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Why Was Jesus Baptized? — 22 Comments

  1. Wow, the story below hit me like a ton of brick. I must die to my old way of life that I may be a witness of the life I now live though Jesus Chirst.

    I want to see my Savior in peace and live with him in heaven. Lord help me to rightly represent you to all mankind.

    • The story about Jesus Christ the Savior is awesome.want to be with the Savior be His servant till He comes.

  2. What a neat story about the pastor and the drinking man. This understanding is a "most precious message " 1888. I love it. Been waiting and looking for this power to open up to our people. Jesus prepare us for the closing of the latter rain. Come Jesus come.

  3. Just like the phrase 'let it be so for it is thus fitting to fulfil all righteousness'. Just got enlightened as my personal ministries director wanting me to re-enroll on VOP which i had finished years back with a different church but not graduated. I finally gave in and as i started reading the words just struck into me that if the Messiah, who had no sin could be baptized, what would it take me to re read. The course seems to have a new message and meaning than the one i got when i first read it. Glory to the Lord for he is MERCIFUL and he is a righteous Jugde

  4. Pastor William I always look forward to your inspiring writings. They encourage me so much. Thank you and may our Heavenly Fathet continue to use you in His service.

  5. Jesus died for me so I can die for Him, the action of man should truly reflect the love for Christ just the very way he did it on the cross.
    The love of Christ to us should equally to reflected on us by the way we portray love to others, someone need my love and if this love can make him / her get eternal life so I have no option but to love till there is no one to be loved
    so help me God

  6. Dear William,

    This is an excellent overview of baptism. From the beginning example
    "waiter spills the drinks all over you and the manager comes out and apologizes, because he belongs to a corporation that did. He is apologizing on behalf of the restaurant he represents".

    If we could only get this idea in mind we would truly care about others with love and compassion. We would be able to relate when someone else does something wrong and feel, "if it wasn't for the grace of God, there go I". How often do we hear to the contrary, "I would never do something like that".

    We need to get clear about the meaning of baptism which you have presented before us. "By baptism we die to self just like Jesus died to self". We actually died in him and that is the only remedy for self. Self must be crucified with Christ. Psychology, counseling, meditation, etc. can never crucify the self, it can only happen in Christ, on His cross.

    Thank you once again for writing a very helpful, insightful post.

  7. What an encouraging story. What a saviour Jesus is, who came and saved us through the baptism. Without Him, the whole mankind would have been a mess. To Him be the glory.

  8. William, the question that may be on some minds is how important is it for me to be baptized? The commission in Matt 28:19 was given the disciples by Jesus as a means of recognition of the Heavenly authority. A symbol of which side we choose, Christ or Satan. Some view baptism as a passport to Heaven. The question then becomes if my salvation is dependent on whether I am baptized or not, what about the people in the old testament? Using the flood or the crossing of the red sea as a form of baptism is somewhat of a stretch. I am not saying baptism isn't necessary. I believe it is important as a public declaration of our intention to live like, and for, Jesus. What I question, as is most all of my questions, what is the motive? Is it personal or is it a group decision? Did Jesus need to be baptized? Yes, Matt 3:15 are Jesus words as to why He was Baptized. It was the right thing to do. A demonstration of Holiness and Justification. The Fathers words and the Holy Spirit, like a dove, were acclimations of assent. Endorsements or blessings so to speak. Is numbers added to our denominational role the goal or is brotherly love the motivation? Physical incapability to allow immersion, is another discussion.

    • Paul, didn't Romans 6, Colossians 2 and 1 Corinthians 15 very clearly indicate the reason for baptism?

      Much more than a symbol, it is our statement of commitment to God that we accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice as my sacrifice, His resurrection as my resurrection, and His Life as my committed new Life in Jesus Christ.

      It also is a testimony of my decision for separation from the world, with my acceptance of entry into the Kingdom of God.

      As Jesus Christ fulfilled Righteousness in His Baptism, so I fulfill Righteousness as I am Baptized in Him, and He in me.

  9. In our SS discussions this morning, a question was raised: when did baptism begin and so it became what Jesus said to John the Baptist, "let it be so for it is thus fitting to fulfill all righteousness"? There was no mention of it in the Old Testament. Could someone explain?

