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When Prayer Doesn’t Move Mountians — 59 Comments

  1. William..I just love your stories. I feel your pain. Tonight I am sitting in my mother's room in my house. It is 9:28pm on June 19th. I'm one of 7 siblings and I am the middle child. At age 55 I am still my mother's little girl. No one else was willing to try. So I took my mom out of nursing home and brought her to my home to live in dignity. My mother has vascular dementia with parkensons. She is so thin at 92lbs. And we've been told she has 7months to a year to live after she came off of hospice May 4th. I love her dearly. But she is so difficult to manage. She is combative and won't stay still even tho she cannot walk very well. She fell twice today. And is hateful to her caregivers. She cries until I get home. But with me every morning she greets me with a sweet good morning. I love that! It makes me cry happy tears. She says she loves me at bedtime too.
    I pray that God continue to give me the strength to be calm and trust in Him. Please pray for my mom Eva and me. I don't want to lose her but I hate seeing her suffer. Nevertheless not my will by Thy will be done.
    Thank you and God bless.

      • Happy Sabbath Denise...just reading the response you wrote to William. My dad had dementia and the was cared for at home. It was a difficult period but was worth it all in the end. He was like a child again and needed much love and lots of patience. You did a noble thing by taking care of your mom at home. Sometimes they become so afraid and needs constant care and assurance that they are not alone. May God Bless you.

    • You have done a wonderful thing for your mom, allowing her to live out the rest of her days with dignity, even though it requires such sacrifice on your part. May God fill your home, especially your mom'sroom, and all your hearts with His peace. Blessing.

  2. William, Earlier I wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear such sad news regarding the loss of your mother. Due to technical problems with me and this site at times, I lose what I wanted to say. What occurs to me is that memories are so important when that is all that is left of what was so dear to us during our life time. We are blessed with friends to help fill the emptiness. One in particular that we are thankful for. One that supplies Hope for the future and life eternal. Thank God for what we are promised.

  3. Thank you both, William and Denise. It is so hard to lose a loved one. I too have lost two family members, 1) my dear sister, 2) my step father whom I loved like my own dad. Although we never really know when our turn is coming, we have the hope that we will see them again when our creator comes. Your stories have touched me deeply. God bless both of you for your courage.

  4. This takes us to another level of our faith, to understand that the will of God might be different from our own.We should learn to trust God that he is faithful for ever.All prayers move mountains but at times in the manner understood by God

  5. Ironic, how my faith is strengthened most when my prayers don't "move mountains"--that I can see. Unanswered prayer causes me to trust that God is faithful to his word, accomplishing his will in his timing. Romans 8:27-28

  6. Sorry to hear of your loss William. Praying for you and your family. It wont be long before those mountains be removed and God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes. Until then,be strong in the Lord.

  7. Your article has put a big relief on me, the reason being that I thought my prayers don't go anywhere.But with what I just read God's time and schedule is the best.I'll not quit praying. Your articles encourages me a lot may the Lord continue to give you more wisdom to share His Words to the world.

  8. Dear William, reading your story really touched me. I recently loss my mother on april 30th, 2016. My mother died quite quickly and took all of her family and friends by surprise. Till this day no one can believe that she's gone. My mother was a healthy strong woman. She was definitely my prayer warrior and I miss her dearly. We all prayed for her healing and quick recovering when she fell ill on April 21, 2016. At the end it was God's will. Once my mother got incubated, I never got to hear her voice again. She heard mines constantly telling her that I loved her and that God was with her. I will cherish in my heart every memory that I had with her. God is always in control and although painful at times we must all trust in him constantly. My prayers are with you be strong in the Lord.

  9. My heart goes out to you and your family. God grant you the peace that passes all understanding during this time.

    • Still thinking of you my brother and I felt impressed to share this text with you:

      The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. Hab 3:19

      It is true that God sometimes doesn't move mountains, but in that event according to the prophet Habbakuk, it is because He is giving us the ability to climb it like a mountain goat instead.

