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Wednesday: The Kingdom and the Second Coming of Christ — 14 Comments

  1. Our society today is probably no better than Lot’s time in Sodom, and the waymarks seem to indicate the Second Coming is near (Luke 17:28, 29). As well we understand from scripture and prophecy the path to the Kingdom of Glory is routed through persecution (Acts 14:22; 2 Timothy 3:12). So why is persecution not more prevalent, especially in more developed territories?

    Perhaps by our conduct we have granted ourselves a stay of execution, and at the same time allowed Satan an extended vacation stay on Earth. The dragon only needs to persecute people who are manifesting the primitive godliness which was characteristic of the first century Christians (Revelation 12:17). The devil was supposed to have a short time (Revelation 12:12).

    Lukewarm people incite no real opposition. Perhaps we have come to look so much like Babylon and the world it is hard to single us out for particular attention. Perchance the would be persecutors cannot decide who to attack because we all eat the same, dress and adorn the same, worship the same, party the same, live the same, borrow the methods and adopt the models of the apostate and the worldly (Luke 21:34-36).

    We were commissioned to call them out, but have we become them? And who will call us out? The remnant were not to be undercover Christians and blend in with the masses (Matthew 5:14). They are to preach the everlasting gospel and the present truth (intellectual transfer) and live model lives which reveal the character of God (experiential transfer) as Jesus did, and the apostles did (2 Peter 3:11).

    Jesus will work with the willing, even a little flock, and He will come again, soon! (Revelation 20:12)

    • Hugh - what a phenomenal response! I understand it so much more now thank you all for taking the time to comment daily, you may not understand how much it helps those who read it

  2. I hope in the coming of Jesus - there will be no more sin, no more nights, no sickness, no death, no tears - just love, joy, peace and a oneness with our Saviour. May we be like the wise virgins with lamps trimmed and ready.

  3. Do not be distracted by the things of this world. Keep your focus on Jesus and Eternity with Him. We are children of the light! (1Thess 5:3-5) Walk in the light and avoid the darkness and Jesus will not come to us as a thief.

    Light and Darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time. "God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all!"(1 John 1:5

    Light has come into the world but men loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. John (3:19)

  4. We dont know time of his coming. Let us be ready. Let us not give excuses as we knew when he was to come. Your message makes me think that you know why chrst has not come. That to me makes me fret. What i know Christ himself said not even angels know His time of coming except the father. As it was during Lot's time it must be during end times. Do you want The world to be better. His kingdoms needs 100 people out of billions. The question is will I be there? Not will we be there? It is individual not as a church.

  5. While the Second Coming of Christ is an essential driver for Adventism, we should not lose sight of the fact that communicating that idea to others is really difficult. Unchurched people think it is nonsense, even though many of them accept that civilization as we know it will end. Quoting scripture to them is not relevant as they do not regard the Bible as authoritative.

    Our best witness to the future Kingdom of God is that we live in that Kingdom now. If we simply regard the Second Coming of Jesus as the beginning of eternal retirement plan, then we have misunderstood what God's Kingdom really means. We need to live as citizens of that kingdoms now. The example of our lives should be an open invitation for others to join His Kingdom.

  6. kbet, I may have a different opinion than some others and would not try to explain the difference, however the Kingdom of Glory is noted in Psalms 145:10-12. Grace is an attribute, or one of Gods' greatest characteristics, that we can be thankful for. The lesson refers to a text that says" the Kingdom of God is within you" Luke 17:21. Jesus used parables and illustrations to teach by, most often. I like the translation that says Luke 17:21 means, Jesus, a member of the Kingdom of God, or the Godhead, is in the midst of those He was speaking to.
    The memory verse refers to the Kingdom of God as a place. Verse 28 should be noticed also I think.

  7. It's not all about us.Sometimes we get so caught up with our "retirement plan" that we forget that we are supposed to represent of the kingdom of grace. The focus is to be on Jesus. Our job here and hereafter is to represent our Lord. If we are to be covered with "the robe of Christ's richousness", then we must live "His life". In other love out His life so others can see what He is like, so they will fall in love with Him too. The nice little saying "Preach the gospel. If necessary, use words..." does not work either. There are lots of things people need to know that can never be communicated without words. Sooooo, there is plenty for us to do without getting involved in the "world".

  8. 34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on … This exhortation is God's way to engrain in our minds to be steadfast and cling to Jesus. After all Christ is the only way and our assurance for our good works.


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