1: Living in a 24-7 Society – Singing with Inspiration
Rest. The word used most frequently in our Sabbath School Lesson pamphlet this quarter. “Thou shalt rest, Thou shalt rest!” These are words repeated each verse of
Hymn 387 – Come, O Sabbath Day, our theme hymn for this quarter.
Sabbath afternoon’s introduction leaves us with a daunting question that is answered in
Hymn 495 – There Is a Place of Quiet Rest.
This old world is ‘Worn and Weary’ we find in Sunday’s study time. The hymn that helps find an answer is
Hymn 441 – I Saw One Weary because you
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus – Hymn 290. A further answer is then revealed at the end of this study
Holy Sabbath, Day of Rest – Hymn 381 and
Hymn 390 – We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord.
When we are ‘Running on Empty’ (Monday), we request “Breathe, O breathe, Thy loving Spirit into every troubled breast” from
Hymn 191 – Love Divine. “it soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, and drives away his fear” is a wonderful gift because of Jesus –
Hymn 238 – How Sweet the Name! We can then
O Sing, My Soul, Your Maker’s Praise – Hymn 37 where we find Jesus “providing comfort to the weak and grace for each tomorrow”.
The rest of the weeks’ study shows there is a time to say
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place – Hymn 523. It is then a joy to sing
O Day of Rest and Gladness – Hymn 382/383 and
Hymn 391 – Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest. These hymns are the opposite to poor Cain and his restless wandering.
May you have a blessed week in this, the commencement of the third quarter of 2021.
To learn unknown hymns, you will find the accompaniment music for each one at: https://sdahymnals.com/Hymnal/
Another great resource is for when there is a hymn you wish to sing, but can’t find it in your hymnal. Go to https://www.sdahymnal.org and in the search bar type a special word in that is in the hymn. I am sure you will be amazed at the help you will be given.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”