12: A Message Worth Sharing – Discussion Starters
- Peter’s Present-Truth Message. Consider some times when Jesus sent a special message before a display of God’s judgmental purpose. Examples: Noah, Joseph, John the Baptist. What was the first key message that God sent to His people in the New Testament? What was the last and final message from God? What is the sole and primary
purpose of the book of Revelation? Why is its message so important?
- Revelation’s End-Time Focus. It’s hard to find a believer today who isn’t convinced that Jesus is coming soon, very soon. Do you agree? But haven’t people believed that and preached that for centuries? What did Jesus mean when He declared, “Behold I am coming quickly”? Imagine being chosen by God to represent Him in earth’s final crisis. Have you accepted that challenge? Are you ready for hard times ahead?
- Revelation’s End-Time Message. We have 66 books in the Bible, What does the final book, Revelation, contribute in a special way to the message God’s people need to hear, believe, and share? Why is the symbol of the harvest especially appropriate to 21st century Adventists? What special significance is contained for you and me in the 14th chapter of Revelation? Ellen White makes the statement that our work as a church is to proclaim the message of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd angels’ messages? Why Is this so
- Understanding God’s Message More Fully. What does it really mean to “fear” God? Do you ever feel that you fall short in the work of glorifying God and revealing His message to people you know? Satan has been supremely successful in downplaying and even ridiculing and replacing the Sabbath as proclaimed in Scripture. Why? Couldn’t we make more friends if we went to church on Sunday? What would Jesus think of such an arrangement? What do you think?
- God’s Final Appeal. Babylon is represented symbolically in the Bible as a spiritual force. What is the importance of Sunday keeping to this God-defying practice? What other false teachings does Babylon proclaim and expect all Christians to follow? How should Christians relate to these false doctrines? Can we make friends with people when we disagree with their church’s teachings? Did Jesus befriend people from various religious beliefs without compromising His principles of law and love? How can we follow His example? Or can we?

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