End-Time Deceptions – Hit the Mark
Our keyword for Lesson 11, End-Time Deceptions, is a good one! Join the discussion to learn why.

Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, Dr. Alberto Timm, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson, “Resurrections before the Cross.” (2)
Continue reading -->For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13 NKJV A while back I was having a group Bible study about the Sabbath. During the study I was surprised when an Adventist friend told the group and me, “It does not matter if we keep the Sabbath any more. Romans … Continue reading –>
Similar to necromancy are the demonic personations of the dead and other demoniac appearances. The personations can be in the form of a deceased family member, friend, or anyone. Both the physical appearance and the voice are very similar to those of the deceased. All these satanic deceptions will be used to deceive those who … Continue reading –>
The word “necromancy” derives from the Greek terms nekros (dead) and manteia (divination). Practiced since ancient times, necromancy is a form of summoning the alleged active spirits of the dead in order to get knowledge, often about future events. Ancestor worship, meanwhile, is the custom of venerating deceased ancestors because they are still considered family and whose spirits can, … Continue reading –>
Our keyword for Lesson 11, End-Time Deceptions, is a good one! Join the discussion to learn why.
The pagan notion of an immortal soul provides the foundation for the unbiblical theory of reincarnation or transmigration of the soul. This theory has been adopted by some major world religions. While most Christians believe in the existence of an immortal soul that abides in a permanent heaven or hell after death, those who believe … Continue reading –>
The theme hymn for this quarter’s studies “On Death, Dying and the FUTURE HOPE” is Hymn 214 – We Have This Hope. The studies we have completed so far are reverberating in Hymn 203 – This Is The Threefold Truth and will do through to the end of this quarter. To help us avoid all deceptions, … Continue reading –>
Key Thought: Mysticism, near-death experiences, reincarnation, necromancy, and ancestor worship are dangerous, end-time deceptions that we need to be aware of without exposing ourselves to their influence. December 10, 2022 1. Have a volunteer read 2 Corinthians 11:14,15. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point is in this … Continue reading –>
Some of the most popular modern arguments to “prove” the theory of the natural immortality of the soul are “near-death experiences.” In his book, Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon — Survival of Bodily Death (Atlanta, GA: Mockingbird, 1975), Raymond A. Moody, Jr., presented the results of his five-year study of more than one hundred … Continue reading –>
Our world has been flooded by the strong waves of mysticism. The word “mysticism” is a complex term that encapsulates a huge variety of ideas. From a religious perspective, the word implies the union of the individual with the Divine or Absolute in some kind of spiritual experience or trance. This characterizes the worship experience … Continue reading –>