Sabbath: The Character of Job
Read for This Week’s Study: Job 1:1, Job 1:8; Job 29:8–17; Job 31:1–23; Exod. 20:17; Matt. 7:22–27; Matt. 5:16; Eph. 3:10.
Memory Text: “Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?” (James 2:22, NKJV).
In the midst of all the major issues touched on in the book of Job, we mustn’t lose sight of another crucial theme: that of Job himself. Who was this man whom the Lord trusted so much that He challenged the devil over his faithfulness and integrity? Who was this man who did not understand why all this was happening to him, who knew that what was happening to him wasn’t fair, who expressed anger and frustration over it all, and yet stayed faithful right through to the end?
While the essence of the book of Job dealt with Job after the calamities struck, from this story we can pick up information about Job’s earlier life. And what we learn about Job’s past and the kind of man he was gives us a greater understanding of why Job stayed faithful to the Lord, even amid all the terrible suffering, even amid everything Satan did to try to turn him away from God.
What was Job like, and what can we learn about how he lived that can help make us be more faithful followers of the Lord as we live our own lives?
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 24.

Who was this man(Job) whom the Lord trusted so much that He challenged the devil over his faithfulness and integrity? And when God himself answers Job, He descends from heaven to bring answer to Job's questions.. God honors those who honor Him! Three Daniel's friends at babylon, they honored God by their position, and when God brought the answer, He descended himself and comforted them.Brethren, let us hold fast reasons of our faith, God is ready to do with us, if first we choose to live according to our faith, works of our faith Will make our faith perfect!
Job established that all he had was freely given to him by God and therefore his wealth was not a distraction to his faith. Job 1:21. He also believed in God's salvation and therefore death would not separate him from God. Job 13:15-16. Job sought to be in a good standing with God at all times. Job 1:5. So life will throw things at us on a daily basis, we need to daily die to self because spiritual regeneration is a progressive experience so in every scenario seek ye first the kingdom of the Lord.
Job is an individual whose character stands the test of time amidst tribulations. In this respect, I think that we don't need to wait for tribulations to beset us to start developing character, instead, character development is an act that should be made when still you're in good seasons. When life runs smoothly so that you can fill life's supermarket trolly, when your bank account is still handsome, when your social capital is still good, when all your programs run as had been planned.Earlier,we had been introduced to Job's well-spent life of prosperity before the tragedy struck, it was a life that was God-fearing and his relation with people in his neighborhood I think was well.He had developed his character prior to tragedy. Therefore,as christians,we should learn to embrace Job's life, and that,its in the heat of the fire where pure gold is separated from the dross.Tragedy is to perfect our character and not to make it. Job was a man of faith whose works was an evidence. Work is a result of faith. The two go hands in gloves to equip the man of God in this noble ministry.
As last-day Christians we have a lot to learn from the book of Job. There is need for us to keep growing in Christ in order to withstand the evil of our time. Job's uprightness and perfection as mentioned in Job 1:1, must have been the reason why God allowed his faith to be tested with so much suffering. As we move closer to Christ Satan intensifies his attacks.
When Eliphaz responded to Job in Job 4:4, he reminded him how his words upheld and strengthened the failing and the weak. Ministering to those who were going through hard times must have strengthened Job's faith in God. This is exactly what we are called to do as Christians. Job acquainted himself with suffering during his time of prosperity as preparation for his own suffering. Christ did the same and he called us to "walk as He walked". Thus Job's faith worked together with his works and by his works his faith was made perfect. May God help us to follow the Lamb in preparation of the time of trouble, as we approach the end of probation.
Now that this lesson is reaching it's climax, the definition of "perfectness" is unfolding. God is so amazing, he understands our good inten and our determination to serve him faithfully; thoug our human weakness might over take us at times, God knows what to expect, he gives us grace and mercy to recuperate. In contrast, man quickly forgets your spiritual fortitude and declares you unworthy when you make a mistake or suspect you erred. Like Job, one must know his redeemer personally and confidentially to stand through the storms, for we will have to stand without the support of family, friends and brethren. Thanks to Job for being exemplary!
This lesson shows that we can live perfectly in the eyes of God,however, we are not sinless. Evil that befalls neighbors, friends, family, siblings, co-workers and church members are sometimes not direct consequences of their evil actions. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, period. Some of these situations occur purely for the manifestation of God's glory as Jesus explained in the story of the blind man (John 9:1-3,KJV). Just refrain from personal jubilation and celebratory high fives at the expense of people going through difficult times, because those encountering evil in their lives today may be the Jobs of our time. You, in all your back-patting, self-congratulations, and self-serving piousness may not have reached the level of perfection for God to permit some of these Job-like trials to come to you.
To those who are going through in-explainable trials and difficulties, please wear it as a badge of confidence and not of condemnation. For, there is no sin that cannot be wiped by the grace of God if you believe in the Lord Jesus as your creator, redeemer and savior. Difficulties and headwinds are unleashed to make perfect people even more perfect as these lessons have unveiled. You may be a modern day Job. Pray and wait.
Wonderful words up above. Very well said and I truly appreciate them. The only thing left is to experience them now. It is almost an irony to dissect the life of Job why sitting here in my warm comfy chair, my warm comfy house with my rich comfy secure livelihood and dissect this man's attitude while under pressure. It will also be surprising how different it will look to me when God will allow us to go through the great gift of humility. May God help me when I am completely dejected, alone, despised and rejected of all man kind. Before we get all of what heaven has to offer, we will need to forsake all of what earth had clung unto us. Our humility experience will be a great part of our salvation. A caterpillar in a chacoon turns completely into liquid before he become a beautiful butterfly. There is no other way.
