HomeDailyThursday: Knowing and Doing What Is Good    


Thursday: Knowing and Doing What Is Good — 6 Comments

  1. Another way (and a bit milder way) to put James 4:17: “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” is “he that knows better does better.”

    Obligation increases with knowledge. Less is expected of the one in darkness (Acts 17:30). As believers study and gain more light they have a responsibility to walk in this light (Galatians 5:25). At the same time ignorance itself is not a virtue and if any deliberately dodges opportunities to know truth so as to avoid accountability the same is just as guilty as if he or she knew better (2 Timothy 2:15).

    Those entrusted with the weight of the Three Angels’ Messages are held to a higher standard than those who are yet to receive same. The remnant people are called to walk worthy of their calling (Ephesians 4:1-3).

    • Thanks, Hugh;

      However, to me, a better way of putting the James 4:17 verse is, "He that knows to do better should do so because if he doesn't he is guilty of committing sin."

    • The way I see it, we cannot possibly die to self on our own. Paul calls this dying to self a "crucifixion" when he writes, "I am crucified with Christ." (Gal 2:20) It is quite clear that crucifixion is not a method of suicide. We cannot crucify ourselves. We can only choose to let God do it for us. Thus it is impossible to die to self or keep an attitude of surrender without a constant attitude of prayer. I believe that's why Paul writes to his converts that they are to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thess 5:17)

  2. As we pray ceaselessly, we feel the need of a savior. By so doing it makes us want to commit every plan into God's hands. We then completely surrender our lives to God.

  3. Often times I see that the knowledge and understanding of what prayer can do is there, but faith in it is not there. I can know that what a particular law passed may do for me, but does not mean I have faith that it will do what it's supposed to do. If we take but a simple moment to give God one very scary thing in our lives or something we are unsure of how to let go in prayer, that will be one step in building our faith.

    Prayer and surrender will not always be easy because of our selfish and prideful nature, but it only takes one step. Once you get praying, it gets easier to fall in love with it. When you stop, just take that one step again and you will be back on track.


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