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2025 Q1: God’s Love and Justice By John Peckham
Recent Lessons
- 2025 Q1: God’s Love and Justice By John Peckham
- 2024 Q4: Themes in the Gospel of John by E. Edward Zinke and Thomas R. Shepherd
- 2024 Q3: The Book of Mark by Thomas R. Shepherd.
- 2024 Q2: The Great Controversy by Mark Finley
- 2024 Q1: Psalms by Dragoslava Santrac
- 2023 Q4: God’s Mission – My Mission by Directors of Global Mission Centers- Petras Bahadur Richard Elofer, Kleber Concalves, Clifmond Shameerudeen, Doug Venn, Amy Whitsett, Greg Whitseet, assisted by Gary Krause, Homer Trecartin and Jeff Scoggins.
Older Sabbath School lessons aka Adult Bible Study Guides
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Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides Online
- Archive of Adult Bible Study Guides in HTML format
- Current Adult Bible Study Guides in PDF format:
- Teachers Edition, Standard Edition and Easy Reading Edition
(Scroll to bottom of page)
Sabbath School for mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android phones and tablets
- The updated iPhone and Android app produced by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists provides access to print content from Beginner through the Adult Bible Study Guide. The app is called “Sabbath School & PM” by Adventech. It provides links to all lessons in PDF format, which are downloaded when you click on them. Also included are the Adult, Kindergarten and Primary audio podcasts, the Kindergarten animation podcast, the weekly reading of the Collegiate Quarterly, and podcasts in various languages. Sabbath School Leaders can discover ideas in Cool Tools and access the Sabbath School Manual right from the app. The app is available for free in the Android app store. It is also available at the iTunes app store. Apple may charge a small fee for access.
- Rusek Ministries’ SDA Sabbath School Quarterly app for android and ITunes features the complete Adult Bible Study Guide, with links to a companion Bible app. It allows high-lighting and includes sections for notes that are saved till needed in Sabbath School discussions. On your device, just go to your app store and search for “SDA Sabbath School Quarterly.” It’s a free app in the Books & Reference section. All it lacks is online discussion. For that you have to come back to Sabbath School Net.
Don’t have a Kindle reader? You can download the Amazon.com free reader for the PC, or the FREE app for android or apple devices. OR You get your own genuine Kindle Paperwhite, starting at US$ 109.99. (You may find a refurbished Kindle for less.) The smallest Amazon Fire Tablet is just slightly larger than the classic Paperwhite. It works like a regular tablet, has color, and you can usually get it for less. We enjoy the freedom to size the print to our liking and reading in bed without needing a light to shine on a paper book. |
Discussion and/or Teachers’ Helps
Other Adult Sabbath School Resources
Did you ever wonder how the quarterly study guides are produced? You can read all about it in “Preparation of the Bible Study Guides.”
- Download the Sabbath School Handbook in PDf format -This is a very useful resource for Sabbath School Superintendents and all division leaders.
- Sabbath School Personal Ministries lists some resources for pastors, Sabbath School Superintendents, officers and teachers
- Sabbath School Superintendents’ Training
Audio, Video & Braille Resources for the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides
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Please note that we do not write or edit any of the Study Guides for any age group. You can click on the link to contact the editors of the Adult Bible Study Guide. For the editors of other lessons, please go to the appropriate site.
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Please explore the site before asking questions. If you still have questions after searching this site, you may contact us through the link under “About Us” in the menu. If you wish to comment on a lesson, you may do so under the appropriate lesson post.

Which is the best bible version to study?Please help....
The short answer is that there is no single "best bible version to study." If at all possible, it is best to consult several different versions to get an idea of what translations are possible from the original text.
The bottom line is probably that the best Bible version for you is one you will actually read. The "best bible version" that mainly sits on the shelf is not nearly as good as a "lesser" version that you read.
And most important of all is to ask the Holy Spirit to interpret the Bible to you. He inspired the Bible in the first place, and He can and will make it as clear to you as necessary.
Amen.... I really agree with answer given above, thank you.
We must not merely listened to the word and deceive ourselves, we have to do what it says.
Anyone who listen to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror & after looking at his face goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
Yes of course, we can go on and read as many Bible as we can BUT we really need the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us what we are reading so we understand what exactly the Bible tells us to do. (James 1:22 -24)
Versions of the Bible ARE significant. Words, phrases and punctuation all have meaning and can change meaning in a text. You should consider utilizing the King James Version of the Bible as your authoritative version of the Bible. Happy Sabbath!
