HomeBeliefs About LivingStewardship - Fundamental Belief 21How to Fill Out the Tithe Envelope    


How to Fill Out the Tithe Envelope — 6 Comments

  1. Hi, I would like to thank you for this post. Even though I knew the difference early on, growing up it always concerned me. Many I knew had a pretty different view of it. Because I was younger than they I was unable to explain. Your post explains the topic and would help someone understand it, if not take the initiative to learn more from the pastor. Please continue to write posts like this as the Holy Spirit guides you.

  2. Thank you for this post. I am so tired of listening to Seventh Day Adventist members encouraging other members to send their tithes to the church and not to the conference. They argued that the church is the storehouse and that where they are getting their blessings from. I will be making copies of this post and share it with my brethren.

  3. I've not always been faithful in tithes and offering even after growing up with a mother who instilled this in me long ago. This year, I hope to change that and return to how I was taught...and to do it cheerfully. Thanks for this article.

  4. Thank you so much for explaining this in detail, and providing appropriate Bible verses that back it up. I followed the above method of giving tithe -- 10% tithe and I give what I purpose in my heart -- but I'm always disturbed each time I give, because someone taught me some time ago that I should give 10% for each. I pray God will strengthen me to honour him faithfully.

    • Mayowa, you can still be faithful if your offering is less than 10%, if that is what you feel God wants you to give. On the other hand, if He is prompting you to give more than 10% as an offering - beyond the tithe - then it would be faithful to give more. Each of us should give offerings as we have decided for ourselves, or as the Holy Spirit prompts us if that is the case, rather than according to how much someone tells us we should give. I do know that whatever offering you give will be a blessing for furthering God's work, and you will be blessed for giving it. I pray the Lord will guide each of us to give as we are able, and that we would see blessings pour down from heaven as we are faithful to what God calls us to do.

      *To be clear, when I refer to offering, I am not referring to tithe, which is always intended to be 10%.

  5. I slightly differ from the distribution you show in the envelope; instead, I go 100 tithes, 60 local churches, 20 conference evangelism, and 20 world missions. That way you are contributing to your local expenses, conference budget, and world missions.


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