Monday: How Near is “Near”?
James 5:8 affirms that Christ’s coming is at hand or near. But, after nearly two thousand years, how are we to understand this promise?
Jesus described the coming kingdom (Matt. 4:17, Matt. 10:7, Matt. 24:33) by means of parables to teach the unfamiliar heavenly things in terms that are understandable. A close study of these parables reveals that the kingdom has two aspects: a present, spiritual reality and a glorious reality still to come. All the apostles fixed their hope in the imminent coming of Jesus (Rom. 13:11, Heb. 10:25, James 5:9), but they never identify exactly when that would be. Like us, they wanted to know when, but Jesus explained that this information was not best for them to know (Acts 1:6-7). After all, how zealous would they be in sharing the gospel with the world had they known that the work would not be finished for almost 2,000 years-and counting?
What does James mean when he says establish your hearts
(James 5:8, NKJV) and why do you think the awaited fruit is called precious
(timios; vs. 7)? (See 1 Thess. 3:13, 2 Thess. 3:3, 1 Pet. 1:19, 1 Cor. 3:12.)
The word establish (sterizo) means to fix firmly
or strengthen.
Our heart is to be so wedded to the Lord that it cannot be moved despite the pressures brought against it. Becoming settled in the truth (2 Pet. 1:12), withstanding temptation, and enduring trials and suffering for our faith (Acts 14:22) all contribute to this work. Spiritual growth is a process that is not always easy but that bears precious fruit.
Believers, redeemed by the precious [timios] blood of Christ
(1 Pet. 1:19, NKJV), are of infinite value to the heavenlyFarmer.
The word timios is also used to describe the precious stones
that symbolize believers who arebuilt
on Christ, the foundation
stone of God’s spiritual temple, the church (1 Cor. 3:11-12). Paul likens unstable believers, on the other hand, to wood, hay and straw that will not last and will ultimately be consumed by fire when Christ comes (1 Cor. 3:12-15). It is important, therefore, to ask ourselves on a regular basis whether our energies are really directed toward what we value most, toward what and who is most precious to us!
Each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is
(1 Cor. 3:13, NKJV). Look at your life. What sort of work is it?

James 5:8 "Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."
This is a call for resolute, firm courage and commitment. James exhorts those about to collapse under the weight of persecution to shore up their hearts with the hope of the second coming. It appears that James, realizes that the great work of salvation takes place in the heart. It is the heart that must be stayed upon God and with that being said; 2 Thessalonians 3:5 "And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ."
That is my understanding of "establish" your heart as well. We need not put all our focus on the actual date of Christ's return, just be certain that our lamps are lit and trimmed-are hearts are fully focused on God and his word.
We as humans yet don’t understand the concept, that our time could end at any second, minute or hour of any unspecified day. We take things for granted thinking that God would give us yet another reminder / heads up on (month advance notice) when his second coming would happen. What we need to keenly understand is that the second coming & judgment happens the day we die on earth. (what I mean is) As from then onwards we are in a deep sleep (Matthew 27:52) & just as we usually wake every morning - so would we wake at the at the coming of the Lord. (not knowing how much time in years or centuries have passed by)
“So unless we ready our self as of this moment there might not be another time to do so”. Sounds scary.. no don’t be… Jesus has given us time to change, so let’s all change for the better & not the worse – starting now.
Amen! amen!!!
'Our hearts to be wedded to the Lord'. This is a very strong statement that calls on all believers to stand firm in the word of God.
I like the balanced view of this lesson - the personal and the global.
The first and critical coming of Jesus is His coming into our heart to save us from evil and to rule over our heart.
The second coming of Jesus is to save the world from evil and to rule over the world made new.
We have the choice of the timing of Jesus coming into our heart, we don't know the time of the 2nd coming although it is soon. If we concentrate on the LORD's kingdom in our hearts and sharing the wonderful fact with others, time will fly and soon and very soon we will see Jesus coming in glory. It is soon for all, although some like my Mother have been sleeping in the grave for a while, to her it will be like a moment since she closed her eyes.
My ultimate goal is to live forever in a perfect world.
My immediate goal is to develop my relationship with the love of my life, Jesus.
As I have said before:
I don't follow Jesus from fear of punishment or from hope of reward.
I follow Jesus because of who He is, because of His character, because He loves me, because of His worldview, because of His wisdom, because of His Divine Power, because of all these I am drawn to Him and want to be with Him and to be like Him.
I want that to be my goal too Amen!
Amen and amen Shirley, and as noted before we must also learn to "turn the other cheek."
Very powerful message! How i wish the heavenly Father in his infinite mercies would open the eyes of people (Christians and Unbelievers to just realised that His Kingdom is nigh and right at our door steps. Jesus! help us to always follow your examples so that, you will not tell us you know us not on the judgement day.
It is very powerful may the lord remember us and keep our names in the book of life
"If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved —even though only as one escaping through the flames."
This verse gives me a different perspective of everything. Dont give up on yourself or anyone just yet, the salvation is costly '..the builder will suffer loss...' but he will be saved by escaping. Once you realize all you build on earth is meaningless after you're gone, and never let it get to your head, you're sure on the right path. Even those on their death bed, when they realize all they have been doing and holding on is nothing, the can escape hell by confessing and giving their life to Jesus.