Elder JB Taylor, Head Elder
Watts New Hope SDA Church
Los Angeles, California 90059
The King James version of the Bible was developed with an agenda in mind. Many of us are not aware of this agenda and it is worth reading and understanding a little of its history. I did some study on this topic and have published my findings here:
You need to do a little more serious study on how the KJV (AV 1611)came to be and the documentary evidence concerning it's absolute accuracy. Papyri going back as far as around 90 A.D agree totally. There is a great deal more evidence to prove it's genuineness and accuracy than I can list here.
Nonetheless, any reliable translation is good for reading and casual study. Doctrinal studies and word studies should stay with the KJV (AV 1611). Take note that some KJV editions have been edited by one group or another and may contain word or phrase changes. Most put those changes in parenthesis.
I have done the serious study and a brief summary of that is found in the article I have written. I marvel at its accuracy but at the same time I am aware that certain phrases and expressions were deliberately used to support the Church of England. That bias is well documented. That does not detract from the translation but it is worth bearing in mind.
Furthermore the KJV that we currently use is the 1769 revision and not the 1611 original. This is also documented in the article that I wrote.
I agree with J Taylor. Be sure when reading a newer version be sure it agrees with the KJV. Even one little word can change the meaning of the verse, like the article ‘a’ or ‘the’. Believe me, it does happen.
The KJV like any other translation was published with an agenda in mind. We need to understand this. Furthermore, the use of definite and indefinite articles in the English language is not directly related to the original, particularly in Hebrew. In ancient Hebrew, there was no indefinite article and the definite article had a different intention to the English usage. Translation is much more than just word conversion.
What we look for is "that they may know Thee, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ Whom thou has sent" (John 17 - Prayer of Jesus Christ).
God's Word is consistent with the character and intent of God - God is Love. We become authentic presenters of the Sayings of God when we genuinely get to know God through the working of the Holy Spirit on our hearts, and continue to be conscientious students learning to know and become like Jesus Christ.
Thanks for this answer. I bumped on this article while looking for the Lesson site.
This Translations thing has been my worry as some translations really vary on certain verses so widely one wonders if we are reading the same Bible.
I have been doing how you advised above; reading many versions on a biblical story or subject at ago.
The main important thing is to pray that the Holy Spirit guide you.
Phelix Odiango
from Kenya.
Thanks a lot Brethren for the lessons. we are growing rich with the word of our God every day as we study.
let all churches both local look for a formula of studying our lessons as we do not read and finish on time. let us be good steward of time.
be blessed all.
Samuel, I would like to suggest a more helpful approach than going through the lesson, page by page.
I recommend that each teacher study the lesson at least three times:
1) Once, with the question, "What does God want to say to me in this lesson?"
2) What is the most important point in this lesson for my Sabbath School Class? What is the main theme?
3) Study with the idea of coming up with good questions to allow the class to conclude what the teacher concluded in (2).
If teachers follow this format, they will always be able "cover" the most important points in the lesson for their classes. They can arrange their lesson outline in the order of most important to "also important" and "helpful," followed by a summary of the most important points just before closing.
And as Sabbath School "students," please appreciate a teacher doing serious preparation and not following the lesson outline day by day.
Thanks for your help to identify the best sabbath school teachers, just to add lets avoid these types of words when share the lessons:
"I do not agree with him or her"
"I want to contradict what he or she said, or "I want to support what the AB said contrary to what C said."
Plz we are sharing what we know, even what we do not know. Only the Holy Spirit itself helps us to understand the main idea, plz let's pray for these teachers who think that they know while they do not ......
Thank you very much for this useful site. Is it possible to get the lesson in Powerpoint?
Currently we do not know of anyone producing the lesson in PowerPoint, but that doesn't mean that no one does.
If anyone would like to offer a PowerPoint version, they can let us know.
Try the following link
https://www.fustero.es › index_en
Yes, I see that this is an attractive PowerPoint presentation. It can be an aid to study, like some of the classes viewable on the internet, but it should not be used as a substitute for personal study guided by the Holy Spirit.
Above all, we do not recommend using PowerPoint presentations for teaching purposes. And here's why:
Electronic presentations can also result in more attention on the media than the Word of God. We want to encourage individual study of the Bible, in the consciousness that the Holy Spirit is equally available to all believers, whether or not they are pastors or teachers. The same God who inspired the Scriptures is by the side of each believer to teach us individually. When we recognize this, the Sabbath School class becomes a forum where we share the insights God has given to each of us, because the Holy Spirit adapts His teaching to our individualities.
