Resurrections Before the Cross – Hit the Mark
Join the discussion to discover how meaningful Resurrections Before the Cross can be to all of us. Our keyword explains it all.

You can view an in-depth discussion of Resurrections Before the Cross in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. Click on the image to view: With thanks to Hope Channel – Television that will change your life. (1)
Continue reading -->Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, Dr. Alberto Timm, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson, “Resurrections before the Cross.” (1)
Continue reading -->I heard a story in a pastors’ meeting a few weeks ago, where a hard-working and dedicated pastor died around the age of 60. Some of the elders were very distraught that this hard-working pastor was gone. They wanted to get together and pray for God to resurrect him and put him back to work. … Continue reading –>
The resurrections prior to Jesus’ own death and resurrection were not limited to any specific ethnic group or social class. Moses was perhaps the greatest human leader of God’s people ever (Deuteronomy 34:10-12). By contrast, the poor Phoenician widow was not even an Israelite (1 Kings 17:9). The Shunammite woman was prominent in her community (2 Kings 4:8). … Continue reading –>
Join the discussion to discover how meaningful Resurrections Before the Cross can be to all of us. Our keyword explains it all.
The Bible says that Jesus “went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38, NASB). Indeed, all the Gospels are full of accounts of Jesus ministering to many needy and hurting souls, which is why later many Jews came to believe that Jesus was the … Continue reading –>
Read 1 Kings 17:8-24 and 2 Kings 4:18-37. What similarities and differences do you see in these two resurrections? In Hebrews 11:1-40, we read that by faith “women received back their dead by resurrection” (Hebrews 11:35, NASB). This was the case in the two resurrections depicted in the texts for today. The first one (see 1 Kings 17:8-24) occurred during the great … Continue reading –>
Key Thought: There are several instances of resurrections before Christ died on the cross, and we want to take a closer look at these this week. October 29, 2022 1. Have a volunteer read Luke 9:28-36. Jude 9.. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point is in this … Continue reading –>
The theme hymn for this quarter’s studies “On Death, Dying and the FUTURE HOPE” is Hymn 214 – We Have This Hope. Hymn 526 – Because He Lives shows that we are able to continue living today and tomorrow with great hope. It is wonderful to have Jesus who walks and talks with us, to keep … Continue reading –>
Some Greek Church Fathers from Alexandria argued that, when Moses died, two Moseses were seen: one alive in the spirit, another dead in the body; one Moses ascending to heaven with angels, the other buried in the earth. (See Origen, Homilies on Joshua 2.1; Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 6.15.) This distinction between the assumption of the soul and the … Continue reading –>