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Sabbath: Salvation and the End Time — 7 Comments

  1. how can we down load the lesson's so that we can study them at our own leisure and make time to not only study the lesson's but then we can share with on line friends that are interested

    • On the home page SSNET.org there is a link to the current lesson. Clicking on the link takes you to the current lesson. At the bottom of each lesson there arelinks for over 70 ways of sharing the lesson. Hope that helps.

  2. Agape defined (self emptying love defined)
    He loved us. Why should He love us?
    He loves us because it is His nature to love
    Love must follow action
    Sent his Son
    In my life it's very rare I will send my son and daughter to die for a people who would reject them, yet that's exactly what the Father did. He sent his son. Unto His own but His own rejected him and crucified Him.
    Atoning sacrifice for our sins.
    Christ willingly laid down His life so we would have a relationship with Him and the Father.
    John 20:17
    “Don’t cling to me,” Jesus told her, “since I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God”

    The Love of God is contradictory to human nature and is found only manifested in Christ.
    We Christians are called to manifest that love by abiding In Him.

  3. This week's memory text and today's lesson hilights the important distinction between Christianity and other religions - that the God of Christianity actually brings about salvation as opposed to only taking about how it might be achieved.

    The memory verse mentions that God sent Jesus as "an atoning sacrifice/propitiation for sins" (1 Jn 4:10).

    What does this phrase from 1 Jn 4:10 actually mean? What is it about 'sin/s' that makes atoning sacrifice/propitiation necessary? And how does atoning sacrifice/propitiation fix the 'sin/s' problem?

  4. It is the sin that our first parents sinned of disobeying God and thereafter falling.Their relationship with the Father broke up thereby only the blood of Christ could atone and bring us back to the Father.


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