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Thanksgiving Reflections on God’s Grace — 14 Comments

  1. God forgave the Israelites countless time during the exodus regardless of how many times they sinned against Him to the point of rejecting God

  2. It's so amazing to think of God's unfailing love for us when we have such a hard time forgiving others. God is truly merciful. Thank God for Jesus.

  3. I get to experience the power of grace each time before I go to sleep and every morning before I wake up. Before I go to sleep I get reflect all of my days doing and it always leaves me wondering whether I deserve another day. Gods love towards us is beyond compare. No wonder some simply say it's 'amazing grace'.

  4. I am truly thankful that the lord is my shepherd, and for his grace, mercy, and undying love for me to ensure a better place for me in his kingdom. When life is over here on this sinful earth, there is a place for us in heaven with our father. Have love one for another.

  5. Overcoming sin and temptation had been a struggle that only with the Holy Spirit I can stand free. I am thankful that God forgiveness was not limited to a number. I pray daily that God give me the character to forgive others just as he did for me

  6. May our hearts be full of gratitude whatever circumatances it may be. Just let Jesus be in control of all our thoughts and deeds. God bless to all servants of christ.

  7. I thank Lord God Almighty for His love for me. I thank Jesus for Coming to die for my sins. Sometimes I wonder whether I deserve another chance in Life. But "I thank God through Jesus Christ Our Lord" whose saving grace I experience every day.

  8. Although I identify with the article's hopeful conclusion and desire it's humble spirit, I struggle with the cat/ pet analogy. I like to think of myself and our race as having been endowed with a little more "something" than a cat. My family, too, has "owned" cats and they seem to make little contribution to the "family", both emotionally and from a practical point of view. I would like to think of "us" as being endowed with something a little "higher" than that. Even from the point of view of salvation, I'd like to think that Jesus became man for something more than a owner/ cat relationship. And that we are adopted into the family of God for more meaning than my cats have had for me. But then, I remember the sheep analogy in the Bible. And I get confused again. Any ideas?

    • Alan, parables/analogies are useful for specific purposes which are usually made clear by the author. If we try to stretch them beyond that, we are sure to confuse.

      Jesus told many parables to illustrate specific aspects of the salvation story: the lost coin, the lost sheep, the lost son, various types of soil, wheat and weeds, the great pearl, wages paid to laborers and more. Lest we get off the track, I won't even mention the really confusing ones. 😉 Another familiar analogy shows God as the Potter and the believer as clay.

      I believe Tyler used the pet analogy to illustrate that we have nothing of intrinsic value to offer our Creator. We are of value to Him only because He chooses to care for us. More than that, He puts all the resources of heaven into action for our salvation, though we are only the creation of His hand.

  9. Thank you Mrs Anderson for your response. I also see Jesus' parables as limited to the points he is making and not something that should be overextended. The article above certainly makes several very valuable points. I couldn't agree more. And they bring sanity to my troubled mind. What I struggle with is the idea, restated in your answer, that "we have nothing of intrinsic value to offer our Creator". I certainly agree that we don't earn salvation, which is probably your main point here. I do, however, suspect that our value and our merit are different concepts. It seems to me that to whatever extend we respond to God's love with at least some love, we actually do contribute something. To the heart of God, if nothing else to the sanity of the Universe. As a parent I can state with no reservation something that all other parents can probably agree with, that even if my children never pay back a dollar, meal, toy or book that was ever given to them, their even occasional response of love for us, their parents, makes life worth living in a way that would have never existed if we never had them. They earn nothing. But they have immense, maybe infinite "intrinsic value". To me as a Father. By extrapolation, I suspect that I have the same effect on God. Maybe!


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