The insights a "teacher" gains are not intrinsically better than those a "student" gains. In fact, I personally love teaching a Sabbath School class from all the insights I gain from the "students."
Here's some advice for teachers to ensure a productive, interactive Sabbath School class:
It should be evident that that approach will not result in a day-by-day catechism approach of the lesson. Begin with whatever part of the lesson suits your teaching purpose - usually the part you deem most significant in your situation. Then, if there's a lot of discussion on that point and you don't get around to other points, you'll have covered the most important point(s) of the lesson.
Recognize that the Sabbath School Quarterly is a guide to study. It is not a catechism to be learned. It should be used as a springboard for discussion and further Bible study.
I wanted to know if there is a site you can recommend where people around the world participate in the weekly lesson discussion online so that i can gather a wider range of views. I am a lesson teacher and i like taking a practical approach in my teaching as it makes a greater impact to my class as opposed to just reading the written text.
Alex, you are on that site! It is called Sabbath School Net. 🙂
If you'll go to our front page or to the Daily Lesson page, you'll see comments from people all over the world. I suggest you consult our Frequently Asked Questions page if you need a little help understanding our site.
As far as I know, this is the only site with this many exchanges from people around the world.
I suggest you also review our Comment Guide Lines, which ask you to use your first and last name, among other things.
Thank Anderson you for the guidance. At first, I was just rushing through the page as i was working with several windows on the same. I have taken time to view through the comments and am finding very useful contributions on this weeks lesson. Thank you again and God bless you.
prise the lord sir, i thank god first for i got this site,and please add sabbath school lesson in videos format that is very helpful for us
Dear Sugi,
If you will check our front page, you will see that we already feature one video every week, and there are more in our Audio-visual section.
That said, the intent of the Sabbath School lessons is to give you and your friends a subject to study and discuss for yourselves - not to watch others discussing it. 😉
May the Lord bless you as you use the weekly lessons as an aid to getting to know Christ better through the study of His Word.
Thank you all for the wonderful comments. One asked which is the best bible version? To all that are reading this comment, experience has shown that if you are SDA don't go out on a bible study without KJV as your standard reference bible, if not the NKJV. You can use the other translations to compare but don't forget the KJV lest you be amazed when you are stuck and have no where to turn to and are bombarded with questions and you discover the version you have has some verses not included. Happy sabbath.
Stephen, the texts "left out" in reliable modern versions are the ones not found in the most respected ancient documents. It is best to leave out questionable texts when we give Bible studies, no matter which Bible version we use. All our doctrines can be demonstrated from nearly any translation of the Bible, including the "New World" translation (Jehovah's Witness).
We need to remember that the KJV is available only to English speakers, and God has people in all language groups of the world, not just the English-speaking world. The KJV is a beautiful translation, and that's one of the reasons many of us love it. (I have memorized a lot of texts out of the KJV.) And there's reason for its beauty - the translators were charged with creating a translation with beauty of language. When they had a choice of how to translate a text (and those choices do happen in translation), they chose beauty of language over accuracy.
That said, the KJV is still a good translation for the many people who love it. But we should not insist on using only the KJV because it presents a real hurdle to younger people we want to reach with the gospel - the hurdle of learning a new language, since the KJV is not written in the language of today.
Hie there, what about the Spirity of prophets? since you only put the emphasis on the KJV....
The writings of Ellen White are a blessing for those who believe and are not intended to be used to persuade others to believe as we do.
That said, however, some of her writings are quite suitable to share with those who do not believe as we do - books like Christ's Object Lessons, Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings, Steps to Christ and every book of the Conflict of the Ages series. We need to pray for wisdom to match the literature to the needs of people we meet, remembering it is not our job to convict, but only to share.
I appreciate the way you say, "it is not our job to convict, but only to share." This stands in contrast to what I've heard some say, who I'm sure are well meaning, that "we ought not push some subjects on people; the Holy Spirit will teach them." (These comments usually come up in the context of discussing Christian standards.) May God give us all eyes to see the opportunities that we have for sharing, with the words to express His will in attractive ways.
