HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought – That They All May Be One    


Friday: Further Thought – That They All May Be One — 6 Comments

  1. I Love how the Writer have concluded on Friday. Univesal church is more than a demonination. Jesus stareted a church not a demoniation. Denimination is a work of Man. We are Saved by Grace through Faith Eph. 2:8.

    • Denomination is how a church keeps it's beliefs pure. Look at the many denominations and their varied ideas of what God's will is. We also believe that scripture makes clear the raising of this movement by the Lord(Rev 10,11) with a specific message to the world(Rev 14). Didn't God call the nation of Israel to be separate from other nations in their belief and practice?

      • Israel was meant to be an example to the whole world to follow, but they couldnt keep the covenant! Now we have an exampe,JESUS.

        Jesus come to save the whole world John3:16. Holy spirit will Lead us to all truth John 16:13. It is not an act of a man or denmination that will lead us to the truth, but putting pride aside. No single denomination can claim to have the whole truth. SDA church added additional Fundamental belief on Growing in Christ in 2000s. All denominations are not yet there. Some people within denominations through the work of Holy Spirit are ahead of us. Jesus believers are known by their Fruits, Fruits of the spirits not a denomination.

  2. The question is asked: "How can we work with them, when appropriate, without compromising any of the truths that we have been given?" It has really answered itself by inserting the words "when appropriate"

    As Friday is a summary of the week we come back to the question "What did Jesus mean when He prayed 'that they all may be one'?"

    I believe there are two issues 1)"the truth" and 2)how we treat other people.
    2) is straight forward - how did Jesus treat people irrespective of what they believed - he healed and feed them, he visited in their houses, he touched lepers, he preached to everyone.
    1) "the truth" - how did Jesus deal with questions about the truth.
    A)it is clear that he knew "the truth", it was what His Father told him.
    B)he was prepared to discuss the truth and help sincere seekers to understand it
    C)however he never got into an argument, he stated the truth and left it at that

    So we come back to the real question behind unity -"what is the truth"?

    I believe there can only be real unity between those who have surrendered their hearts and minds to Jesus to be changed into His loving character AND understand "the truth" found in the Word of the LORD

  3. In the case of Jesus' ministry and ours, I don't believe anyone ever surrendered their hearts to Him because they lost an argument...

  4. 1. Jesus prayer was not for the first century church alone, but also for all who would believe through their witness. There is One Fold and One Shepherd(John 10). If we are not one with Jesus as He is one with the Father, we will find no unity in our fellowship with Him or with His faithful followers. Our individual unity with Jesus is our only means of unity in the church in this fallen world. Any departure from the will of God is threat to the unity in the church.

    2. Working with other churches must be done with great care.

    3. As repentant sinners accept Jesus' invitation to take His yoke upon them, learning of Him who is “meek and lowly of heart”, the “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” will take place. Those who are one in Jesus, as He is one in the Father, will be in perfect unity with all who are one in Christ themselves. If we have any unity with the world which Jesus did not have, we cannot be one with Him or His true followers. Adam's one “little” sin led the whole world to be out of harmony with our Creator. This is how sin works. So it is vital to “be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is”(Eph 5:17), that we might follow it faithfully at all times. One departure can lead a whole church astray.


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