Wednesday: Slow to Speak
Read James 1:19-20. What important point is he making there?
God’s Word is powerful. But so are human words. How often have we spoken words that later we wish we could take back? Unfortunately, just being aware of how hurtful wrong words can be, and how destructive anger is, does little to help us get ourselves under control. Left to our own devices, we can never really change. That is why we need to listen more to God and let Him work in us.
When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. He bids us,
-Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 58.Be still, and know that I am God.
By contrast, problems arise when we stop listening to God and to each other. Whether in the home, at work, or in the church, arguments ensue when listening stops. When that happens, talking begins to accelerate and anger builds. This slippery slope of sinful communication, like the uncontrolled inward desires of James 1:14-15, can never produce the righteousness of God.
That is why James juxtaposes God’s righteousness with human wrath. As long as we rely on what bubbles up naturally from our sinful nature, the creative power of God’s Word is blocked and our own unhelpful or even hurtful words arise instead. No wonder that right after talking about all that our Father of lights
does for us by the gift of a new life, James tells us to be careful with what we say.
What do the following passages teach about words? Prov. 15:1, Isa. 50:4, Eph. 4:29, Eph. 5:4, Col. 4:6.
Think about the last time someone devastated you with his or her words. The depth of emotion you felt should show you just how powerful words can be, either for good or bad. What can you do to help keep your words under control? Why is it so important to think before you speak?

When we were young and people called us names we used to say:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.
Then we grew up we realized how much words can hurt.
My mother taught us:
Before you speak think - is it kind? is it true, is it necessary, if not don't say it.
Silence is golden. A fool who keeps quite is better than a wise person who doesn't measure his words. Satan has no power over our silence but takes advantage of the words we speak against us. So think before you speak.
It might help if we understand what Anger really is, this is a quote from an article on Anger Management.
Anger is often called a secondary emotion because we tend to resort to anger in order to protect ourselves from or cover up other vulnerable feelings. A primary feeling is what is what is felt immediately before we feel anger. We almost always feel something else first before we get angry.
We might first feel afraid, attacked, offended, disrespected, forced, trapped, or pressured. If any of these feelings are intense enough, we think of the emotion as anger.
Anger, like any other emotion, is how we are made by God. It is not inherently "bad." Jesus experienced anger (Matthew 21:12-13) and so does God (e.g., Romans 1:18; John 3:36). In my home we have a rule, "It's ok to be angry, it's not ok to be hurtful."
Anger management is not about learning never to be angry, it's about learning to experience and express anger in a healthy way.
We should learn to be attentive listeners and slow to speak cause words can break of build a person. Learning to listen does not only teach us how to listen but teaches patience and understanding of what is being said
By your words you shall be justified by your words you shall be condemned .
Speaking in anger is one of those things that is easier to understand and point out when I see it in someone else.
When I was much younger, I thought this passage in James meant that I was not to ever get angry or voice my true feelings if they reflected deep feelings or passion.
Now when reading the same passages I believe that James is talking about the natural condition of our hearts. We bend towards gradiosity, selfishness and self-centeredness.
There are times when it hurts to be quiet and listen to someone else. It's especially difficult if they are considered to be 'in the wrong' or not really worth hearing because of experience, station in life, lack of worldly prestige or education.
As God's people, we are to be peculiar in that we can get angry and sin not, we can unify regardless of who's in our midst, we can listen and honor all men because of our connection in Christ.
We can do this because we have the promise that, we "can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us." Phillipians 4:13.
Like Peter says in 1 Peter 2:17(ERV) Show respect for all people. Love your brothers and sisters in God’s family. Respect God, and honor the king.
This is what we are and are consistantly becoming in connection with Christ.
Isaiah 50:4 was especially touching to me this morning as I have just begun to (I dare say) commit to Bible reading & prayer when I wake up in the night... God showed me this morning he is hearing & answering: I prayed that he would wake me up just before my alarm went off so it wouldn't wake my husband (he's taking a test today). When I awoke, I remembered my prayer & looked at my phone- 2 minutes before the alarm was to sound! It was a small request, but God honored as it was pleasing to him❤️
"Speaking a word in season to him that is weary" that is my prayer; to have the mind of Christ and the "tongue of the learned" that I would be able to minister to those in need & further the gospel is my earnest prayer. Praise God, if I am faithful to study, he will do the work in me!