I'm a greeter for the Adventist world church and love to study the bible, but I'm looking for any more ideas for preaching biblical hermeneutics. I'm an avid spirit of prophecy person who enjoys reading the deeper truths in SOP including diet reform purity and last day events. I also tell children's story and do special music on piano for the Hazelton B.C. Seventh-day Adventist church. I've been doing Music ministry at my church for a long time now and would love to know more about preaching bible based messages. and where are the opportunities to do so. Thanks a million Blessings love and prayers Andrew Whitaker
Dear Andrew,
We're happy to hear that you enjoy studying the Bible. The object of Bible study is to get to know Jesus better, and if you ask Him to speak to you through His Word at the beginning of your study, He will speak to you.
As for where there are preaching opportunities, I gather you mean other than in your community. If so, I suggest you contact ShareHim.org.
The best place to practice preaching is in your home church. 🙂 You will learn as you practice and ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom. "Hermeneutics" is about interpreting the message of the Bible. Usually people go to college and the seminary to study under that big word, but the Holy Spirit is quite willing to interpret His Word to anyone who asks. So ask that the Spirit will speak to you as you read and study. It's no good preaching to others what you have not experienced yourself.
If you want a little taste of biblical hermeneutics, you can go to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Interpretation of Scripture on our site and study through the material referenced there.
May God bless you as you study.
I am having a lecturer that is an atheist I would like to get some innovative ways I can reach him.Any Ideas out there saints?Thank you.Love you and God bless.
I have had many Atheist lecturers in my career, and have developed strong friendships with some of them. My best advice is that if you live your life as a Christian should, sooner or later lecturers who have become your friends will ask you questions about your lifestyle and beliefs. There are a few things to keep in mind.
1) Show respect for the beliefs of others. Many of my atheistic friends have thought long and hard about what they believe and come by their beliefs quite honestly. Telling them that their beliefs are wrong and that you have the truth is a fairly sure fire way to end any discussion of spiritual values. If you show them respect for what they believe, they will show you respect.
2) Atheists speak a different language. It is no use using christian "terminology" to explain what you believe as the vocabulary you would use is like a foreign language to them. You will need to be quite innovative in thinking of ways to communicate your ideas to them.
3) Spend more time listening than talking. My PhD supervisor had relationship issues. At our weekly research meetings I would often spend as much time listening to him unburden himself about the issues with his wife, and later, girlfriend, as we did discussing research. He appreciated the fact that I would listen and not lecture him on what he should or should not be doing.
4) At the end of the day, how you act is always going to speak much more than what you say.
I enjoy these lessons but i also need the Bible class lessons for my fiance who is about to be baptised. How do i get them?
Anthony, I believe you may be thinking of the new believer lessons called In Step With Jesus. Click on this link for the main resource page. And go to AdventistBookCenter.com for the paper lessons. Go to Amazon.com for the electronic Kindle version. (You don't need a Kindle for these, but can read them on a computer or mobile device. There's a link to the Kindle app further up on this page, but you can just click here for a free download.)
Hi everyone,
I would like to know what does this quarter Sabbath school book's cover page paining mean. All i could understand was it a the pic of Job. Nothing more to it. Can someone help me. What was the artiest real trying to express by that cover picture.
May God bless everyone,
With Love,
Every cover I paint is, of course, a reflection of that quarter's content, Ben. Some covers are more symbolic, some more interpretive, and some are simply representative of the lessons.
In the case of The Book of Job cover, I have painted a close up of Job's face showing the boils that tormented him, illustrating the bewilderment he felt at the horrors that He believed God had inflicted on him in such quick succession. Job's eyes show him pondering what has happened, and trying to understand why God has allowed it. The body language of his three friends illustrates that they are concerned, but are puzzled as well, initially unsure themselves why their friend seems to be cursed of God.
The Book of Job is one of the most plainly written answers to the basic questions of life and suffering that we have in Scripture. It gives us a very straight forward revelation of Satan, the battle between good and evil, and the invisible world that we are connected to. Our existential questions are answered directly. And I like that.
I hope that helps answer your question.
Hi dear beloved brothers and sisters.I'd like to study with you, just send me each lesson.
... and we would love you to join us in the discussion Joseph. If you go to the home page of ssnet.org you will see that we post each day's lesson there. If you click on the link you will be taken to where you can make comments and ask questions. we have a great ongoing discussion and you are welcome to join in. Please read the Comment Guidelines before you start commenting
For a while I was using a version of the SS lession that allowed me write notes and it would be saved on either my computer or my phone. How do I find that again? What do I need to do?
