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“Not I But Christ” OR “Me Plus Christ” — 16 Comments

  1. Each day we are granted an extra time, we should give glory were tis due.

    We should come second and Christ first.

    Zolile Phetshane.South Africa.

  2. The comparisons are laid out nicely.
    I love this part especially:
    "The Sabbath is a sign of rest, both at creation and redemption to remind us that we are not saved by the works of the flesh, and therefore the works of the flesh, sometimes known as legalism, must be put to rest. Only God Himself could first create me in His own image, only God Himself can re-create me in His own image." The Sabbath is such a gift! Thanks William!

  3. Thank you William for your thoughtful work here. It comes across simply which is great for the reader, but can see a lot of effort has gone into this..

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone. I am glad to know this is a blessing. Jason, I first drafted this over 9 years ago, while I was still living in Texas, before coming here to Florida, and you are right, I have touched it up a few times since then. Some things I write come together in a matter of minutes, while other themes develop over the years. Either way I enjoy the journey and am glad to be journeying with my SSNET family.

  5. Thank you for making it so plain. It's sad to me that I found myself on the wrong side, not all but most and I never really thought of it until I read this. I think it stem from trying to be so strong and self-sufficient. I found my self relaxing as I read "The Gospel" veiw, and yet I study and pray every day. Please pray with me as I learn to let go and let God control every avenue of my life.

    • We will pray for you Verona. I have been on the wrong side too and God is rich in mercy and forgiveness for us all. When I was struggling, I liked to re-read many times, posts like this, so the thoughts really were cemented into my brain, and transformed my thinking.

  6. This is such a wonderful reference chart. Thank you for taking something so complex and making it simple. It has inspired me to reread a book by Bill Liversidge called, 'Victory in Jesus'. This is another gifted teacher who is able to make the "difficult plain-the complicated easy to understand." I am so grateful that our dear friend, the Holy Spirit, led me to read this. This is the best website I've visited for our church. Thank you everyone for such a blessing. I just asked the Lord to help me find my hope again in the messiness of my life. I found it here and I am deeply moved that not only did I receive an answer so quickly, but that I found it here. God is so awesome.

  7. Hi Krystina Felter,

    I am encouraged by your message. Keep coming back to SSNET. There is something new each week!

  8. Good thoughts William.

    I have concluded that if we had no more than Genesis to Leviticus as our reference, the question of how are we saved is clearly answered in God's dealings with man from Eden to Sinai, with the revealings of the Sanctuary enlarging further upon God's method for reclaiming sinners.

    It has been my growing conviction that legalism is the result of having a knowledge of truth, however limited, while holding to known sin, however small. In short; stifling conviction while claiming to believe leads to legalism. To invert a truth: "Cursed are the impure in heart, for they cannot see God."

    Sin blinds and perverts judgment, and the resulting convictions create the need to cover up one's self with the fig leaves of "works".

    God has made the way clear if we will simply take the yoke of Christ and learn of Him, who was fully surrendered to His Father. This is having "the faith of Jesus". It is summed up in His prayer; "not my will, but thine be done", while staggering under the overwhelming temptation and desire to save Himself from what lay before Him as revealed in God's word concerning Himself.

    Our obedience is the result of God being allowed to create in us a clean heart and being renewed with a right spirit, which only the Creator can accomplish as we rest from our own works.

  9. Christ only Christ in every look and action. If my memory serves me right, "Not I But Christ" was page 271 in the 70's hymnal. Great article William, I atained a blessing by reading all.

  10. Thank you so very much for this, it came at a time when I needed to remind myself of why I love God and that his ways are not my ways. God bless you as you further his ministries according to His will.


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