HomeDailyWednesday: Rest in the New Testament    


Wednesday: Rest in the New Testament — 7 Comments

  1. Readers of my comments will know that I have worked for the Seventh-day Adventist Church for over 40 years. During that time I have lost count of the number of colleagues whose marriages have broken down. Many of them admit that the primary reason for the breakdown was that they were too busy, "doing the Lord’s work". I have also lost count of those who have burned out, "working for the Lord".

    Today, we are beginning to recognise the need to look after ourselves and our families if we are going to be effective Gospel workers.

    There is so much good advice in the little vignette of information in Mark's Gospel

    The apostles now returned to Jesus from their tour and told him all they had done and what they had said to the people they visited.

    Then Jesus suggested, “Let’s get away from the crowds for a while and rest.” For so many people were coming and going that they scarcely had time to eat. So they left by boat for a quieter spot. Mark 6:30-32 TLB

    While we may try to put a spiritual spin on this idea of rest, it is worth considering that our spiritual wellbeing is intimately tied to our physical wellbeing. One cannot function without the other. Learning how to take time out is one of the hardest lessons we have to learn.

  2. Following on from the various dimensions of rest that are conveyed in the Old Testament Hebrew, today the lesson adds dimensions from the NewTestament Greek.

    What do you notice when you write all these dimensions down and look at them?

    What underpinning theme/s do you notice? (Eg what do you see as the hub; foundation; or perhaps roots of the concept of biblical rest).

    What dimensions of expression of rest do you notice? (Eg, what are the radiating spokes from the hub; ‘rooms’ or spaces arising from the foundation; trunks, branches and perhaps fruits arising from the roots).

  3. I really appreciate that the authors have taken the time to show us how the original Hebrew and Greek words which are often translated in English as "rest" could be and sometimes are translated into different English words. They have also shown how the context of the word "rest" affects the deeper meaning.
    The three meanings that have resonated with me are:
    Cease working - it is good to know that the LORD wants us to have a balanced life.
    Refreshed - our energy needs to be replenished, renewed, our operating system rebooted.
    Resting in the grave - it is comforting to know that my Mother is resting not troubled by the experiences of her children and their children.

  4. I have been a seventh day Adventist since September 20, 1979 when I was baptized and received into Church membership. I have held various positions of trust with the church and now as an ordained elder. There is one thing I have realized which is killing our spiritual growth. This happens to Pastors, Elders and all sorts of people in the Church. We rush in all our working for God. We study so little the definite features of Christ Character and there seems to be no time for Jesus to be a close dear companion. Then, Jesus' message to the church comes into play. Read Revelation 3:14 - 17. Then, Jesus gives a triple antidote as found in verse 18:

    1. Gold tried in the Fire
    Faith that works by love.

    2. White Raiment

    Righteousness of Jesus Christ.

    The power of the Holy Spirit to distinguish between truth and Error
    When God's work ousts out devotion, how do we expect to accomplish much for God? This does not mean that we should always be confined to the wall, there is need for recreation which is also rest.

  5. Rest in the New Testament

    We heard it is wise to do our bible/ lesson study the 1st thing in the morning and it was for a great reason. After a great night rest and the mind and body is refresh, reinvigorated and renewed we can think much more clearly and make decisions. Many times during the day our minds become taxed with the weight of the world.

    'The rest which Christ and His disciples took was not self-indulgent rest. The time they spent in retirement was not devoted to pleasure seeking. They talked together regarding the work of God, and the possibility of bringing greater efficiency to the work. The disciples had been with Christ, and could understand Him; to them He need not talk in parables. He corrected their errors, and made plain to them the right way of approaching the people. He opened more fully to them the precious treasures of divine truth. They were vitalized by divine power, and inspired with hope and courage.
    Desire of Ages 361.3

    Encouraging all to read Desire of Ages, chap 38 (Come Rest Awhile) what a beautiful chapter.

  6. Early in studying rather reading the bible, I'd surface read. Meaning I didn't use Strong's or any other method to see what the words used really meant. Now my study has taken on a totally different dimension by finding out how a "word" is used in this verse in this manner. Some of my coworkers that I talk with I encourage to add that to the bible study. They have been amazed how just knowing that in Hebrew or Greek or Aramaic etc. this word means ......
    The concern Jesus showed his disciples demonstrates for us the importance of rest from a spiritual, physical, mental, emotional standpoint. The sabbath rest Jesus advocates accomplishes all of those simultaneously. The daily life value of reading the bible continues to WOW me daily.

  7. In Mk 2:27-28 Jesus makes a bold claim after recounting the radical action of David in 1 Sam 21:1-6. Given that Scripture declares Jesus to be the pre-incarnate Creator (Jn 1:1-3), I was struck by the silence in one of this week's highlighted texts in Gen 2:1-3.
    The Genesis account, especially Gen 2:3, appears to focus on God's rest as the reason for the sanctification of the seventh day. This appears to contrast with Jesus' stated reason for the Sabbath in Mk 2:27. How was, or is, God's "rest" of benefit to humans?


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