Go to our home page, ssnet.org, and click on Weekly Lesson in the left sidebar. You'll be able to save notes in that lesson.
Is there any Bangla language version of the SS lessons? If there isn't, can I help with providing bangla language content?
Sabbath School Net does not produce the lessons but from what I understand, local language versions are the responsibility of the Division conference for your area; in your case the North Asia Pacific Division. I suggest you contact them or your local conference/mission office to see what the avaiablity is.
Hi I want to ask if the Seventh-Day Adventist Reform Movement can also use this sabbath school lessons ?
Of course they can Jason. We encourage you to use them
Please sign me up for the correspondence bible course through postal mail. If you have any Christian booklets, books, etc..I would really appreciate if you send those as well. Thanks!!
[Address redacted for privacy.]
please send a bible with lesson.
Greetings J Hubbell,
We are an online dicussion forum centred around the study of the Sabbath School lesson as provided by the Seventh-day Adventist Chuch. We do not offer any mailout materials as such. The Seventh-day Advenists Church does offer correspondence courses and you could try this link: https://www.bibleschools.com/en/
Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. Is there any way you could add a more modern version to the Bible Texts section? NKJV, NASB, and ESV are accurate word-for-word translations but are much easier for some of us to understand. I believe that you used to include NKJV. Thank you.
If you look at the top right hand corner of one of the lesson study pages eg https://ssnet.org/lessons/25a/less01.html you will see an icon that looks like this:
Click on the icon and you can choose the version of your choice as well as a number of other options. I think that once you have set it once it remembers it.
Thank you!
As this is the 13th Sabbath of this quarter, if any Sabbath School class student ends this 1st Quarter of 2025 without being able to answer the following two common questions asked by Atheists then this Quarterly has unfortunately failed to fulfil its "duty" after choosing to have the all-encompassing title "God's Love and Justice". The Questions are: "If God is love, why is there so much suffering in the world? What is He doing while people and things suffer? Doesn't He care?". Second question - "Why do bad things happen to good or helpless people like my baby, my autistic child, my helpless relative, the poor etc?"
Being a keen Sabbath school teacher I don't think these questions have been tabled and addressed in this Quarterly. This is a big opportunity squandered.
Could the Sabbath Quarterly Editor and those who make decisions around these lessons please ensure future quarterlies sufficiently address such key questions and make a decent attempt at giving a conclusive answer to them.
The problem with these big questions is that there are so many variations that any aswer that fits in a lesson phamphlet may be simple, elegant and wrong. In the book of Job the question of good and evil, their origins and purpose were discussed at length nu Job and his three friends. At the end of their discourse God stepped in. If you will allow me a precis of God's answer, God said that their answers were way off the mark and that they knew very little. Their best courlse of action was to trust in God.
For those of us who seek logical rataional answers we sometimes feel God is dodging the bullet on this one. But, there is one thing we can be certain of. Whatever the causes of evil, God is in this battle with us. That God became man and suffered with us and ultimately died as a result is an indication that he is not the unmoved mover the theists postulate. He is in the pit with us!
When I first learned about integral calculus, I found it hard to come to terms that the solutions always came up with an extra parameter that required further application. It became an even bigger issue when I moved on to differential equations. Nowadays I understand the extra complexity and work with it. "simple" does not solve all the problems I come up against.
Likewise, in the cosmological battle we do not have simple answers and we have to find ways and means of handling the data we do have. I love C S Lewis's answer:
What is the takeaway: Perhaps the answer lies not in some eloguent statement of solution, but in the actions of caring Christians, willing to go out of their way to bear the burdens of others. We are to be the loving face of God in a complex world.
PS Have you ever listened to an Atheist trying to explain "good"? I have learned that ethicists do not have neat answers to anything either.
By the way, we do not write or edit the lessons. We publish them by permission of the Sabbath School Department.
You can find contact information for the editor of the lessons on this page.
Furthermore, please remember that the lessons are not intended to "give conclusive answers" to any questions - easy or difficult. They are intended to motivate you to study the Bible prayerfully and find the answer under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
It is probably a fault of our lessons that they provide too many "answers" which allow students to conclude that they don't have to do their own studying, and that's a problem. If we do not study the Word of God for ourselves and "hide it" in our hearts, we will never be ready to meet temptations and trials we are likely to encounter in life - especially in these last days.