Why Lucifer Needed to Destroy God’s Perfect Law to Set up his own Government
The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; Psalm 19:7 NKJV
Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. Psalm 119:97 NKJV
It’s amazing to me how people claim God’s law was done away with when it was absolutely perfect. David loved God’s law. Wouldn’t he be heartbroken to see it done away with?
I have a hard time understanding why some say the law was done away with at the cross. They say Jesus did away with the law when He died for our sins. This does not make sense to me, because since when has a law ever been done away with when someone paid the penalty for breaking that law? Paying for speeding tickets does not do away with speed limits. Serving time in prison for a felony does not do away with the laws of the nation. Never in all eternity has anyone ever paid the penalty for breaking a law and done away with the law at the same time, so why would anyone think Jesus did away with God’s law by paying the penalty for breaking His law? Fact is, if God’s law could be done away with, Jesus would not have needed to die. It was because God’s law could not be done away with that there needed to be a sacrifice to keep us from paying the penalty ourselves.
Also, why do people claim promises in the Old Testament while claiming the Old Testament law was done away with? If the Old Testament is no longer valid, wouldn’t that also mean the promises in the Old Testament are no longer valid either? Including the promises about the Messiah? If the promises in the Old Testament that we love to claim are still valid, then so is the law in the Old Testament.
Many preachers who preach the law was done away with preach themselves out of a job. 1 John 3:4 says sin is breaking God’s law. If there is no law, then I can’t break a law that no longer exists. If I am not breaking any laws (because they no longer exist) then I can’t sin. If I can’t sin why do I need grace ? If I don’t need grace, then I don’t need a Savior. If I don’t need a Savior, then I don’t need a preacher to tell me about the Savior. The fact that I still need a Savior to give me grace demonstrates that the law is still in effect.
After all, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7 warns us that the man of sin creates the mystery of lawlessness. Lawlessness is not the work of Christ. It is the work of Lucifer and those working under his control. Isaiah 14:13-14 tells us Lucifer wants to overthrow God’s government and set up his own government. In order to remove God from the throne you have to do away with His law. God is no longer reigning over us if we are no longer keeping His laws.
Lucifer thinks to strip God of His authority by rendering His laws invalid. Then Lucifer thinks to set up his own government with his own set of laws. Naturally when a new government takes over, they destroy the seal of the previous government and make their own seal. The Sabbath commandment is like a seal to God’s government. It has His name “The Lord.” It has God’s title, “Created” (Creator), and it states His jurisdiction, “the heavens and the earth. the sea and all that is within them.”
Lucifer seeks to replace God’s seal with a man-made Sabbath. By destroying God’s law and God’s seal or authority, Lucifer thinks to destroy God’s government and thinks to set up his own government. Thus he thinks to achieve his goal stated in Isaiah 14:13-14 of being above God and even taking His throne. Through the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, Lucifer thinks to accomplish on earth what he wanted to accomplish in heaven, and that is to get rid of God and take His place.
Revelation 19:16 tells us that Jesus is still Lord of lords and King of Kings. Our God still reigns. Lucifer’s attempt to take over has failed. God is still God. The Sabbath, God’s seal is still intact. God’s government has not been over thrown. God still has authority. God still reigns, and His law has never been abolished. And His law is perfect. God’s law is still loved by His loyal subjects just as much as it was loved by David in Psalm 119:97.
Do you love God’s law?