  10. William. Very beautiful use of object lessons, in particular the ending application with which several persons resonate.
    May I offer one adjustment to the middle application in view of its importance in salvation:

    Jesus Christ was resurrected for us so we can be resurrected with Him into a new life in Him.
    Romans 6, 1 Corinthian 15, Hebrews 9-10.
    Statement of Scripture: we have no life (not even the lived life of Jesus prior to His sacrifice) without the resurrection. "if there is no resurrection, we are of all men most miserable"

    In view of the distorted theology of the alcoholic evangelist, aptly representing Protestantism, an Amplification:
    We died in sin with Jesus Christ who became "sin for us" - for only He can die for us.

    We are resurrected into a new life of righteousness and purity, with Jesus Christ who was resurrected into new life for us - for He alone can transform us to live in righteousness.

    We will see God with Him - for only the pure in heart can see God

    1 Corinthian 5:21, Matthew 5

    God bless all

  11. Great comment Paul! For those who can't be baptized as you alluded to, Jesus' baptism stands in the place of their baptism. Romans 5:10 says we are saved by His life. I lived a righteous life in Christ and His life, including baptism is my life. However Romans 8:4 ways He wants to live His righteous life inside of me and have me do the things that He does, including baptism.

    In Matthew 5:17-19 Jesus says He came to fulfill the law. Some twist that to mean that once he fulfilled it that He did away with it. When we see in Matthew 3:15 that Jesus fulfilled all righteousness but yet told His followers to baptize in Matthew 28:19-20, We know by fulfilling something He wants His followers to continue doing it. Likewise Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath but still wants His followers to keep it just as He fulfilled the righteous requirement of baptism but still wants His followers to be baptized. Everything Jesus did, He did so we may follow in His footsteps and do it too.

    • William, I didn't mean to imply that baptism was no longer necessary. What I was trying to make point of, is that baptism has a definite reason. The text that you and I referred to, Matt 3:15, is the reason that has the ultimate authority as it's source. I guess I am somewhat of a purest. We do not always see or understand verses in the same way. When the law is referred to, most of us think, the ten commandment law. I do not see any reference to baptism in that law, or any other law. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus told his followers many things to do in order to live a life that is in accordance to God the fathers will. Do we all faithfully obey? Maybe an embarrassing question. I try not to take liberties in making applications to Biblical instruction. Romans 5:10 is talking about a perfect, sinless life that Jesus lived. This is as I understand, the definition of Justification.

    • William,
      Might you be shortchanging the meaning of Baptism by viewing it as an act of obedience in doing what Jesus did, in addition to vicariously baptize those who could not be baptized.

      Romans 6: 3 Or don’t you know that ALL OF US who were BAPTIZED IN JESUS CHRIST WERE BAPTIZED INTO HIS DEATH?
      4 We were therefore BURIED WITH HIM through baptism into death in order that, just AS CHRIST WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD through the glory of the Father, WE TOO MAY LIVE A NEW LIFE.
      5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his.
      6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin—
      7 because anyone who has died has been SET FREE FROM SIN.
      8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.
      9 For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him.
      10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.
      11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

      Baptism is our statement of FAITH, our FAITH ACT describing our transition from death to life, that we vicariously are baptized/died with Jesus, resurrected with Jesus, and live with Jesus as HE LIVES. It is our commitment that we no longer live in sin, but in newness of life, dead to sin but alive to God.

  12. I believe the pastor missed an opportunity to lift this man up to the next level. We all struggle in life with something. We are placed in situations to give hope and encouragement to others. Sometimes we forget who is to act like an adult, and who is still a child. When someone is learning and growing you give them all the help you can. Years down the road they will be able to reach others you never will. They do this because they can sympathize with the struggles others face. I say this as someone who answered the alter call, but didn't "look right". I never got the call back. Doesn't mean I can't work on the outside, maybe that is where I was meant to be.

  13. Thank you mr Earnhardt for such a wonderful lesson we assume we know bible but in real we read like reading novel. am really motivated my God through is sun give you more


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