Wednesday: The Risen Christ
The Christian faith centers not only on the cross but on the empty tomb. The truth is, the majority of people in the world, including non-Christians, believe that a man named Jesus of Nazareth died on a cross. Not long after Jesus lived we find historical references such as this one from Tacitus, a Roman historian: “Nero … inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians … by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus.”—Tacitus, A.D. 57-117 (
There’s little debate, then or now, about whether a historical figure named Jesus was condemned and crucified.
The hard part is the Resurrection: the idea that Jesus of Nazareth, who was dead on a Friday afternoon, became alive again on a Sunday morning. That is what many people struggle with. After all, a Jew crucified by the Romans in Judea was a fairly common occurrence. But a Jew raised from the dead after being crucified? That’s another matter entirely.
Yet, without this belief in a risen Jesus, we simply do not have a Christian faith. Paul wrote: “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith … If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied” (1 Cor. 15:14, 1 Cor. 15:19, NIV). Jesus’ death itself had to be followed by His resurrection, because in His resurrection we have the surety of our own.
When we come to the story of the resurrection of Jesus, we have two options. The first option is to view this story as sentimental propaganda written by a few lonely followers of Jesus to keep His memory alive, the way we try to keep the memory alive when a well-known figure dies today. The second option when we come to the story of the Resurrection is to take it literally, a firsthand account of an extraordinary event, an event later interpreted to have implications for every human being who ever lived.
Read Matthew 28:1-15. Why does Jesus tell the women (in verse 9) to “rejoice” (NKJV)? Of course, they can be glad that He was resurrected, that their Master came back. But what is the real reason to rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus?

I believe the Bible is the Word of God and so believe that Jesus is alive in the throne room of heaven.
It is good news because it means if we belong to Him we will have a new life now and for eternity once He comes again.
It is good news because He is in heaven and looking after me.
i just want to let the world know that we serve a risen savior and this gives us the assurance as seventh day Adventist believers that he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
The bible doesn't have the message for seventh day adventist only but for everyone who believes in Jesus christ as his/her saviour(John 1:12-14)And 1cor 15:14-19 has something for a believer,he was raised up so that our preaching and faith is not in vain.Preach the message to everyone without choosing,meaning to all nation.
Salvation is Not only directed for Seventh Day Adventist, but those who are searching for a knowledge of the truth, as well as those who fully believe in the Bible in reference to keeping His Commandments because Jesus say "there are other sheep He has that are not of this fold that are Spirit led by the Everlasting Gospel when preached to or evangelised. The nature of The Cross is to Save All who are earnestly seeking Him, but it is our job as SDA messengers and individuals to live life as Christ lived while proclaiming Salvation and Health to a dying world, so that they will too want to drink from the fountains of Living Water as well! The world does not, and cannot provide Eternal life!
This world has over filled its measures of sin with its moral declination, crimes, diseases and folly! It is "only" thru Jesus Christ that we can become victorious if we give ourselves to Him wholy! Sin promises an eternal death. Jesus promises Eternal Life! God the Creator of Man and Woman and earth, He wants us to enjoy the bliss of heaven just as it was in Garden of Eden "Before" the moral breakdown of the human race, but because of satans deception, this world has quickly fell into a downward spiral of misery, lies, and deceit! God longs to take us in His arms but its our choice and our choice will determine our end, whether Eternal life or Death. He will not force us against our will! Satan always have had a counterfeit against ALL the moral establishments of what God designated for in humanity and in the earth! Satan is why there is confusion! The choice that we make in life determine whether we want to be witnesses in the restoration of Garden of Eden as our Heavenly home!
Those who love and believe in Him partake in His victory over death because He is alive! Hard to believe that some of his disciples whom he appeared to (Matt 28:17) "still doubted" his resurrection?! It reminds me that we need our minds to be renewed (Rom 12:2) and keep fervent in our faith. Not all will believe in him no matter what is presented before them, but it is His will that all are offered the "gift".
We cannot be in Christ under any other means when we deviate from His instructions as stated in the Genesis Creation of Mankind! Satan has decieved the human race and stupified the behavior and attitudes of mankind into thinking that its ok to differentiate from Gods original plan and design!
THe ressurection means we are saved by faith alone not works, since keeping sabbath would not save any man.
Very true Sammy. However even keeping the Sabbath is about faith and not works. We rest on the Sabbath to show that we are resting our faith in Jesus to save us. We refrain from work on that day to show that we do not trust our works to save us. We rely fully on God's grace when we keep the Sabbath.
