Friday: Further Thought – The Holy Spirit Working Behind the Scenes
No question, the work of the Holy Spirit is crucial to our walk with the Lord. Again, we might not be able to see Him work, but we can see the effect of His work in our lives and in the lives of others. If your life has been changed through faith in Jesus, it … Continue reading –>
Why the Church Needs Sabbath School
There are many reasons why the church needs Sabbath School. Our foundation as a denomination is an outgrowth of serious Bible study. It led to an appreciation of the Heavenly Sanctuary, an understanding of the still-binding Moral law, including the seventh-day Sabbath. It led to a proper understanding of the state of the dead and … Continue reading –>
The Holy Spirit Behind the Scenes – Teaching Plan
Key Thought: When we respond to the Holy Spirit and allow Him full control of our lives, we will reveal the fruit in our interactions with others.. Lesson 2, January 14, 2017 1. Have a volunteer read John 3:5-8. a. Ask class members to share a thought on what the most important point in this … Continue reading –>
Thursday: The Holy Spirit and Christ
The Holy Spirit effected the incarnation of Jesus (Luke 1:34-35). He anointed Jesus for His mission (Luke 3:21-22). The anointing of Jesus endued Him with power to fulfill His Messianic mission and qualified Him to bestow the Holy Spirit on His disciples. The Holy Spirit guided and sustained Jesus in His temptations (Mark 1:12; Matt. … Continue reading –>
HopeSS: The Holy Spirit – Working Behind the Scenes
You can view an in-depth discussion of “The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. (Adobe Flash Player version.) A Youtube version of this week’s lesson at Hope Sabbath School is below. You can download the video, the MP3 audio, and the lesson outline from … Continue reading –>
Wednesday: The Holy Spirit in Glorifying Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit was active during Old Testament times, though it does not appear that His Work was as extensive as in the New Testament era. With the coming of Jesus, the promised Messiah, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is intensified, and He gives His gifts to all believers. While the New Testament tells … Continue reading –>
Tuesday: The Holy Spirit and the Sanctuary
“And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them” (Exod. 25:8). After the act of Creation, God’s plan of salvation is of prime importance in the Bible. In a fallen world, what good would Creation be without the plan of Redemption? As sinners, we need not just a Creator but a … Continue reading –>
The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes – discussion starters
“He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you” (John 16:14, NKJV). A Supporting Role. For the most part of Scripture, the Holy Spirit plays only a supporting not a central role. Does this mean that the Holy Spirit has less power than God or Jesus? Explain your answer, if … Continue reading –>
Hugs From Heaven
I love giving and receiving bear hugs at church. Of course I realize not everyone does, so if you’d rather have a hand shake that’s fine, and if you’d rather, a fist pump will do too, especially if you think you have a cold. If you would rather not touch at all, I am happy … Continue reading –>
Monday: The Holy Spirit at Creation
The first major work of God on this planet was its Creation. The Bible clearly mentions God (Gen. 1:1) and Jesus Christ (Col. 1:16-17) as the Creator of heaven and earth and of all that, in fact, was made (John 1:1-3). Yet, the Bible also mentions the presence of the Holy Spirit in the work … Continue reading –>
Sunday: The Elusiveness of the Holy Spirit
Read John 3:3-8 and Ezekiel 37:5, Ezekiel 37:9. Why is the wind a fitting picture for the mysterious workings of the Holy Spirit? By comparing the Holy Spirit’s actions to that of the wind, Jesus describes the Spirit’s elusiveness. The movements of the wind have something mysterious about them. It is difficult to predict with … Continue reading –>