      • "He doesn't move the mountain. Instead He gives us goat's feet to climb it." What a beautiful encouraging thought. Thanks for sharing this.

  10. Dear William,

    My deepest sympathy on the loss of your dear mother. It is hard to lose a parent. I lost my mother 10 years ago but the memories are still as fresh today as if it happened just yesterday.

    We prayed day and night that she may get well but eventually we embraced God's will.

    Indeed there are moments when our prayers will not move mountains but God is faithful to give us strength to bear while we wait with bated breath and anxious hearts of our Lord's return. For the trump will sound and our mothers together with all the dead in Christ will rise first.......

    It may seem a long time to come but for those who sleep now and the rest of us who may fall asleep it will be but a moment.

    One thing I know is that Jesus is coming back and He is coming back very soon.

  11. Thank you for sharing this William. My dad passed away recently.A week away before I get to see him again after 5 years he was murdered. I was so shocked I didn't imagine that I would lose him in that way. He is not a Seventh-day Adventist. My parents separated when I was still 5.To make the long story short. My dad was depressed because he was the reason why their marriage didn't work out. He's blaming himself about this and he had a hard time moving on. There are many incidents that God had spared his life. We try to share with him about God's love but He was so stubborn and refuse to listen. Last December he was rushed to the hospital and was fighting for his life. Once again God spared him. My mom spoke to him after so many years. They prayed together and forgave each other. It was really one of the happiest moment in my life. This time whenever we share with him about the Gospel he listens. The last phone call that I had with him we prayed together.

    I believe that I will see my dad soon when Jesus come. God spared his life when he was taken to the hospital so he could talk to my mom and have peace of mind because of the forgiveness he got from her. And also to hear God's word for the last time. Right now I am praying for the person who did this to him. May God touch his heart and may he repent and find the peace that only God can give.

  12. I know brethren people have more problems around the world..we pray Almighty God to hear our prayer ..Amen

    thank you william

  13. Dear William very Sorry for you my brother,

    Am the same saddiest Sorry when in 2003 I lot my first son and in 2005 other I lost another son and in 2007 my mother rest too. Rest miss them, I hope to see them one day.

    My GOD give US strength on tiar glorious day.

  14. I have a son and he is so close to my wife. The love between mother and son is indescribable. Its not easy for a man to loose thier prayer warrior.

    My prayer is for you and the family that the living God can give you guys strength.

  15. So sorry for your loss brother Christopher. Hard as it is, may we learn to accept God's will in our lives

  16. My brother I'm sorry for your loss. I'm touched by your story and your unselfish courage you exemplified in sharing with us during this very sad moment of your mom's passing. My Grandmother was like my mother for most of my life. She has been gone ten years now but at times when I'm depressed and need her counseling & support I'd cry. I miss her so much! I've 3 huge "mountains" at the moment in my life and I feel like giving up. However, reading your story has encouraged me to be patient. I pray God will see you and your family thru this moment. Thank God for the blessed hope in Christ Jesus!

  17. Thank you William for your post.

    I understand what you have been through. One day in 2014, my 85 year old mom called me to tell me that in 3 weeks she was moving out of a 3000 square foot, item filled condo. She moved and four days later had a heart attack. I should have gone to see her then, but the doctor said it was "mild" and she would recover. Not one of six siblings took an interest in her. I tried to call her every day. I sent pictures to her that didn't even get acknowledged. In a few days she moved to an assisted living, fell and broke her femur. She went back into the hospital and then had surgery. Her brain was failing. I knew she wouldn't make it but didn't fly out to see her. The last time I talked to her, it was a Friday, I told her I loved her, asked forgiveness for any way that I hurt her and told her I had something for her. She said she had something to send me. She had no idea she was dying. My one brother who was supposed to be communicating about Mom's care said she was doing better that day. The next Monday she died. There was much heart ache and I kept singing, "One more time" because she was due to come out to visit us and see one grandchild and the great grandchildren. But it wasn't to be. My mother and I had a good relationship and all that needed to be said was said.

