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Sabbath: Blueprint for a Better World — 9 Comments

  1. The term "blueprint" is often widely interpreted as meaning "the original plan". In practice, architectural and engineering plans were drawn up on semitranslucent paper and copies were made by exposing diazo print paper through the translucent original. The dyes used in the process were blue, hence the name "blueprint". To be pedantic, a "blueprint" is essentially a working copy of the original. It is the version that the builders and carpenters pore over and write notes on. The original plan is always kept in the office where it can be used to make more "blueprints" when they are needed.

    The lesson author's probably meant "original plan" when they used the term "blueprint" but I like the notion of "working copy" because it implies that God's plan is intended for practical use by us, the workers in his great project.

    • Maurice,

      I like your idea of "blueprints" being working copies. The original plans never go out into the field; instead, they are kept in head office. Often site conditions require workarounds to the original plans, and these required changes are marked up on the blueprints. When the work is completed, all the field blueprint copies are collected, changes reviewed and confirmed, then the originals are updated as "as built".

      As the lesson's author points out, site conditions for God's original plan for this earth changed significantly when Satan usurped control of the project from Adam and Eve, God's designated project superintendents. As a result, God had to implement crucial changes which were documented in the blueprints (the Bible) to bring the project back on track, and ultimately God will "as build" a new heaven and a new earth to bring this creation back to his original plan.

      Richard Ferguson (Professional Engineer)

    • The Ten Commandments is the blueprint of God whom He wants to be in our Hearts until eternity and His Word in Us. Amen!

  2. “You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:18, NKJV).

    One of the most famous movies in US is Avengers.
    After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe.
    Avenger (definition) - A person who exacts punishment or inflicts harm in return for an injury or wrong.

    How contradicting to the biblical value is the movie Avengers, you shall not take vengeance.
    Grudge held in heart can turn into a bite of venomous snake.
    A friend shared a story
    In her team there was a person who thought she was qualified to be promoted to the manager position.
    When she did not land the position, she was upset held a deep grudge against the new manager.
    Her grudge was so deep, she was calling out the new manager in the meetings.
    However, within six months of loosing the position she was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away.
    The friend who shared the story said, the cancer might have been there all along.
    However, her attitude expedited the rate of death.

    What a remarkable way to begin this weeks lesson study.
    Don't worry I got your back says,the Lord our God, vengeance and grudge belongs to Me.
    Romans 12
    18 If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.”

  3. What's the difference between cooking and baking? I'm told that for baking one has to measure the ingredients while with cooking one has more freedom as to what and how much to use. However even with cooking there are limits to ensure the food is edible and delicious, that's why people want to know the recipe when they enjoy a dish.

  4. I was told about a story some time ago. A builder wanted to make several buildings so he kept making blue prints from the previous blue print. After the 10th copy the blue print was way off from the original copy. I always remember this story for my spiritual life. The true blue print always points to the original. It’s always on target. Continue to let the Bible be our guide. All of us at some time or the other have been hurt by someone. Some one had deeply hurt us. We also hurt others at some time in our life. We hurt Christ deeply and still hurting him. That’s why we are called to forgive, it hurt and I know. There is a reason to forgive, if not, our prayers can’t be answered.

  5. English is my fourth language, so I struggle with simple words!
    Is vengeance and revenge the same thing? Not according to some dictionary I read. Revenge is defined as an act of vengeance. While it is the Lord's sole prerogative to decide on vengeance. Did king David revenge on the death of King Saul? Was it not an act of vengeance (avenge) by God through His servant David?
    Just trying to understand this issue better in simple English

    • Yes they are essentially different forms of the same word. Both are derived from old french "vengeance". Some think that it links back to the Latin, "vindicare" which has overtones of "vindicate". It is interesting to read that meaning into some of the descriptions of God's vengeance and I have a sneaking suspicion that it is probably closer to what God means when he says, "Vengeance is mine!"


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