20 Things Your Bible Worker Will Never Tell You
Since this is my 20th year of being a Bible Worker Lay Pastor, in keeping with the theme of “20”, here is my list of 20 things your Bible Worker will never tell you. While I have put the list together mostly myself from my own experiences, it is not entirely my own. Other Bible Workers have also chipped in anonymously with a couple contributions of their own.
Things Your Bible Worker Will Never Tell You
- If I seem pre-occupied when you try to have a conversation with me at church, it’s because I am. I’m teaching Sabbath School, probably preaching too, and keeping an eye out for the people I invited to church today. Call me during the week and I can give you my undivided attention.
- I really appreciate the $25.00 gift card you gave me for Christmas. I know that since I’m still wearing my-worn out shoes, it looks like I haven’t used it yet, but I have. I used the gift card to buy school supplies for a struggling family I’m working with.
- Tell me you can’t read and I can work with you and help you. Keep telling me you forgot your Bible or can’t find it, and we will never get anywhere.
- When you tell me your family is praying for me every day, it means the world to me. When you call me and pray with me it makes my day.
- When I called and told you about a Bible student I have who needs a ride to church, and you told me it’s not on your way, I wasn’t really asking if it was on your way. I was just asking if you would do it. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I go out of my way for people all week long. Can’t you do it just once a week? Fact is I do try to match people up in the same area, but I also try to match personalities and male to male and female to female.
- Don’t be afraid to hang out with me because I may see you’re not perfect. I’m not perfect either.
- You may have driven by and seen me on the golf course this afternoon. What you didn’t see was me spending the entire night before in the Emergency waiting room, praying with one of my Bible students, while his wife had emergency surgery.
- I mean it when I say call me any time. If everyone is afraid to call because I may be busy, then no one will call and I won’t be busy. I depend upon you to call and keep me busy. I like to be busy.
- You may not feel like you know the Bible very well, but that observation and comment you just made about the verse we just read was pretty good. I will be sharing it with all the people I study with from now on. Thanks!
- While I am studying in your home with your children, I would really like you to join us. If you don’t care to join us, please don’t leave the house to run an errand. I know your family trusts me, but that does not mean I trust your family.
- I really am interested in what you have to say, but I can’t answer your question until you quit talking.
- I use my laptop when giving Bible studies and following up on leads and making appointments. That’s why it looks like I’m on Facebook a lot. Plus Facebook is another way I stay in touch with my Bible students.
- I may use you as an illustration in one of my sermons, but I won’t use your name and may even switch your city and gender in my story to protect your identity.
- I truly appreciate your offerings in support of evangelism and the Bible Worker fund, but just so you know, I work for Jesus and not the richest person in the church. He is the One who died for me and the One I am going to be faithful to.
- When I ask you to greet for an evangelistic meeting I need you there for the whole night. I may need something handed out at the end, and it does not look good for you to greet everyone and then have them see you as you get in your car and go home. Same for special music. By coming up on stage, singing a song, and then going home before the speaker begins, you give the message that the meeting isn’t worth staying for.
- The literature in the literature rack in the church lobby is for visitors. Please buy your own literature if you are a member.
- I wish you wouldn’t use that study Bible, or would at least understand that the study notes are not inspired and are not 100% accurate.
- On my day off I will gladly explain to you the plan of salvation, but I really don’t want to use my day off debating whether Adam had a navel or not.
- Remember last fellowship lunch, when you were huddled with your little clique and the visitor with whom I’m studying was sitting by himself? Yes, after I asked, you went over and invited him to your table, but he saw me ask you. It would have been a lot better if you had reached out to him without me having to ask. Thank you for offering to give him a ride to the doctor that week though. Connecting with him outside of church was a good thing.
- Our study group has 10 members and meets for 75 minutes. We really care about you and what you have to say, and will give you the floor all night if you really need it. At the same time please be respectful of the other members of the group, remembering that they too may have something on their hearts as well. Thank you to those who are mindful of the math and realize 10 people can’t talk for 20 minutes each within 75 minutes.