Further Study: Creation Completed
As stated previously, the days of the Creation week are numbered and identified as being composed of a dark period, the evening, and a light period, the morning. There is no reasonable way in which to interpret these days other than as being like the days we experience today. Some have appealed to such texts as Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8 when arguing that each Creation day actually represents 1,000 years. This conclusion is not suggested by the text and does nothing to resolve the issue created by those who think that these days represent billions of years.
Also, if the days in Genesis represented long epochs, one would expect to find a succession in the fossil record that matches the succession of the living organisms created in the successive six Creation “days.” Thus, the first fossils should be plants, which were created on the third “day.” Next should be the first water animals and the air animals. Finally, we should find the first land animals. The fossil record does not match this sequence. Water creatures come before plants, and land creatures come before air creatures. The first fossil fruit trees and other flowering plants appear after all these other groups. The only point of similarity is that humans appear last in both accounts.
“Of each successive day of creation, the Sacred Record declares that it consisted of the evening and the morning, like all other days that have followed.”—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 112.
“But the infidel supposition, that the events of the first week required seven vast, indefinite periods for their accomplishment, strikes directly at the foundation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. It makes indefinite and obscure that which God has made very plain. It is the worst kind of infidelity; for with many who profess to believe the record of creation, it is infidelity in disguise.”—Ellen G. White, Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, p. 91.
Discussion Questions
- Even from a nonliteralist interpretation of Genesis, two points are obvious: nothing was random in the act of Creation, and there was no common ancestry for the species. Now, along comes Darwinian evolution, which in its various versions teaches two things: randomness and common ancestry for all species. How, then, does one interpret Genesis through a theory that, at its most basic level, contradicts Genesis at its most basic level?
- Why is it important to understand that science, for all the good that it does, is still merely a human endeavor?
- All science has to study is a fallen world, one that is very different in many ways from the original Creation. Why is it important to keep that truth ever before us?

On the issue of creation of light and the sun,it may be possible that God created scattered light(photons). This was then later collectively put together as the moon,sun and stars. Thanks
The statement "that science is merely a human endeavor" is not correct. Mrs. White states that "all TRUE science agrees with scripture." Thus the best that man can do is analyze, surmise, interpret rightly or wrongly, assume, or presume on what the Divine Inventor of True Science has already done. Jesus allows all of this when He tells man to "come LET'S reason TOGETHER." But, as usual man's one-sided experience with his Creator, nullifies the best part of that verse..."let's" and "together" as he runs off in the street by himself trying to "reason," and gets hit by a Mac truck!
Melva, thank you for this very important reminder! 🙂
Science is of God, but it needs to be done with God.
Excellently said!
I am glad I spent some time within the blogosphere, has some real insight that can be added to the lesson study. Was a bit concerned with the direction of this quarters lesson but have allowed the Spirit Of God to show me some practical applications.
Such interesting thoughts! Yes, I believe as does Melva in science coming from God. I look forward to studying his creation throughout eternity! I want Him to teach me and not bumble around on my own trying to figure things out!