09: One Lawgiver and Judge – Thought Starters
[Thought questions for One Lawgiver and Judge November 26, 2014]
1. Introduction. Have you ever complained about a new stop sign in your neighborhood? Or about the lack of stop signs or posted speed limits nearby? Imagine that you live in the capital city of the United States, Washington, DC. What would the term “diplomatic immunity” mean to you if you saw a luxury car displaying the logo of a foreign country illegally blocking traffic ahead of you? Why do we have such strong feelings about the laws that surround us? Do our attitudes extend to our church’s rules and procedures? From a universal perspective, how many lawgivers and law enforcers are there? Can you identify any of them? See James 4:12.
2. Judgment or Discernment—or slander? Is it always slander to speak ill of someone? Should we be careful what we say about the people we choose to be around us? What does pointing out a member’s faults have to do with sitting in judgment? Would you like to work in a factory or software company that has no rules or no enforcement of them? What is the difference between judging someone and exercising the role of judge and jury over that person? Or is there a difference?
3. The Lawgiver is the Judge. Who is the author of the Ten Commandments? Did Jesus dispense with these ten rules during His stay on earth? Why or why not? Why are so many fellow Christians intent on doing away with the Old Testament commandments today? After telling us that there is only one lawgiver and one judge, what does James find too many church members trying to be? Why? At the end of earth’s history will God provide extra time for us to learn to obey Him? If not, when can we learn the law of God and how to obey it?
4. Planning Ahead. If you could start your life over again, say at age eight or ten, would you make careful plans for your future? Are you making plans now for the next several years? Do you know someone with supplies on hand for years to come? Is that a good idea? How can you make your plans for the next ten or fifteen years fit God’s plan for you? Does James believe in planning for the future? What condition does he apply to this process? See James 4:13-15.
5. Life is a vapor. Today we see “vapor” stores popping up everywhere in the U.S.A., selling a product made from marijuana that is becoming legal and greatly desired. What is the sensation that “vapor” gives people who use these products? In what ways is life like a vapor? Are you ever sick of the sin and turmoil of this life? How does being aware of the approaching end of your life and of the world change your attitude toward Jesus’ coming? Are you ready to trade the “vapor” of this life for a solid, mind-building, soul-healing, body-enhancing eternal life with Jesus?

Most people are keen to make others comply with laws that support what suits them, however the same people will complain about laws that restrict them. In general our attitude to laws are self-centred
I don't think James is saying we should not have order in home, school, work, social or church situations. First he says don't 'slander' your brother, which is accusing him of something that is not true, secondly he says don't 'condemn' your brother, which I believe going back to what Jesus said in John 6 means pronouncing that he is saved or not saved, only Jesus has that authority to do that.
We must always remember God's rules are all from a loving heart and for our own good and happiness.
We should plan, however we should plan by first finding out what is God's will for our future, then construct our plans around His will.
This world is not our home, we're just a passing through, so don't let earthly things weigh us down and slow our journey.
Praise God! What a sobering lesson! This makes want to be more humble when it comes to my christian walk.
The Sabbath school lesson has once again lighten me on how to live a Christlike life.
We all have our weakness and shortcomings therefore let as ask the good Lord to always guide us in our daily activities so that one day we might not be judge since will one-day someday stand before the judge in judgement.
we need not to jurge coz is only God should do that bt we should correct one onoher