Audio Version of The Covenant – Hit the Mark

Key Thought : After the destruction of Jerusalem, Israel goes deeper and deeper into sin in line with human nature. Jeremiah stayed with the people as God stays with us. Back to Egypt Lesson December 12-18, 2015/ 1. Have a volunteer read Jeremiah 41:16-18. a. Ask class members to share a thought on what the most … Continue reading –>
After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother,” the angel said. “Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” That night Joseph left … Continue reading –>
Read Jeremiah 44:1-10. What were the captives doing in Egypt? During the Egyptian captivity, Jeremiah had to face the same problem he had while he and his people had lived in Judah. At that time he had to talk to the leaders; now he had to talk to the common people, who in captivity were … Continue reading –>
Read Jeremiah 43:8-13. What did the Lord say through Jeremiah? Tahpanhes was a town at the northeastern border of Egypt, which had significant fortifications and where a great number of Jewish colonists lived. Here again, the Lord wants Jeremiah to act out a prophecy symbolically. Even though words are powerful, sometimes when things are done … Continue reading –>
Memory text: “May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with everything the Lord your God sends to tell us.” Jeremiah 42:25 NIV A sad, sad conclusion to a heroic prophet’s life and witness. Day after day he prayed for guidance, and day after day … Continue reading –>
If you haven’t read ahead, Jeremiah 42:1-22 could be very exciting. What will the people do? Would they reach out in faith, a faith that is revealed in obedience, and remain in Judah? Or would they make the same mistakes that were made in the past, and instead of following a clear thus saith the … Continue reading –>
Read Jeremiah 42:1-22. What powerful message is found there, not just for them, but for anyone who seeks guidance from the Lord in prayer? Fearful of the Babylonians, the people seek out Jeremiah and ask him to pray for them for divine guidance. They must have known by now that Jeremiah was indeed a prophet … Continue reading –>
One would think that with the destruction of the city and the total defeat by the Babylonians, all the people would have learned their lesson. Unfortunately, not all did, and the drama wasn’t over yet. Read Jeremiah 40:7-16. What message was given (again) to the people? What is the significance of the word remnantused in … Continue reading –>
The desert sun streamed down mercilessly as the little man crept forward with his bow. From his thin, wrinkled appearance one might suppose he was in his seventies, but his body was accustomed to the scarcity of food and water, and his reflexes were lightning fast. Steeped in the accumulated wisdom of his ancestors, he … Continue reading –>