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Spiritual Perfectionism — 10 Comments

  1. Jesus’ command to “be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in heaven…” is a promise. It won’t lead to coldness or self approval, but rather to meekness and self-distrust, with complete dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit. It will been seen in self-sacrificing deeds for the good of others, but not by those doing those deeds, who will always feel there is more that could be done. Perfect trust leads to perfect obedience, but with the focus being on the trust, not the obedience, which will follow naturally.

    This is how Jesus was perfect, who lived by every word that came from God and prayed for and received the Spirit without measure, because it was His great need as a man. He invites us to take His yoke and learn of Him.

    • Sometimes I get caught up in "Perfect." So, I looked up the word and for myself a better word is complete. I really like perfect trust leads to perfect obedience,but the focus being on the trust, not the obedience,

  2. All, I always thank God for coming clear via our Sabbath School lesson in telling us the true MOTIVE or REASON of obeying God’s will. That is in every time the Sabbath school lesson brings us the topic in regards to sanctification – it’s always reminds us that the process are not legally destined to earn or merit us salvation. It is my plea to every Adventist presenters to do the same in every Adventist pulpits whenever you touch any aspect of this sanctification topic. To conclude, that can only happen if we are clear with our salvation message “We are legally saved through the FAITH of Jesus Christ and not our faith. We are legally saved through the WORKS of Jesus Christ, and not our works. We are legally saved through the PERFECT of Jesus Christ, and not our perfect. We are legally saved through the RIGHTEOUS of Jesus Christ and not our righteous”. We need to be very honest in the way we present the truth. That will inspire our listeners to live a selfless life with Jesus. GB!

  3. Ulaiasi, Thanks so much for your post! My favorite part is where sanctification is "not legally destined to earn or merit us salvation." Amen! I believe, though, that legal justification is connected to sanctification. "If you give yourself to Him, and accept Him as your Saviour, then, sinful as your life may have been, for His sake you are accounted righteous. Christ's character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned.More than this, Christ changes the heart. He abides in your heart by faith. You are to maintain this connection with Christ by faith and the continual surrender of your will to Him; and so long as you do this." STC 62.

    To dismantle one from the other would be to create an environment ripe for "saved in sin." But we must continually remind ourselves that none of it contributes to our justification or possesses merit.

  4. I'm often blessed to see your success at bringing forth the subtle into clear perspective. I would never have know how to describe this phenomenon although I understand it well. You have a gift with words and may that gift increase in His service. God bless

    • I want to take a moment to thank God this morning for His robe of righteousness. Matthew 22:11,12 Now, why didn't he have a wedding garment? I do believe it was because he didn't accept the gift of salvation as talked about in Ephesians 2:8,9.
      Good day

  5. Jen!! What a fantastic picture of the stuggle humanity has with perfectionism. I think of perfect in Matthew 5:48 (KJV)
    48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect, to mean, "mature". Your post and Ulaiasi's say it all-we won't know when we stop sinning, and someday we will grow up into mature Christians who aren't competing. Thanks so much!I always look forward to your post.


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