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Making Forever Friends for God — 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for writing this article William. I needed that reminder to be a friend to others today. I can get so caught up in the busyness of my life that I forget to reach out to others and encourage them or just be there for them. Giving of myself freely as Jesus did and still does for me. It is sometimes the little things in life that matter so much more than doing some great, big thing. "He that is faithful in that which is least will be faithful also in much." Luke 16:10

  2. Many decades ago, we were canvassing in a small Argentine town where there was no Adventist presence. One Sunday, we felt the need to hear a sermon, and found a Mormon church. We sat in the back, enjoyed the sermon, and as soon the last prayer was offered we rushed out, but an energetic young man chased after us and invited us to a "social."

    He told us there would be a short speech, there would be cookies, drinks, games and ping pong. The moment we heard ping pong, we were sold on the idea. We left with the impression that this young man had the correct approach to soul winning.

    Friendship sometimes is stronger than doctrinal correctness.

  3. William:
    Yesterday the head of Prison Ministries in Arizona called to tell me an 80 yr old woman had just been released from prison & he had asked the Lord who he could get to mentor her. My name came to him. I have never done anything like that much more, I had also never given a Bible study because I don’t think I have that kind of personality. However, I recently had been praying for the Lord to find something I could do for Him as I could think of nothing. I prayed about it, yesterday afternoon & evening and again this morning. Daily I get 3ABN’s “Faith Light” in my email. Todays topic was “I’m Not Qualified”, you can imagine the article. Then I went to do my SS lesson on line, and here was your blog about “Forever Friends. How’s that for two answers to my prayer about whether I should become a mentor/forever friend to this woman, who btw is my age. Thank you for this and countless other blogs which have richly blessed me. Leilani

  4. Many years ago I was asked to do Bible studies with a young woman. It was a long drive to get to her, but it was worth it—other than the reality that I did not know how to share Jesus with people. I had been baptized several years before, but had lost my first love; but aren’t we supposed to be “sharing.” She became pregnant and was afflicted with a severe case of morning sickness, all day long. I could have done so many things, taken food for her family, cleaned her house, any number of things, but instead of accepting her situation, even though I did not understand it, I tried to turn her over to an older couple who lived closer to her. They took her and her young daughter to church a couple of times, but the morning sickness was too overwhelming. They were a military family and so moved within a couple of years. I pray for God to be with her and send someone to be the true friend I wasn’t, and for her to forgive me. My father had a saying: “Too late smart.”

  5. Thank you for your story, it has given me a new look on serving God. It's very encouraging.

  6. I often struggle with doctrinal correctness and its connection with relationship, and in this struggle, several thoughts come to mind. The first is that my Heavenly Father through his Son Jesus has graciously adopted me as his son even though there is nothing to recommend me to him. He has accepted and loves me in spite of my misconceptions, errors and dysfunctional thinking and behaviour, be they willful or through my ignorance.

    Inside of his love for me, my Father has worked patiently and kindly to show me the Truth, the Way and the Life, as it is in Jesus, his Son. Even when my colossal mistakes are my entire fault and I have fallen flat on my face, he has helped me up and back on the his path of right doing and right thinking. And when I repeat the same mistakes over he continues to work patiently and kindly to straighten out my wrong thinking and actions.

    I am starting to understand that a loving, helpful, kind and thoughtful relationship with another person is the only Truth that has any hope of bringing that person my Father has put into my life to him and everlasting life. I (like everyone else that I know and meet) am broken and dysfunctional in many ways and this would be my ruin, but for the amazing graceful loving kindness of my Father and his Son. I thank my Father that through his Son he touches and heals the unclean, comforts the erring, rebukes the proud, opens the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf, feeds the hungering wanderer, and delivers all who are willing from the clutches of the Evil One.

    • Richard - your heartfelt testimony is an inspiring witness to the loving Mercy and Grace of our Heavenly Father.
      I rejoice with you in the assurance of knowing that we at first have been adopted, but then to become wholly His children.
      2Tim.4:7,8 - 'I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. v.8 - Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

  7. Thank you Pastor William for speaking the truth about what true religion is, of which brings to mind this statement from the book Desire of Ages, “ In the story of the good Samaritan, Christ illustrates the nature of true religion. He shows that it consists not in systems, creeds, or rites, but in the performance of loving deeds, in bringing the greatest good to others, in genuine goodness. – {DA 497.1}
    Of which also in 1Cor 13: 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not Cherity, I am become a sounding brass, or a tingling symbol. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge and I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not Charity, I am nothing. 3 And though I’ll bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not Charity, it profiteth me nothing.
    And so yes our churches need to become more than a club or a building we go to every week to worship God, it needs to be a family loving each other by looking out for each other and to all who come seeking.
    My heart went out to all who were not helped and made friends, much will be required by the Master when He comes. Thanks for your caring work. And I envy your work and I have many questions about it. Keep up the good work and God bless you.

  8. Be ye kind to each other, tenderhearted, in honor preferring one another.

    Bro Nic thanks for sharing.
    As you shared I remembered. A few yrs ago as I stated before, I always go from congregation to congregation to get to know my other brethren in the other congregations. At one congregation we visited and had lunch. At the end of lunch and as we were preparing to leave few children approx 7-8 yrs followed us a short way. One boy said 'we are glad you visited us today and stay for lunch, hope to see you next week, must come again, ok'. As that little boy spoke, I can see the genuineness in his eyes. It melted me. I had already planned to visit other congregations so I was unable to go back. Hope to see him soon.


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