When we speak we should always use love. Jesus example is the best to follow.
I have a question, Who gives bad gifts? references will help please.
Bad gifts come from us once we break communication with God by relying on ourselves.
Hi Joseph you asked, Who gives bad gifts?
The Trojan horse was a bad gift!
The apple the witch gave Snow White was a bad gift!
Just so Satan offers us what initially looks like a gift but it is bad for us or it has strings.
Slow to speak
Many people get in trouble because they cannot control themselves,as a christian we need to make a difference in everything.we don't speak just to speak,but we need to measure our words even in time of conflict . It is not easy but we can do it if we let God control our emotion.
Many times people say things to us and we might be hurt and even get upset.Back in the days I withdrew myself and went into a proverbial shell. Later on God told me to examine the words to see if what was said was actually correct especially if they highlighted some negative in my character . If we claim to give God control of our lives why don't we expect Him to have any thing to do with what people say to us?
We must understand that sermons are not only preached on the pulpit but they can be in a simple conversation with someone else. Believe it or not,unkind words directed towards us help us to figure out if we are developing the character of Christ or not. Do we respond like Him at His trial or are we like Peter?
When salt is used in Col. 4:6, we are being led to see that like salt , our words should add flavour and meaning to the lives of those with whom we come in contact. Our conversation should also help to bring preservation of those good attributes in others and ultimately lead to them being preserved for eternal life. Therefore, we must remember that our words can either bring others closer to Jesus or contribute to the loss of a soul.
James spent 30 years living with Jesus. At first he did not approve of how He handled things, but when he finally got it! he experienced great joy within and became a faithful follower.
When we daily spend time contemplating the life of Christ, The Holy Spirit loves to dwell within us! When we are challenged, He speaks for us and through us. We are surprised to see that we become actors instead of reactors.
Read about JESUS, Talk about Him, Sing about Him, Bragg about Him The Angels love it. The devil hates it.
You're so right!
Hi gud pple,today's lesson is a charactor build in our lives becoz its teaching us the ethics of life and business language and aconnection with GOD becoz if we learn to be slow in speking we have understood the character of living with our pple.
I wish we would understand well this lesson. Many of people are very sensitive to our words. If we don't allow God to control our minds, our words might destroy many including ourselves. One way may pronounce healthy and useful words, i.e edifying words, in really time and with love, WE ARE TO BE FULLY CONTROLED BY JESUS, THE SOURCE OF WISDOM AND LIFE.
Be warned!Words are alive.The moment words leave our mouths they take up a life of their own.Some have been haunted by words spoken years before.On the other hand some have been gratified to hear that they had spoken well sometime past and that benefited somebody else.The ratio of ears to mouth in the human being says it all.Hear more and speak less and gracefully
I was so encouraged by this lesson today. I especially appreciated Pauls exhortation to us in the book of Colossians chapter 4:6. And if we read the previous five verses we find a real nugget of information. Here Paul above anyone would have reason to use words of complaint. It is humbling to realize Paul was in a horrible prison, chained and suffering, as this letter was written for our benefit. He is telling you and me to keep on praying, being watchful, being wise in the way we live with those who are outside of faith. Make the most, he says of our opportunities to win others. How? By always talking pleasantly, seasoning our words in love like salt seasons food. If we practice our faith this way we will be given wisdom to know just how to answer everyone. Especially as we shine a gracious peace while we walk through our trials. Like our brother Paul.
To show how powerful words are, Genesis Chapter 1 records the words of God directly spoken and things were created. Our words are extremely powerful & they can build or break someone. I have a question, how can one avoid being a part of gossip in the work place?
Karin, When gossip about someone starts in the work place, it helps to find something good or positive to say about that person, or try to change the subject. Asking God for a proper response seems to work. Carol
Motive of heart is also key for today's lesson. Silence can inflict just as much harm if selected as the weapon of choice.
You have said something very important, "Silence can inflict just as much harm if selected as the weapon of choice."
I've received that kind of silence and given it too. Only God can heal our minds and hearts so that our communication can be a blessing.