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Are We Marked by Time With Jesus? — 4 Comments

  1. I am a new Adventist. I can tell you that I have searched for years for the truth. I never thought about any of the laws for Sabbath until I heard it in an SDA church bible study. What I do not get is the levels of our journey. I read allot and do not wish to take anyone's word until I read it for myself. I went on a spiritual journey about 5 years ago to bring Jesus back into my life. I believe he is wanting us all to be mindful of things, but anything that does not bring us peace is not good. When he was going to calvalry, he told his followers that he bequethed to them his PEACE. That is big I think. Also Fear is listed 365 times in the bible. So we need to follow his words, keep peaceful in all things and do not FEAR anything for he is with us. Numbers are very meaningful in the bible and 365 days, so we should have one for everyday. Another is the EXCESS, we all have excess in our lives. Some more than others. But EXCESS is the devils playground. Also EGO means to Edge GOd OUT!! It is these principles I can find comfort in. We do know that even though we must do what we can to bring others to HIM, it will all happen the way it is foretold. Nothing can stop it. I think I discribe our jobs as to keep peaceful and tell anyone and everyone we know what is coming. Their choice to follow. I was in the "morning" of my life before..getting the kids, cars, houses, stuff..and now they are grown and I have stuff..but feel the need to find my purpose now. So the "Afternoon" of life is just that, to follow our purpose to fullfill now. After all, when we are gone, we cannot take any stuff with us. How unimportant is that stuff then?

  2. "In the time of the apostles, people took note that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13) When someone looks at me, can they tell that I spend time with Jesus? Can they see the mark of my time with Him? I hope so." When I read this comment, it made my heart swell with the same desire. Jesus has been so good to me and has done so many wonderful things for me. All I want is for others to see and to know my Jesus. I want others to have all the good things He has given me. I hope against hope that they see Jesus in me!

  3. wow this is amazing! this post is so timely for me. ive been praying that people see Jesus in me coz ive gone astray and ive felt the guilt that im not His witness inspite of everything He has done for me....


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