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Inconsistencies with Lawlessness — 7 Comments

  1. What about "Once saved Always saved"? If you really believed that you would have to believe that Lucifer will be in heaven? Be careful in what you believe.

  2. "If the is no law I cannot sin". That depends on which type/conception of law is being talked about.

    If we are merely talking about rules, then that can be true.

    However, if we are talking about law/s that describe the principles that underpin life/reality, then that is a whole different premise. If there were none of these laws, then it would not be possible for me to be alive.

    Rom 5:13 does say that "sin is not imputed where there is no law". This verse does not say that where there is no law there is no sin, only that sin won't be imputed.

  3. I think the inconsistency is less significant than the consistency. We cannot know if their argument is based on a different definition of sin than we typically use as Adventists. The argument could be based on reasoning that defines sin as that which is not the outworking of love. We often say that sin is the transgression of the law, and whatsoever is not of faith is sin. But we rarely mention a love-based definition, which is arguably more important, and which seems to be the definition a lot of the evangelical world uses. Am I missing something?

    • Hi Sam, you are absolutely correct, Sin is synonymous to selfishness. (This, by the way, started in Lucifer's heart) It is not a matter of dos and don'ts. If you go down the "list" of dos and don'ts (the commandments) you will realize that breaking or not keeping anyone of them is as a result of selfishness. However, when we are transformed by the Holy Spirit and our hearts are renewed (The law would then be written in our hearts and minds) then we will no longer be selfish and we would become other-centered as Chist was, and then the "list" would not even be necessary.

  4. The next time some one states that the law and or the 10 commandments have been nullified or dis missed
    ask them two things where does it state that commands are laws,and does that also mean you wouldn't
    mind if I had an affair with your spouse.

  5. William, I read your tribute to your mother, An amazing lady! Sad that she is no longer here, but glad for you to have cherished memories especially on Mothers DAY. May God bless all the Mothers.


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