    When William let the SSNET staff know his mother was failing, I encouraged
    him to get right on a plane and see her-because you never know when the last time will be and it turned out for good because it was the last time.

    My heart aches for the sufferings we go through in this world and I look forward to a world with happiness.

  18. I feel your sad pain. My mom is dying of cancer too right now, and is staying at my one of my brother's house, and his wife, and my oldest brother. I lost my dad to cancer ten years ago, and sadly I was not able to fly out to see him. I only got to talked to him on the phone. None of my family are Seventh Day Adventist. I know only God know the heart. I am leaving it up to God. If they will be in Heaven when Jesus comes, or sadly not. I pray they will be.

  19. I feel you bro. Moreso I just love your strength. my Prayer is that God Will Fill The Vaccum left. Look up unto Jesus.

  20. My condolences and prayers goes out to William and all those who mourn the transition of their loved ones. Thank you Jane and all those whose stories are here to remind us to treasure the moments we have with our loved ones. Thank you. Until then, we have this hope....

  21. Dear William, but you see prayer did move a mountain for you, just as it did for Mary. Here you are writing this blog, blessing and encouraging us in the midst of your grief and pain. That's a miracle! He moved away the mountains of doubt and anger. Thanks for this encouraging word even as you mourn the loss of your mother. My condolences. And what a joy the morning will bring.

  22. I felt your pain when my dad and younger brother died 3years apart.Tears were flowing constantly for more than 5years,with God's grace the pain is better after 23years.He is risen,so Wii they.I should meet them in that glorious morning by God's grace.

  23. Hey William...tears blur my vision as I sit here in Australia for my morning devotion grieving with you in the loss of your Mom. Sometimes words are futile in such a time of pain and heartache... but let me speak with the Father who can bring reassurance and comfort to you and your family as you miss your dear Mom.

    Dearest Lord Jesus,
    Please surround William and all of his family with your mighty arms of love right now. The loss of his Mom is so heartbreaking and painful Jesus, and so I plead with you Lord to pour out your comforting peace upon him and draw him up close to Your heart where he can find solace and strength. Lord Jesus, You feel his pain and wail with him at the passing of his Mom for this was never Your plan and Your heart hurts along with his. Your tears fall down along with his. Your longing to return to make things new is so overwhelming as is his. Precious Jesus, although no mountains were moved to spare the life of his Mom, please Lord, help William feel Your presence camping around him in protection from the evil one, that doubts, worries, fears, 'what ifs' can be freed from his mind and only Your promises of hope and glory and restoration and healing and new life abound! For You ARE coming soon Lord, our Lord, our King, our redeemer, our Rock, our safe place in each storm until You come... coming on clouds of glory, riding into victory and the dead will be raised and we will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye and there shall be NO more pain or sorrow or sickness or suffering or death for ever more - oh creator God, King of Kings, our Father... what a day of rejoicing that will be!!! But for now, in the waiting, surround William with all your love and bring Him the full measure of your comfort as you collect each of his tears in Your bottle, until all things can be restored and made new... our hope and trust is in You.
    Much love and hugs William. I have a special document with words of comfort that I can email you if you would like - just send me an email and I'll send it through - it is a reflection of the many journeys of grief I have walked as I too wait for the day of our soon and coming King.

  24. Absolutely exquisite and sublime yet perfectly clear. The words are emotive and challenge growth. Thanks for sharing such a personally intimate moment with us.

  25. Yet another great piece pointing us to the true source of our strength and peace - Jesus. Thanks William and I pray God grant you and your family greater peace for this loss. Amen!

  26. Thanks William and All. My 75-year old father, the only family member then who accepted my becoming an Adventist, passed away just six days after my baptism. What a special blessing indeed for me to be alone with him at hospital and to observe his final moments as he was "fading in and out of consciousness". My mother, aged 92, passed away 18 years later, when I was abroad. Although I did what I could to share and reflect God's character with them, my parents remained non-Adventists. My mother eventually accepted my choice. I can only prayerfully hope, and God alone knows, that we will meet again. I still miss my parents and to all who still have their parents, please do love them even when you believe they are wrong.