We have to rejoice in the risen Christ because his ressurection is a testimony of his victory over sin. Therefore we are are sure of being ressurected at his second coming.
The central message for us is the risen saviour. If its not that then we have no message. Its our hope.
Resurrection is about transformation (see 1 Cor 15), this is the true gospel.
We use the word "saved" so much we have lost the true meaning.
Maybe we should ask "Do I want to be changed?" How changed? To be like Jesus.
Only Jesus can change my heart, my character, once I am really changed within then my actions will automatically be changed.
We can rejoice because our God has made a way back for us. Sin has separated us from HIM, but what love our God has shown to all who are willing to submit to his word. May we all be faithful and stand firm for we serve a risen Savior.
Paul writes, "And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty." Why did Jesus have to be resurrected if He already paid the price of our redemption by dying for us? If you paid for something on my behalf then I should get it full and free.
Not sure if this is a rhetorical question. However, the wages of sin is death - therefore Christ died once for all men. But the gift of God is eternal life - and Christ being resurrected from death is the gift from God, for not only His son, but for us all. And Christ being our creator, will be with us forever when all things are made new, He is what makes life worth living.
Hello Ray, I'd like to share a thought here if I may. I think you've asked a good question.
The following thought from one of our early, notable, writers is relevant I think:
"The slaying of the victim was not making the atonement: the sinner slew the victim, Lev 4:1-4, 13-15, etc., after that the Priest took the blood and made the atonement. Lev 4:5-12, 4:16-21." (The Sanctuary, O.R.L Crosier, p.19. It is significant, in my view, that Crozier's view was endorsed/recommended by Ellen White. (Early Writings xix.))
And again, from another more recent writer,
"All Israel well understood that the death of the sacrifice was not sufficient to forgiveness. There must be a ministration of blood to make the offering efficacious." (The Book of Hebrews, M.L.Andreasen p.13)
It is a challenging thought for some of us, but the death of Christ was NOT enough to achieve the atonement for the fallen race. In order for atonement to happen, the Victim's blood needed to be ministered in a particular way. Jesus needed to be ALIVE in order to minister His own blood in the presence of God.
... And at present our faith may not be 'intelligent' and 'bold' enough for us to follow the Lamb "within the veil; whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, [who has been] made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec." (Rev 14:4; Heb 6:19-20)
Ray, Jesus is not just the Lamb of God, He is also the true High Priest. His death only began the process of saving sinners, making it possible. It must be accepted and applied in the heavenly sanctuary which the earthly was a representation of. Notice how the sacrifice was officiated by the Priest in the earthy example.
Also, had Jesus not risen, that would have meant His sacrifice was not sufficient and we would be without a substitute for our sins, and must all perish in our sins.
Those who are searching for knowledge and truth, may find rest in the Seventh-day Sabbath, led by the Holy Spirit, maybe inspired by us, maybe just the Bible. Hebrews 4:3,4. Isaiah 30:15. Isaiah 56:4,5,6,7,8. Isaiah 58:13,14. All throughout the four gospels Christ set the example of doing good on the Seventh day Sabbath, and going into the Church for worship in the Seventh day Sabbath. As for Salvation it is found in non other than Jesus Christ. I will let God be the judge of all, including me. I do have the promise that Christ is our advocate. 1 John 2:1. So since I sincerely desire the truth, seek Him and surrender all my bad habits to Him, He is mine and I am His. I delight to keep the Seventh day Sabbath Holy.
It is always God's desire that His children should be happy, rejoice and be cheerful. The resurrection of our Lord provided enough reason for joy. He knew that His disciples had been shattered by His death. They were down and out. They had experienced the bewilderment of His death. Seen from the resurrection perspective, we can say that their suffering was a path of light and a spiritual rejuvenation thatled them ultimately to inner peace and a resolute hope for the future. Notwithstanding that the disciples had shamefully deserted Christ, He provided them reason to cheer up and rejoice exceedingly at His resurrection as well as the hope of meeting them again.
We are admonished by Peter to rejoice greatly over the resurrection. (1 Peter 1:6). He tells us to be exceedingly glad because of God's abundant mercy that gives us a living hope. (1 Peter 1:3). Moreover, he tells us that there is the great prize of an incorruptible inheritance and the promise of being kept by the share power of God.
I believe Christ told them to rejoice because He had given them and all His followers throughout the centuries a very definite purpose for lining.