
Someone’s Coming — 3 Comments

  1. Many years ago I had the opportunity to ask a theologian the question concerning the signs of the end. His answer surprised me; he said that he thought that the condition of the church was the real sign of the end.

    As I think about it now the trouble with that is the haunting question Jesus asked, "when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" (Lk 18:8 NKJV). Even though we know there will be righteous people alive when Jesus comes I do believe there won't be very many of them. So the whole question of signs escapes me. Maybe I should just be ready and not worry too much about signs. After all you did make a point about the signs that Jesus said would take place as continually happening.

    And yet, I can see some things coming together that would fulfill prophecy so I can't entirely ignore them can I?

    • Signs are important but not everything.
      Terry, I loved the portion about the Grandmother since I am one.
      Great post. Thanks!

      • 1 Thessalonians 5:10

        10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.

        My father's favourite saying to our family was "be ready". He has since passed away and is resting in the knowledge that Jesus will return for His faithful children, to be caught up together in the heavens upon His return, to live with Him.

        The point is, my father is "ready" but "asleep" awaiting Jesus return. Yet we his family, are "awake" but only some of us are ready. So what Paul is telling us is whether we are awake or asleep, Jesus died for us and he wants us to live with Him. So we all need to be ready right this moment, before it is too late.

        "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
        That saved a wretch like me....
        I once was lost but now am found,
        Was blind, but now, I see.


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