  27. Thanks William for sharing this deep thoughts with us. Sorry for the loss of your dear mother. I pray God comforts you and your family.

  28. Thanks for sharing this. My brother-in-law just passed away on Father's Day, and I found this post comforting. It's oh so hard to submit to God's will when it's so painful. But our God is sovereign and doeth all things well. I choose to trust Him.

  29. William, your story touched me deeply, as well as all of the prayers and loving wishes from all of the Hope Sabbath school listeners. Everyday, I grieve as I read the news about people suffering from cancer, and they seem to have no hope. I too had cancer, and someone gave me a copy of The China Study- a 25 year research on the benefits of a plant based diet- like God gave us in Genesis 1:29. I immediately adopted a plant based diet, and although I did have some emergency treatment( a successful clinical trial)Praise God for the success of that, and even though the cancer went to my brain, I have now been cancer free since 2010. I am now 92 years old. My scans are clean. Getting people to read books about a plant based diet has become my ministry, and I hope that this message to you will help someone else in this regard. Praise our God for the knowledge and wisdom He provided in His word, we just need to listen to Him and realize that He knows what is the best thing for this body that He created! Bless you as you continue to serve Him --I do not mind if my e-mail is given out as I am more than happy to correspond with anyone interested in this health message that our loving Heavenly Father gave us.

  30. I have been inspired by all the comments, and the article of course. I am the mother in a nursing home, dying from ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. I have 2 wonderful daughters who rescued me from an abusive husband and moved me closer to them. It's been interesting to see how one daughter has worked through things so that she is such a help to me. My other thinks if I would just try harder... She's not accepting my death sentence. And I have a son who wants nothing to do with me. My heart aches for him as well as both girls. I can relate to you and would encourage anyone in our situation to hold on tight to Jesus. Each day is just one day closer to being with HIM forever!!

  31. I know how you went through. I have also lossed my mom April 30th this year, now and then I would call my sister and cry like a baby or even more than than that. I asked the Lord if possible we would still have mom but His will be done.
    But we have this hope that we will see them on that glorious day.

  32. Thanks alot William.
    This your message has really encouraged me a lot having lost four members of my Church in 2016 alone. Last Sabbath when we heard the death of one of our Elders (46 years old) who died in a fatal Autocrash that happened on Friday July 1, 2016 you can see everyone present in the church visibly sorrowful. We actually offered some prayers even asking God to stop this death in our midst................... Even Though we have no control over death, but when we lost someone we love so much we are tempted to do the "impossible" by asking God to resurrect the dead person. May God console all who have been bereaved and rekindle the hope of resurrection in our lives

  33. Thank you William for sharing your sad experience of the loss of your Godly mother, it was so beautifully written and really touched my heart, because I to have lost my mother to Alzheimer's she still at times can tell who I am but can't really communicate and she deals with so much pain with her back and can not communicate and is confined to a wheel chair but is taken care of in a good facility that deals with Alzheimer patients and my sister is there to take see her every day but the hard part for me is living so far away and can only see her so often bit that's life in this old world and I have been really touched to hear all the stories on here, of so many suffering and dealing in some way with their loved ones as well and my heart goes out to them, but I know we have a redeemer who if here would do what he did when he walked among men and restore them and so I know how He must long to come and put an end to all suffering and reunite all and yes it can't be long and I believe he is laying many to rest who will not be able to go through the time of trouble, even come so Lord Jesus.

  34. Now I believe the bible.that we should preach in all situations be it good or bad,acceptable or unacceptable. I thank WIlliam for picking courage to share his story which has touched me and my friends who are going through trying times. I have also lost my grandma who I took as my mom since I grew at her home. I didn't have chance to say my last but love you grandma words, I traveled to see her in hospital and on my way, mum called me that my grandma is dead. It has upto today been difficult to imagine my dearest is gone. But on the funeral I called Jesus to fill me with hope of seeing my grandma once again this time not to sleep again but to live with Jesus for ever. Be strong WILLIAM


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