I pray to be like Job even if the world brings me down in all forms and levels. May my faith never fail to deliver me in times of tribulations. I am going through a very dark side of my life, I do not know the way out but I have this blessed hope that my Lord will intervene in my situation. I want to live happy again been captivated for too long. Lord Jesus please see me through.
Matthew5:48: Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.This is the challenge we have before Jesus comes to take us home,in order for us to have this perfectness,our faith in God must be so firm and strong.Hebrews:11:6: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.WE SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE OUR FAITH IN GOD NO MATTER WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH IN OUR LIFE,WE SHALL BE REWARDED WHEN WE STAY FIXED IN GOD ALONE,Job was rewarded for his faithfulness,and so can we be rewarded too.
This man was a man that demonstrated faith in God and who He is. He knew that Because God is everywhere, there is no place he could go to relieve him of his obligation to Him. Because He knows everything, even his thoughts, he must honour Him at all times. Because He is able to do all things – he was never out of strength to do His will. Therefore he obeyed Him under all circumstances. My obedience is what will demonstrate that I truly believe these things about God. God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent and I have the privilege of trusting Him and submit to His will in all things.
There're many lesson we can learn from the book of Job but for me the greatest is that God owes us no explanation for what He does or does not do. Since His ways are perfect(Psalm 18:30), we must trust that whatever He does is perfect. God tells us clearly in Isaiah 55: 8, 9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. . .For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”.
Job's life provides proof that we dont have understanding as to what God constantly does behind the scenes. He never stops working for our good. With such a God we would best serve our interests by becoming like that man who lived in the land of Uz, for he never lost faith in God. In one single day, Job lost everything he owned —property, possessions, and even children. I know that if I and many of us would experience the same, we would just slide into deep depression and turn away from God disgruntled. Would we continue to trust God, love Him with all our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37-38) — even while suffering for reasons we don’t understand? Job remained confident that God was still in control and never wavered in his faith. Saints, our responsibility to God is to obey, trust and submit to His will and purpose whether we understand it or not. When we do that as a way of life, we'll experience God in the midst of our trials, like Daniel and his friends experienced Him in the fire! We will see more clearly the magnificence of God's love and be able to testify like Job and say, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you” (Job 42:5).
We can learn much about God and know how to relate to Him from Job’s life, as well as from the lives of many others, including godly men and women of today. But our seeking to know God more must be done with the sole purpose of drawing closer to Him. Clearly, the message of Job has deep implications for our relationship with God. Trials and suffering may afflict us but to the discerning the intention is to provide spiritual enrichment and build a relationship between God and us (refer James 1: 2-4; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Hebrews 12:4-12; 1 Peter 4:12-19).
Job was a very rich and highly regarded citizen of his land. When a person in need came to him or he saw a need himself, Job did not not walk away as the priest and Levite did in Jesus’ parable of the good Samaritan . He went out of his way to help and considered it his duty to help the helpless(Job 31:13-15). He rescued orphans and was like a father to them. Job clothed the naked; brought joy to widows; helped the blind and lame etc This is what God does and more daily. He is Father to the fatherless as well as provide for and protects widows. He saves the helpless who call out to Him, and brings justice against their oppressors. God sends rain on the just and the unjust. Today we are suffering in Cape Town, South Africa because of drought but I know that if we were to earnestly turn to Him, God will refresh our land with rain. Just think of the many people that Jesus showed kindness towards.
I'm firmly of the view that Job’s good conduct is meant to draw our attention to God’s perfect righteousness. Psalm 33:4-5 says that only Yahweh loves righteousness and justice. Psalm 145:17 declares only He is righteous “in all of His ways”. In other words, righteousness describes how God acts towards His creation. If we want to know God better we must all strive to live lives that please Him. I believe the key to Job’s character was his attitude towards God - he feared the Lord. This is an aspect of his character that's sadly lacking in our lives today. The fear of God that Job had and we ought to have is a heart attitude that shows complete respect, and humble submission towards God's authority over us.
Job’s character was displayed in the manner in which he was concerned for his family’s relationship with God. He continually feared that children might have sinned against God “in their hearts”. On their birthdays, these kids would invite their siblings and friends to their own houses to party. After the festivities were over, Job would offer sacrifices to God for each party-goer. Job would do this not because he knew they sinned for sure but because ofthe possibility that they might have sinned. When Jesus died for our sins, He did so even for those not born yet who would be tempted to sin right up to the close of probation.
Whatever we would conclude concerning Job's character, it must be remembered that he was a man descended from fallen Adam, and thus born in a sinful world with a fallen nature, and the only righteousness he (or anyone) could have is by faith in God's Salvation through man's Redeemer. Job was righteous by faith. He was kind by faith, courteous by faith, benevolent by faith. This faith comes only through a right knowledge of God, keeping His “commandments, statutes and laws”, while trusting in His exceeding great and precious promises.
I don't believe his knowledge of God was as limited as some have concluded (which only eternity will reveal for certain), for how could he exercise such faith with a limited and erring understanding while under such severe “punishment”? He demonstrated a greater knowledge than some would ascribe to him, revealed by his enduring faith. While the circumstances that befell him were greatly perplexing, he had found enough evidence to trust God completely. He knew of the final outcome, the resurrection and earth to be once again restored. He knew this life was temporary, a probation for sinners to become "sober, righteous and Godly in this present world". Adam had been faithful to pass on the saving knowledge, and Job received it by faith.
So what can we learn from Job? We need to "understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God", so Satan's lies won't deceive us. Yet mere facts are not enough, for Job's friends had plenty of knowledge about God didn't they? Job's character tells us he walked with God.