
Forever Friends — 22 Comments

  1. I love this article. An awesome reminder to me and many others. Thank you!
    Also, in the third-last paragraph I'm pretty sure you mean friend and not fiend... 🙂

  2. Perhaps that is why the parable of the sheep and goats does not say "I needed a Bible Study and you gave me one." Bible studies are assumed for Christians but it is the relational needs that really make the difference between sheep and goats.

  3. Thank you for this. I was having the same conversation with my brother - who is a bible worker as well. He said that evangelism isn't what people think - but reaching out and connecting with people first - like Jesus did before he got into the word. We go to an older church and I find the same thing - people are too old or couldn't be bothered to befriend new people. I get frustrated but I know that I am not there for them - but to hear the word of God. God Bless

    • Melanie, I am so glad you stayed in church even though people were not that friendly. There are friendly churches. While you are right, we are there for God and not for people, if you read Lilliane Lopez's last post, you will see relationships are important too.

  4. Hello brother William Earnhardt, praise God for your words to be simple and so powerful. I met myself twice in this article. I am a portuguese speaker, I moved recently in London Uk, where I was baptized. I am thinking about being a bible worker, I will take a evangelism course soon in which it was arranged by my pastor. But I also like to get in touch with you so I can learn from your experiences and become forever friends with you. Thank you and God bless

  5. This is a great article to reflect your life on. I'm a teenager and if I wasn't Christian and I was visiting a church, I'd want somebody to befriend me... it would be really nice. Now I'll have to remember to always greet or befriend visitors at my church.
    *and THAT will give them a reason to come back*

  6. Hello! I had a Boyfriend for almost 6 years...and due to our different priorities, we are separated. Yet we are still best friend that cares for each other because we believed that friendship never last here on earth...and will continue in heaven-:)
    Everybody can relate to this topic "Forever Friend" because everybody has a friend.

  7. Wow. This article is so real, I often wonder how much difference it makes when I reach out to someone in church who is visiting. I know that when I go visiting it makes the difference. Before I really gave my heart to God in my office I would make people feel welcome when they came for interviews even if I saw them in the corridor because it was always an uncomfortable situation for them to be in, and I have carried that with me that now I have really accepted God and His way, I do the same everywhere I go. Thanks for this lovely article.

  8. The wish of Paul to the Thessalonians to be blameless and holy, as x-tians we should imitate and have Christ like character and walk the holy way of Christ and focus his second coming. We know that sufferings of x-tians is test of faith.

  9. The article is quite inspiring and very practical to what happens in our church. I could not stop reading one line after another. Indeed, it takes a "forever friend".

  10. Last Sabbath, we had a great Sabbath Lesson Review...

    In Thessalonians, Paul mentioned that he blamed Satan for hindering him to visit the Tessalonica. If we have plans and we fail to achieve it, are we gonna blame Satan or ourselves?

    For me, the main battlefield of good and evil is our mind - so, the final decision comes from us...There are things that we can control and we cannot control. For the things that we can control, we need to pursue the plan as much as we can with guidance from Heaven. For the things we can't control, we need miracle from Heaven!
    We can blame ourselves or maybe Satan-:) but we can't blame God!

  11. Everyday we look at ourselves in the mirror before we start our day to make sure we look alright and everything is in place. Your article is that mirror that I needed. You presented in a wonderful way the importance of loving fellowship that we need to have with each other. The impact we can have of being a forever friend makes a world of difference. Thank you for the 'mirror check'.

  12. That Sabbath lesson also highlighted how eager Paul was to hear if his "friends" in Thessalonica kept their focus on Christ. He had geniune concerns well after they had made their professions of faith. A forever friend..

    Thanks EN for forwarding a nice story!

  13. For Paul to long for earthly friends and to remind them at the coming of our Lord and forever friends in Heaven we must hold on until He comes again.

  14. A friend told me about the website and I have been following your writings since then. I enjoy reading them and the replys that follow. It is sure helping my Christian experience. Thank you


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