Unto the Least of These – Hit the Mark Sabbath School
Is this True, Somewhat True, or False? Helping the less fortunate is a mandatory part of the life of a Christian. Join us as we discuss Lesson 7, Unto the Least of These.

Read Job 1:8. How was Job described by God Himself? That’s pretty good, having even God call Job “perfect” and “upright” (Job 1:8), so perfect and upright that no else on the earth at that time could equal him. Again, these are God’s own words, verbatim, about Job. Even after Job faced one catastrophe after another, God … Continue reading –>
Is this True, Somewhat True, or False? Helping the less fortunate is a mandatory part of the life of a Christian. Join us as we discuss Lesson 7, Unto the Least of These.
Zacchaeus was a wealthy Jew who had made his money by working as a tax collector for the hated Romans. For that, and because he and other tax collectors exacted more tax than was really due, Zacchaeus was hated and called a “sinner.” Zacchaeus lived in Jericho, which sat on a trade route with much … Continue reading –>
I think my parents did a pretty balanced job of raising me. I was taught that no one was better than me and that I am no better than anyone else. A while back I was listening to a documentary on NPR , talking about how awkward it was for people who served as maids … Continue reading –>
Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, G. Edward Reid, as they provide additional insights into this Quarter’s Sabbath School lessons, “Managing for the Master, Till He Comes” (1)
Continue reading -->You can view an in-depth discussion of Unto the Least of These in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. Click on the image to view: With thanks to Hope Channel – Television that will change your life. (3)
Continue reading -->We don’t know much about the rich young ruler other than that he was young, a ruler, and rich. And he had an interest in spiritual things, too. He was so energetic that he came running to Jesus (Mark 10:17). He was excited to learn about eternal life. This story is so important that it is … Continue reading –>
In their writings, the Bible’s authors included many of God’s provisions for the poor, the strangers, the widows, and the fatherless. We have records of this all the way back to Mount Sinai. “Six years you shall sow your land and gather in its produce, but the seventh year you shall let it rest and … Continue reading –>
“MANAGING FOR THE MASTER Till He Comes” will show us that God Is Working His Purpose Out – Hymn 225 in all our we do and say. May we be encouraged by this hymn for this quarter and that In Our Work And In Our Play – Hymn 591 we will work until Jesus comes. Hence, a … Continue reading –>
Key Thought: Widows and fatherless are those who have lost spouses and parents. Single-parent families are many today. Helping the poor is not an option, but a command. February 18, 2023 1. Have a volunteer read Leviticus 23:22, and Deuteronomy 15:11. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point … Continue reading –>