Jesus caused him to see, some doubted, some believe that Jesus was sent from God. Those who doubted were spiritually blind but never knew it. Many today are spiritually blind and do not know it.
The Laodiceans Rev 3:15-22
We read of a church/time period of a people who are spiritually blind yet they keep thinking they can see. They reason just like some of the Jews in bible times.
God wishes us to have the mastery over ourselves. But He cannot help us without our consent and co-operation. The divine Spirit works through the powers and faculties given to man.
2 Corinthians 10:5. {AA 482.3}
Luke 2:40-49. Jesus had the power and wisdom to reason with the learnt men in the temple. Acts 17:16-34. Paul had the opportunity and wisdom to reason with the learnt philosophers of his day. While Jesus presented about his heavenly father, the men were astonished. Unlike Paul, he was not 'winning' the argument until he presents the Risen Christ then he won the battle against Satan.
This war we are fighting is not a carnal battle, as mentioned in our text for today. We are fighting a spiritual battle for souls that Satan has his tight grip into human lives. This spiritual war we are fighting calls for wisdom as mentioned in Prov 9:8.
When I am finish presenting myself to God in the morning and set off to work I ask Jesus to help me to let someone know about his love and soon coming. I meet people from the ignorant to the learnt, political driven to non political people. Some try to pull me into politics to see what is my answer. I let them know I have no sides because politics divide people. I, like Jesus know my purpose of being at my job.
Some become very skeptical of me at first which is (reasonable and understandable). But as I begin to do my work and they (see/observe according to their judgment of good) what a christian should look like, then they confess that I am a good person. I always say I will try to be a good person, they will reply, you don't have to try, you are a very good person (loving and caring). Then I introduce them to Jesus the only one who is good, loving and caring. Many will listen to me as I present Christ to them at my work place. I plant the seed.
In these times people aren't interesting in how much we know the bible and can reason but can they see Jesus in us? With the Covid-19, whether you are Jews, Christians, Muslim, no religion, any religion, some religion, people are hurting alike. People are looking for a Savior. This is the time the world should be looking to the church for help. Let the world see Jesus in us, SDA.
Can the world see Jesus in you? Can the world see Jesus in me?
I try where I work to tell people that God doesn't like ugly and I work as an essential in at Wal-Mart. With my actions I am trying to set the example. I am also the oldest person there. But, I do set the example of what a good Christian is, or I try. Now it's getting harder.
Maurice, thank you for the real world application of the lesson's principles. Too often we get only the Ivory Temple version of how faith operates. And we are challenged to remain in Christ and demonstrate His grace. Who knows but what we have been called for such a time as this. What a time to shine!
Jesus, God in human flesh, was a carpenter for about 90 percent of His human life which required only His hands and His mind. For the other 10 percent of His human life He told parables, fed the hungry, multiplied a few fish and loaves of bread to feed thousands, healed the sick, stopped a stormy tempest with just three words (peace, be still), performed many miracles, raised a few people from the dead, died for all humanity's sins, rose Himself from that death, promised us His Holy Spirit, and is getting ready to return to this earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And He did not even attend any colleges or centers of "higher learning." EGW said that "There is no limit to the usefulness of anyone that puts self aside and makes room for the working of God's Holy Spirit in their lives."
I just started studying the book of Romans and it is very obvious that it brilliantly combined reasoning with faith in Christ Jesus. For the thinker, Paul peaks to their reasoning to bring them the saving grace of Jesus. I have also some Christian apologists who do the same, showing the limits of reasoning, the glory of the transcendence of God, and the word, while still showing love and respect to atheists. We need to continue to pray for the likes of Maurice Aston and other scientists who minster in different ways so that thinks will come to appreciate the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
After reading all the valuable comments on reason, it made me think about the relationship of reason and revelation. It seems to me that reason, being an intimate element of created human beings, is operating within the sphere of nature without being able to give an adequate answer to the origin of suffering and death in that nature hat reason belongs to. Logical deduction from visible nature with its movements to an unmoved mover, behind, within or far away from nature arrives at some kind of reasonable or unreasonable theory, the position of agnosticism (claiming not to know the ultimate origin of nature as it is), or even claiming there is no God (atheisms).
In view of the inadequacy of reason to come to an ultimate conclusion, the Creator made Himself known in an act of selfrevelation, for the inapprochable to become approachable in history of salvation (1 Timothy 6:16; Exodus 3:7-8)culminating in God revealing Himself in Christ Jesus (John 1:14).
Revelation does not set aside reason, but opens up a new sphere of operation, with the Holy Spirit guiding reason in opening up the salvatory inspired meaning of Scripture. (John 16:13) Reason has a wide field of research in grammar,as to what God has said, as well as the historical background to understand the historical setting of revelation. (Luke 2:1; 3:1)
Winfried Stolpmann